The Formation of the Old Testament Canon
(c) Canonical and deuterocanonical books
The Formation of the New Testament Canon
(a) The Old Testament as Christian Scripture
(b) Stages in the development of a canon
(a) The transmission of the biblical text
(d) Division into chapters and verses
Patristic and Medieval Interpretation (ca. 200–1500)
Principles of Patristic and Medieval Interpretation
(c) Sacred and secular knowledge
Patristic and Medieval Exegesis
(a) The regula fidei (rule of faith)
(b) The spiritual sense of Scripture
(c) The four senses of Scripture
Reformation and Counter-Reformation (ca. 1500–1650)
(a) The Bible interprets itself
(b) The Bible authenticates itself
(c) The Bible has a single meaning
The Bible in the Modern Era (ca. 1650–today)
The Development of Historical Criticism
The Reception of Historical Criticism
Postmodern Biblical Interpretation
(e) A hermeneutics of suspicion