Table 1.1 Correlations between personality variables and leadership (data from Mann, 1959)

Personality dimension No. of tests Direction of
Median absolute
correlationb (r)
explainedc (r2)
Strength of
Intelligence 196 positive .25 5% weak
Adjustment 164 positive .15 2.3% weak
Extroversion 119 positive .15 2.3% weak
Sensitivity 101 positive (<.10) (<1%) weak
Masculinity 70 positive (<.10) (<1%) weak
Conservatisme 62 negative ? ? ?
Dominance 39 positive .20 4% weak


a A positive association indicates that a higher score on the dimension in question is associated

with greater leadership. b Absolute correlations can vary between a minimum of 0.00 and a maximum of 1.00. c Mann does not provide median correlations for sensitivity or masculinity but describes these

associations as “low” and “weak” respectively. d According to Cohen’s (1977) criteria, correlations above .50 are strong, those between .50 and

.30 are moderate, and those below .30 are weak. e Mann does not present data for conservatism, but notes that only one measure, the F -scale,

reveals any consistent relationship with leadership.