There is a connection between self-nurturing
and self-respect.
Julia Cameron
Extreme Self Care is something I recommend to clients whenever they’re feeling a bit low or down in the dumps. Extreme Self Care means putting yourself first, wrapping yourself up in cotton wool, lots of pampering and generally taking really good care of yourself.
Extreme Self Respect is another nurturing habit to practice. The best thing is that you can apply it to so many different situations, such as:
a reminder to give yourself a treat of some kind
to book that holiday you’ve been putting off
to look after your health
to choose not to gossip about others
to NOT demolish that huge piece of chocolate cake
to raise your standards at work
to stand up for what you believe in
to say no to something that doesn’t serve you
to stick to your values
to maintain strong personal boundaries at home or at work
to make time for what’s important to you
We all deserve respect and the best place to start is by respecting ourselves.
Respect your efforts, respect yourself.
Self-respect leads to self-discipline.
When you have both firmly under your belt,
that's real power.
Clint Eastwood
They cannot take away our self-respect
if we do not give it to them.
Mahatma Gandhi
If we lose love and self-respect for each other,
this is how we finally die.
Maya Angelou