I dedicate this work to all the descendants of the Bounty, including my own children, and my kind father, and to all my Bounty cousins I humbly offer these words, in the hope that they may help to understand our ancestors’ deeds and lives.

And to the people of Tahiti, I also offer this work, in tribute to all our tupua vahine, our glorious foremothers.

And let me not forget my own mother, who first put a pen in my hand, or my numerous dear friends all over the world who have assisted me in many ways, or Creative NZ for financial assistance.

This work began as a meditation on my ancestors. I didn’t realise when it started how much they would have to say, or to teach me. Accompanying them on their journey, I found them guiding me on mine. It was a journey in time and space, leading out of the rich, dark complexity of pre-European Tahiti, into the pure light of the Absolute Truth. By the mercy of the Lord, we can all be forgiven and redeemed.