Portions of this book have been repurposed from various articles and op-eds that I have written over the years. Parts were originally published as articles in Armed Forces Journal International (AFJI) between 2006 and 2010. Much of chapter 7 was taken from two AFJI articles: “American Infantry and National Priorities” published in June 2007, and “Small Unit Dominance,” published in March 2010. The first third of chapter 10 is taken from “Clausewitz and World War IV,” published in July 2006. The portion subtitled “Meeting the Mother Ship” in chapter 15 is taken from “A Vehicle for Modern Times,” published in 2009.
All of chapter 20, “The Draft,” is taken from Ripon Forum (May 2008). All of chapter 13, “Ripley’s Ghost,” is taken from Atlantic Magazine’s article “Gun Trouble,” January 2014. The first two-thirds of chapter 9, “Feeding the Narrative,” is taken from a monograph I first published through the Center for New American Security in 2010. Joint Force Quarterly first published chapter 4, “Adaptive Enemies,” while I was still on active duty in 1999. Various portions from chapter 16, “Firepower,” were taken from my 1989 book Firepower in Limited War, published by the Presidio Press.
I adapted several chapter segments from op-eds I wrote over the years. Most of chapter 21, “Earning the Right,” was taken from two Washington Post op-eds written in 2013. I selectively lifted much of chapter 8, “War in Two Epochs,” from a Washington Post op-ed “The Only Way to Defeat the Islamic State” published September 6, 2014.