Cosmic Sway
Throw open the windows and welcome spring! The Sun entering Aries at the vernal equinox signals that it’s time to break soil and prepare it to receive new seeds. The nature of the tool we will use to do it is described by the condition of Mars, the planet that rules Aries; at this vernal equinox, Mars is in Taurus. The tempo of this Ostara season starts at a slow, steady pace, but not necessarily because that is our choice. Indeed, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus all in Aries compel us to think quickly and act just as fast.
But Mars in Taurus knows better. Mercury (April 9–May 3) and Venus (through April 15) will be retrograde for much of this Ostara season, favoring a return to past ideas and projects. And the chart for the vernal equinox includes the Moon in a close conjunction with Saturn; for the first few weeks of the period, there is the feeling of being pinned under something heavy, unable to break out and move forward. Don’t despair. Saturn adds a heavy load when he is trying to strengthen us for new challenges.
But by April 21, as Mars moves into Gemini and Venus has finally turned direct, the soil that was broken at Ostara begins to loosen up. By the time we reach the Taurus New Moon, we’ll be well on our way to more fecund and productive times.
Changes in Direction
You probably have heard about Mercury retrograde, but did you know that all planets (other than the Sun and Moon, which astrologers call “planets” for the sake of convenience) have periods of retrograde motion?
Venus and Mars turn retrograde every couple of years, Jupiter for about four months each year, and Saturn about five. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde for about half of each year. The retrogrades of the slower-moving planets are generally most noticeable right around the time they are changing direction, either to move retrograde or direct.
This Ostara season is notable in the number of planets that are changing direction. Saturn (April 5), Mercury (April 9), and Pluto (April 20) will all turn retrograde, while Venus (April 15) will turn direct after her latest retrograde period. (Mercury will turn direct just after Beltane.) Between April 5 and May 3, many matters are in a state of flux, and it may not be the best time for making final decisions or permanent changes in your life.
New Moon in Aries—March 27, 2017
The New Moon in Aries is when the spirit of Ostara is probably at its strongest. With our energy renewed, it feels like time to put boots on the ground and get to work. At this New Moon, the enthusiasm is represented by a dynamic configuration of Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto, a combination that favors decisive action of all kinds.
However, the Sun, Moon, and Venus (still retrograde) are in a wide square to Saturn at the New Moon. The square aspect indicates the urge to act. Saturn indicates caution and roadblocks.
This New Moon ushers in an especially intense week of mounting tension and frustration between Saturn preparing to turn retrograde (April 5), the Sun making one of two annual square aspects to Pluto (April 8), and Mercury turning retrograde (April 9). Delaying all action between this New Moon and the next Full Moon is unrealistic, but at the very least, build in contingency plans in case you encounter unexpected obstacles. After the 15th, you might even find that what you had hoped to accomplish no longer seems worthwhile.
Full Moon in Libra—April 10, 2017
This is a Full Moon that brings recent tensions to the surface, possibly in a fairly explosive way. The Sun is in a conjunction with unpredictable Uranus, in opposition with the Moon and Jupiter in Libra, and all four square Pluto. Sudden, unpredictable actions bring an exaggerated reaction, triggering power struggles.
Venus, the planetary ruler of Libra, will turn direct five days after the Full Moon. For a month and a half, Venus retrograde has prompted introspection about what we really want. If you are involved in a relationship of any kind in which one person is feeling stifled, controlled, or simply needs a change, those feelings must be confronted now and the relationship renegotiated.
Mars in Gemini—April 21, 2017
Mars is one of the easiest planets to recognize in the actions and moods of the people around you. That’s because it describes how we actually behave, and that doesn’t always reflect our desires (Venus), emotions (the Moon), or thoughts (Mercury). As Mars changes signs on April 21, notice the changes in the people around you and the tempo of how work gets done. The change from Taurus to Gemini can be pretty striking—whereas Taurus is deliberate and measured, Gemini is spontaneous; Taurus likes to pursue a single plan at any given time, while Gemini is happiest when multitasking. Taurus doesn’t say much, and Gemini loves conversation!
While Mars is in Gemini, you’ll accomplish more with words than by example. Tell people what you plan to do and ask them for their help. Work (Mars) on your communication (Gemini). Conflicts will usually center around poorly chosen words, vague communication, or differences of opinion.
New Moon in Taurus—April 26, 2017
Though it falls a few days before Beltane this year, the New Moon in Taurus, symbolized by the bull, marks the true beginning of that season. In Irish tradition, this feast marked the beginning of summer when cattle were sent out to pasture. Rituals were performed to encourage growth and protect cattle and crops. Protective bonfires were built, and people and their cattle walked around the fires, sometimes leaping over them.
In astrology, Taurus is associated with contentment, fertility, protection of resources, and delight in the physical world. The New Moon in Taurus asks us to affirm all that brings pleasure and prosperity, to delight in what we have, and to take good care of what has been entrusted to us.
This is a fairly gentle New Moon chart, but there is a significant (and challenging) aspect between Venus, the ruler of Taurus, and Saturn. This aspect implies that we can generally have what we need and want during this New Moon month, but we will have to work for it. In doing so, however, we are likely to more greatly appreciate what we get.
So be willing to work, although there’s no reason not to ask the universe for a little help. A friend swears by this very simple prosperity ritual, originated by astrologer Lynne Palmer.
Taurus New Moon Exercise: Draw upon Universal Abundance
This is a particularly appropriate ritual for the Taurus New Moon since Taurus is one of the two financial signs (Scorpio is the other). But you can actually try this one at any New Moon, and it couldn’t be more simple.
Using a check from your check register (or, if you don’t use checks, simply draw one on a piece of paper), write a check payable to yourself in an amount you wish to receive before the next New Moon. Sign the check, “The Law of Abundance.”
The amount you choose might be for something practical or something you simply desire. The key is to choose an amount that you believe you could reasonably expect to receive in the next month. Then take Saturn’s advice and work as hard as you can to help it come to you!