Merci to everyone at Aladdin: Bethany Buck, Fiona Simpson, Alyson Heller, Mara Anastas, Jessica Handelman, Nicole Russo, Courtney Sanks, Stephanie Voros, Dawn Ryan, Carolyn Swerdloff, Russell Gordon, Karin Paprocki, Craig Adams, Katherine Devendorf, Alex Penfold, Venessa Williams, and everyone who touched this book.
Special hugs of gratitude to Fiona and Bethany for going above and beyond, and helping me on a personal level.
As always, thank you to Monica Stevenson for this beautiful cover photo. Hugs to the models who made the cover look très chic!
I heart all of you on Team Canterwood! A girl couldn’t ask for better readers. I’m thankful for you every time I sit down to write.
Thank you to the S&S sales team, who has been getting Canterwood into the hands of readers. Huge thanks to the bookstores that have embraced the series.
Thank you, Kate Angelella, for your très parfait edits. The extra help with Lauren’s French and the words of encouragement kept me in front of the computer. Otherwise, I probably would have been off chasing unicorns. . . . And, hey, I didn’t throw a lip gloss at you this time! De rien. Je t’aime!
Brianna Ahearn, the write-a-thons with you were awesome! I want to do them for all of our future projects.
Lauren Barnholdt, the text you sent while I was writing is STILL making me giggle. That is why you should switch to a BlackBerry!
Ross Angelella, okay, okay. I’m a J-Ran. I said it! There. It’s in print.
Thanks to all of my friends who helped me finish this book. xx