Tip 16: Springtime Energy Boost
The world’s favorite season is the Spring.
All things seem possible in May.
Edwin Way Teale
Back in January I bought a one-litre pot of red paint as I wanted to paint one of the walls in my office. Because I didn’t get round to the task right away I dumped the pot in the box room and ever since then not only have I tripped over it countless times, but its very presence has acted as a reproach and reminder that the job was still waiting to be done. Every time I looked at it my heart would sink and I’d experience an immediate dip in energy.
Last week I marched purposefully into the box room, opened the pot and painted the wall. It looks great, but more importantly, finally dealing with the thing that’s been bugging me for so long resulted in a surge of positive energy.
With the disappearance of winter and the longer days, the coming of spring is a perfect time to give yourself a natural energy boost by dealing with all those things that have been irritating you.
Often it’s the tiny things that annoy the most and that are easiest to sort out, such as the dripping tap in the kitchen, that stain on the carpet, a cluttered closet, or the pile of stuff that’s waiting to be taken to the tip. At the other end of the spectrum there may be things which will require more time and effort. Perhaps it’s your job or a relationship that’s getting you down; or you don’t like where you live and need to consider moving.
The key is that everything you’re tolerating — large and small — will be draining your energy, making you feel irritable and wearing you down. Not only that, but it can reduce your natural ability to attract success. Eliminating these things is one of the key factors underpinning a successful and fulfilling life.
So, make a list of absolutely everything that’s annoying you; frustrating you; all the things that you’re putting up with. Then start working through it, crossing off each item as you complete it. Start with the easy stuff — this will clear the way and give you the energy you need to face the larger items. Aim to pick at least three and tackle them in the next week. Or you could set aside one whole day, or a weekend, and really blitz the list.
Keep working your way through the list until all the items have been eliminated. Not only will it free up lots of energy but you’ll create the space for positive things to come into your life.
When old words die out on the tongue,
new melodies break forth from the heart;
and where the old tracks are lost,
new country is revealed with its wonders.
Rabindranath Tagore
Eliminate something superfluous from your life.
Break a habit.
Do something that makes you feel insecure.
Piero Ferrucci