Author’s Note

First of all, thank you to Delancey Stewart for coming up with the idea for this series and allowing me onboard. Thank you to Holly Kerr and Kirsty McManus for steering the ship, especially when it looked like we were about to hit an iceberg. And thank you to all other authors who embarked on this journey with us: Tracy Krimmer, Holly Tierney-Bedord, Monique McDonell, and Sophie-Leigh Robbins. Learn about the rest of the Oceanic Dream series here:

I had an enormous amount of fun writing this book. I love cruising, and I got married on a cruise ship. I also did pole fitness for many years before I had to stop due to an injury, and I even helped fill in for the instructor when she wasn’t available. This book is dedicated to Heather because she taught me not only how empowering pole could be, but to embrace my inner awesomeness. I will forever be grateful.

Thank you to my fearless critique partners, K.D. Proctor, Marty Mayberry and Kara Reynolds, for your endless patience and insight. I’d be adrift without you.