
They say that writing a book is a lonely business and in many ways that’s true. But there are many people who have helped and supported me as I’ve struggled to write and, critically, finish this book.

First and foremost my thanks to Don Hartridge who has read and edited these Tips so many times that I’m surprised we’re still speaking. I’m grateful for his careful eye and his ability to rein in my liberal use of adjectives.

As always, I’m hugely grateful to my wonderful family for their love and support. In particular my aunt, Claire Lorrimer, for her help and advice; and my sister Roz Ivanič , who spent many, many hours helping me with various aspects of this book.

Friends have offered invaluable practical and moral support along the way. My special thanks to Judi Goodwin, the late Lynne Walker (who I miss terribly) and to Sue Brown, Pam Drysdale and Joanna Saatchi. Without your support I may well have faltered. Thanks, too, to Annie Lionnet who, on that fateful March day in 2010, gave me the kick up the backside I needed to get started on this book.

Finally, to all those who have shared their experiences and offered help and advice on publishing: Michael Mann, Sarah Sutton, Kul Cuthbert, Jackee Holder, Sharon Eden, Karen Williams, TeeJay Dowe, Mindy Gibbons-Klein, Zoe Meyer and Jen Carter.

The Publishers are grateful to Marianne Williamson for her permission to quote Our Deepest Fear (Tip 13). Also to Alastair Humphreys for his permission to quote Pause (Tip 37). In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.