Tip 2: Can you Tell me What you Want?
The world makes way for the man who knows
where he is going.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The start of the year is traditionally a time when we turn our thoughts to making changes in our lives. And at the heart of this process lies the most fundamental of questions: What do I want — what do I really want?
It’s surprising how many people find this question so hard to answer. It’s often clouded by what they think they ought to want — or what other people tell them they should want. Or perhaps the vision of what they would really love to do has become obscured by doubt, fear and insecurity. As a result they’ve lost track of what would make them feel happy, fulfilled and productive.
The truth is that it’s often much easier to identify what we don’t want. For example, let’s say you’re finding it difficult to clarify what kind of job you’d enjoy and would find fulfilling. I’d bet that if I asked you to tell me all the things you didn’t want you’d be able to give me an exhaustive list.
So here’s an exercise to try. Using the same example, write a detailed description of your Job from Hell. Outline all the aspects of a job that you know you wouldn’t want, or that would make you thoroughly miserable. Then simply flip the items on your list over to get an indication of what would make you happy.
Once you’ve identified what you want you can start to make your plans for the year.
All of us were meant to be happy and successful.
Life is more than a two-week vacation once a year.
It is, and can be, exactly what you want it to be.
There are no limits except those you put on yourself.
Thomas D Willhite
When you determine what you want,
you have made the most important decision in your life.
You have to know what you want in order to attain it.
Douglas Lurtan