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Aaron, Henry, 188
abortion, 474
addiction, 423–24, 427
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), 77–78
adrenalin, 36, 38, 407
amplification function of, 59, 60–61, 69, 81, 88, 114–15, 116, 246, 311, 320–21
as analogue, 66–67, 81, 88
as attenuators, 121–40
correlative action of, 104–5, 241
defined, 49
drives associated with, 118–19, 122, 125–26, 133, 421–25, 428
excessive density of, 309–413
innate, 56–62, 65–71; see also specific innate affects
of interpersonal distance, 120
magnification of, 201, 212, 246, 311, 383, 385, 399–413, 414–29
modulation of, 110–14, 201, 212, 288–90, 408–9, 412
mutualization of, 84–85
negative, 92–106, 137
neutral, 88–91, 137
positive, 73–82, 84–85, 134, 137–38
resonance of, 107–15, 408, 409; see also empathy
Affect/Imagery/Consciousness (Tomkins), 28, 49, 231, 256
affect system, 47–72
attachment theory vs., 231–34
components of, 54–62
other body systems vs., 265, 267–68, 276, 282–84, 415
terminology of, 49–53
affect theory, development of, 28, 58–60, 64–65
African–Americans, 133, 165, 331, 462–68, 471
Age of Anxiety (Bernstein), 426
aggression, libido vs., 44, 119, 120
Ainsworth, Mary Salter, 232
alcohol, 114, 355–57
Alda, Alan, 186, 187
alexithymia, 96
Ali, Mohammed (Cassius Clay), 185, 187, 213
Allen, Woody, 294, 383
Alongi, Piero, 443–44
American Negro College Fund, 467
American Psychiatric Association, 15, 22
American Psychoanalytic Association, 15
amphetamines, 105, 357
Amsterdam, B., 85, 176
amygdala, 38—39, 121–22
anger-rage, 59, 101–6
brain function and, 38–39
depression and, 475
inappropriate, 105–6
infant displays of, 102–4
shame connected to, 105, 150, 158, 361, 364, 365, 371–72
steady–state stimulus for, 102–3
varieties of, 24, 39, 101–2, 105, 119, 129
violence and, 400, 401
Anthony, E. James, 319, 350
anxiety, 43–44, 93–94, 96, 195, 277
apathy, 172
aplomb, defined, 210
Aristotle, 259, 444
artistry, 382–83, 393
Art of loving, The (Fromm), 217–20, 252
Astaire, Fred, 165–66, 172
Atlas, Charles, 343
Attachment (Bowlby), 230, 231
attachment theory, 225–35
attack other, 312, 313–14, 360–77, 395
African-Americans and, 464–66, 468
conditions required for, 362–66
jokes linked with, 386
power interactions and, 370–73
reaction range of, 366–70, 400, 401, 461, 464–66, 471–72
sexuality and, 314, 367, 372–76, 426
attack self, 312, 313–14, 326–35
comedy of, 326, 386
deference as, 330–32, 464, 465
eating habits and, 423, 424
psychotherapy and, 325
sexual behavior and, 314, 332–35, 372–73, 375, 426
shame accepted by, 326–29, 340, 426
shyness as, 320–30
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 77–78
Augustine, Saint, 248
autosimulation, 61, 84, 103–4, 206–7, 224, 267
avoidance, 312, 336–59, 364, 369
alcohol used for, 355–57
competition and, 351–53
consummation as, 424–25, 465
defective self masked by, 340–45
disavowal as, 336–39
narcissism as, 313, 345–46, 348–49, 364, 386
sexual behavior of, 314, 357–56, 426
Baba Metzia, 149
Ball, Lucille, 18, 383
Bannister, Roger, 414
Barrymore, John, 167
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 165
Basch, Michael Franz, 65, 209n
drive dismissed by, 119
on crying, 100
on disavowal, 337n, 338
emotion defined by, 50, 246, 314, 377
on empathy, 63, 100–10
feeling defined by, 49
neocortex discussed by, 408, 410
selfobject described by, 193, 194
Beach, Frank A., 68
Beck, Aaron T., 38
Beebe, Beatrice, 222
bees, communication of, 225
behavioral theory, 230–32
Bellows, Barbara L., 467–68
Benny, Jack, 332
Bernard, Claude, 53
Bernstein, Leonard, 426
bipolar illness, see manic-depressive illness
cellular vs. medical, 53
stimulus/response studied in, 244
Birdwatchers (Tooker), 109
blindness, 227
Bluest Eye, The (Morrison), 456, 463
blushing, 55, 68, 142, 144, 316, 444, 445, 462
body size, 163–67, 317
borderline illness, 183–84, 351
boredom, 77, 141
Borofsky, Jonathan, 186–87
Bowlby, John, 230–32, 233–34, 245
brain, sex differences in, 262–63
brain function:
in affect system, 55–56, 60–61
central assembly in, 78
neocortical, 60, 408, 411, 412
pattern matching in, 95
for shame affect, 141
brain tumors, 105
breast development, 296–97
breathing drive, 118
Brenner, Charles, 43n
Bridger, Wagner, 227
Bronson, Charles, 360
Broucek, Francis J., 69, 83, 85, 169, 176
Brown, Christy, 342
Buck, Ross, 39n
Burnett, Carol, 18
Carroll, Lewis, 40
Carson, Johnny, 18
cataract surgery, 227
Chaplin, Charlie, 383
character, 158, 199–200, 202
child development:
affective experience and, 156–57
painful self-awareness in, 85
separation/individuation school of, 221–23
see also developmental changes; infants
affect disorders in, 76–78
mistreatment of, 401–3
toilet training of, 173–78
Christianity, 248, 473–74
Christmas, 253
chromosomes, sex, 261–62, 263, 264
circulatory system, 55, 63, 64, 68–69, 141–43, 271, 272
classical civilization, 434–36, 438
Clay, Cassius (Mohammed Ali), 185, 187, 213
Clayburgh, Jill, 129
Cleaver, Eldridge, 465
Close, Glenn, 361
clowns, 16, 17, 326
cocaine, 105, 357
evolution of, 159, 269–70, 408
shame and, 162, 221, 306, 308, 313, 316–17, 320, 325, 329, 340–42, 365
cognitive therapy, 38
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 226
comedy, 378–96
of Buddy Hackett, 18, 31, 378–80, 383, 387–95
cultural values and, 20–21, 448–49
nature of, 16–19, 332, 381–83
script analysis of, 383–87
Comfort, Alex, 257, 258–59
Communication of Emotion, The (Buck), 39n
competition, 317, 351–53, 356, 361, 402, 428, 436, 472
complementarity, defined, 264
conformity, 218, 330–32, 356
Connelly, Thomas L., 467–68
affective amplification and, 114–15, 320–21
Freudian view of, 93–94, 95, 320, 475
consummatory behavior, 422, 424–25, 427
contamination, 127
contempt, 129, 372
contentment, 79
contrition, 327
Cook, David R., 233
Cosby, Bill, 18
creativity, 75, 76, 187–88, 218
Crile, George W. 40n
Crimes and Misdemeanors, 238
criminal activity, 400–401, 472
Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (Rycroft), 15
crying, 54, 55, 58
distress affect and, 69, 97, 98
for joy, 99–101
resistance to, 99, 124
Culp, Robert, 18
Cunning of History, The (Rubenstein), 462
dancing, 293
Dangerous Liaisons, 361
Darwin, Charles, 39–42
on facial display, 39, 40, 41, 55, 59
human evolution studied by, 121
on shame, 141, 221, 443
on smiling, 79, 88–89
Davis, Bette, 360
De Civilitate Morum Puerilium (On Civility in Children) (Erasmus), 438, 440, 445–46
deference, 330–32, 333
della Casa, Giovanni, 438, 446
Democratic National Convention (1968), 470
Demos, E. Virginia, 60, 65, 246, 311
denial, 337
dependence, 159, 179–84, 317, 329, 435
depersonalization, 109, 420
in comedians, 393
dissmell and, 324
distress vs., 98, 324
medications and, 21–22, 123, 146–48, 184, 322–23
psychotherapy for, 321–22, 475
shame-loaded vs. guilt-loaded, 147
surprise–startle affect muted in, 91
see also manic-depressive illness
deprivation affect, 423
DeRivera, Joseph, 46, 310
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 40
developmental changes:
in body size, 163–67
cognition and, 159, 162
eight realms of, 159–60
independence, 179–84
patterns formed in, 160–62
in sense of self, 85, 161–62, 185–90, 195–96, 203–14
sexuality and, 43, 191–92, 220, 273–79, 288, 290, 292, 294, 296–97, 299–300
in skill, 168–78
social interaction and, 218–35
dexterity, 159, 168–78
diabetes, 166, 175
diCicco, Dennis, 78
Dickens, Charles, 328
disavowal, 337–39, 369
disgust, 59, 125–33
affect display for, 126, 371, 372
disorders associated with, 130–31, 324
emotional range of, 127–30
hate related to, 240, 254
hunger limited by, 125–28, 240, 409
sexuality and, 119, 300
social interaction and, 120, 127–30, 132–33, 182, 329, 371
toilet training and, 173–75, 178
vocalization of, 131, 132, 240
dismissives, 132–33
Disraeli, Benjamin, 448–49
dissmell, 59, 121–25
depression and, 324
as drive auxiliary, 122, 409
facial display for, 123, 371, 372
sexuality and, 300
social interaction and, 120, 122–25, 132–33, 182, 329, 371
toilet training and, 173–75, 178
vocalization of, 131, 132
dissociation, 418–20, 427
distress–anguish, 59
affective resonance of, 113, 113
as constant-density stimulus, 69, 97–99, 102, 324, 327
from hunger, 421–22
infant affect display of, 97, 98, 113
language and, 132
modulation of, 99, 124
moods associated with, 98
divorce, 128–30
dogs, 224–25, 264, 266–67, 270
Donovan, Martin, 125
dreams, 95, 263, 265, 266, 276, 475
drives, 116–20
affects linked with, 118–19, 122, 125–26, 133, 421–25, 425
Freudian view of, 25, 30, 42–45, 70, 119, 120, 173, 205, 210–20, 234, 274, 279, 413
see also specific drives
drugs, street, 357, 405, 410–20, 466, 473
D’Souza, Dinesh, 467
ducklings, imprinting of, 228–29
Due Dialogi della Vergogna (Two Dialogues on Shame) (Pocaterra), 443–46
Durante, Jimmy, 18
dysfunctional families, 113–14
Eastwood, Clint, 360, 371–72, 373
affects quelled by, 422–24
cultural development and, 437–38, 439, 441
disorders, 204, 274–75, 428, 441–42
Edelstein, Eli N., 337n
effectors, defined, 55, 56
ego mechanisms, 100
Ehrhardt, Anke, 261–64, 266, 267, 278
Einstein, Albert, 22
Ekman, Paul, 62, 65
Elias, Norbert, 437–39, 440, 441, 448, 471, 472
embarrassment, 145, 146
Emery, Fred, 453
Emery, Merrelyn, 453
in affect theory, 50–51, 246, 307–11, 314, 377
biochemical effects on, 36, 56, 94–95, 96, 123, 146–48, 277, 405–8
computer model for, 26–29, 37–38
as four-part experience, 307–8
general theories of, 23–26, 39–46, 310, 412–13
nonverbal expression of, 39–41
overwhelming, 100
vocabulary of, 48–53
Emotions, The (Sartre), 141
empathic failure, 247–50
empathic wall, 111–115
empathy, 107–15
developmental stages for, 100–10
infant affect display and, 63, 107–8, 113, 113
modulation of, 110–13
personal boundaries vs., 112
power needs and, 370–71
in sexual relations, 111–12
endorphins, 68, 81
enjoyment–joy, 59
facial expression for, 76
disorders connected to, 81–82
endorphin release and, 68
pride and, 83
stimuli reduced for, 79–82, 137, 381–82
tearful response to, 99–101
epileptic seizure, 91, 105, 123
Erasmus, 438–40
erections, 261, 263, 265, 266, 271, 272, 275–78, 287–88, 29–5
erotomania, 347–48
Erving, Julius, 100
Eskimo culture, 377
euphoriants, 81–82
excretory function, 173–78, 295, 297
Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 40
Facial Affect Coding System, The (Ekman and Friesen), 65
facial expression:
for horror, 129
of infant affect, 39, 61–62, 74, 76, 79–80, 89, 92, 93, 97, 98
linguistic influence on, 131–32
universality of, 40, 41, 55, 107–8, 113
fainting, 417–18, 419
Fallon, April, 127
family life, 113–14, 448
Fatal Attraction, 238
fatigue, 99
fear–terror, 59, 92–96
chronic, 410–11
disorders associated with, 94–96, 148
in guilt reactions, 144, 148
human vs. animal, 66
medication for, 38
physical aspects of, 129, 144, 271, 389
shame linked with, 181, 324, 327, 371, 465
unconscious, 93–94, 95–96
feeling, defined, 40–50
films, development of, 452, 472–73
Finch, Peter, 360
Fine, Sylvia, 449
Fleming, Andrew, 57
fluoxetine (Prozac), 130, 147, 148, 184, 322–23
Fontanelli, Alfonso, 443
Ford, Tennessee Emie, 181
Four Seasons, The, 186
Freud, Sigmund, 310
on consciousness states, 93–94, 95, 320, 475
on defense mechanisms, 338
on drives, 25, 30, 42–45, 70, 119, 120, 173, 205, 219–20, 234, 274, 279, 413
on fear vs. anxiety, 93–94
on infant development, 190–92, 193, 194–95, 197, 219–20, 229, 242, 273–74
influence of, 217, 221, 272, 275, 448
on jokes, 385
on narcissism, 190–92, 195, 219–20, 348
on oedipal phase, 43, 182
on primal scene, 447
psychoanalysis developed by, 24–25, 26, 31, 38, 143, 245
on retention of love, 252
on shame, 288, 321
on slips oí the tongue, 95
Friedman, Richard C., 298n
Friesen, Wallace, 65
Frisch, Karl von, 225, 227
Fromm, Erich, 217–22, 234, 236, 252
Frost, Robert, 138, 249
Galatea (della Casa), 438, 446
garlic, 124–25
gender identity, 204, 260, 261, 264, 268, 275
Genovese, Kitty, 399
Gerstman, Louis, 222n
Gladstone, William, 448–49
Gleason, Jackie, 18, 383
Glick Robert A., 332n
God and General longstreet (Connelly and Bellows), 467
Goldthwaite, Bobcat, 18
Gone with the Wind, 337–38
graffiti, 457–58
“Great Stone Face, The” (Hawthorne), 202
Gregory, J. C., 381n
grief, 98
growth, development vs., 159
Guernica (Picasso), 426
disorders of, 146, 147
shame vs., 19, 21, 22, 44, 144, 148, 218
Gundersheimer, Werner, 443–44
gustatory sense, 125–26
gypsy moth, 270
Hackett, Buddy, 18, 31, 37–80, 383, 387–95
Harlow, Harry, 229–30, 231
Harvey, William, 64
hate, 239–40, 254
haughtiness, 124
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 202
hedonism, 313, 357
Herdt, Gilbert R, 298
Hess, Ekhard H., 228
Hillman, James, 45–46
Hinz, James, 443
History of Manners, The (Elias), 437–38, 446
History of Private Life, A (Aries and Duby, eds.), 433, 446, 451
Hoffa, Jimmy, 327
holidays, sadness of, 252–53
homosexuality, 264, 297–300, 375, 470
Hope, Bob, 18
Horn, Daniel, 57
horror, 129
hubris, 186, 213
humanists, 474–75
Human Sexual Response (Masters and Johnson), 259, 261, 271
humiliation, 145
see also shame–humiliation
hunger, 117–18, 120, 122, 205–6, 283
affect modulation and, 421–25, 428
disgust affect and, 125–28, 240, 409
Hunt, Stan, 365, 464
Hussein, Saddam, 458
hyperactivity, 77
hypnosis, 416
hypothalamus, 55–56, 263, 265
Ibsen, Henrik, 350
Icarus effect, 86n
identification, 345–47
identity, 198–99
imprinting, 228–29
“Incredible Hulk, The, ” 363, 364
independence, 159, 179–84, 317, 329, 435
affect display of, 39, 60–63, 74, 76, 79–80, 89, 92, 93, 97–98, 98, 102–4, 103, 107–8, 113, 113, 122, 123, 267
apathetic, 172
caregivers’ interaction with, 61–62, 112, 113, 173–75, 190–95, 219–20, 222, 232–33, 242–43, 246, 408–9
colic in, 77 2, 112, 113, 173–75, 100–95, 219–20, 222, 232–33, 242–43, 246, 408–9
colic in, 77
narcissism in, 190–92, 194–95, 197, 219–20
sexuality of, 204–5, 27–5, 78
see also developmental changes
insensitivity, 249–50
instincts, 227
interest–excitement, 59, 73–78
mood disorders related to, 75—78
pride and, 83
sexuality and, 66–67, 290–91
stimulus for, 60–61, 73–74, 136–37, 421
withdrawal of, 171–72
interpersonal psychiatry, 194
Interpersonal World of the Infant, The (Stern), 204
cultural attitudes toward, 436, 446–48
predisposition to, 223–35
with public figures, 391–92
Is Sex Necessary? (Thurber and White), 448
Izard, Carroll, 65, 134n
James, William, 42, 230, 310
James-Lange hypothesis, 41–42, 120, 221
Jenike, Michael A., 147
Jewish culture, 257
Jewish Defense League (JDL), 461–62
Johnson, Virginia E., 259, 261, 271
Joy of Cooking, The (Rombauer), 256
Joy of Sex, The (Comfort), 257, 258–59, 261
Joys of Yiddish, The (Rosten), 256–57
Jung, Carl G., 45–46, 310
Kahane, Meyer, 461–62
Kaufman, Gershen, 148, 298, 316, 342
Keller, Helen, 342
Kelly, Emmett, 383
Kennedy, John F., 180, 327
Kennedy, Robert F., 327, 328
Kernberg, Otto F., 110–20, 183
Kiefer, Otto, 434n
King and I, The (Rodgers and Hammerstein), 339
Kinsey, Alfred C., 297
Kipling, Rudyard, 447
kissing, 272
Kluft, Richard P., 420
Kluver-Bucy syndrome, 56
Koch, Robert, 245
Kohut, Heinz, 193, 194–95, 197, 250
Kosinski, Jerzy, 463
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 44, 257–58
Ku Klux Klan, 464
Lachmann, Frank N., 222n
Lange, Carl G., 42, 120, 121, 230, 310
language, 131–33
gender forms in, 259–60
vulgar, 178, 369, 370, 378–79, 380
Lansky, Melvin R., 373n
laughter, 79, 88–89, 381–82, 385, 392, 394
Lazarus, Emma, 464
Leites, Edmund, 81
Lerner, Alan Jay, 340
lesbianism, 264, 209–30
Levine, Seymour, 230
Levinson, Gilbert, 68
Levitt, M, 85, 176
Lewis, Helen Block, 145, 184, 218, 306, 373n, 445
Lewis, Michael, 213
aggression vs., 44–45, 119
as life force, 25, 42–44, 70, 191–92, 219
sexual development and, 43, 220, 274
Lichtenberg, Joseph, 104
lie detectors, 37
limbic system, 121
Loewe, Frederick, 340
Lombardi, Vince, 361
Looking for Mr. Goodbar, 426
Lorenz, Konrad, 228, 230, 231, 233
love, 231–55
acceptance implied by, 294
as affective experience, 231, 234–35, 240–41, 244, 245–55
delusional, 347–48
empathic wall relinquished in, 112
etymology of, 239
preconditions for, 240–45
script theory and, 245–47
separateness overcome by, 218–19, 220
shame-related self and, 250–52
types of, 236–38, 276
“Love in Infant Monkeys” (Harlow), 229
Luzzaschi, Luzzasco, 443
lying, 350
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 363
machismo, 314, 358, 376, 401, 428, 470, 472–73
MacLean, Paul D” 49
Mahler, Margaret, 221, 234
Malatesta, Carol, 233
Malraux, Andre, 271
Man and Superman (Shaw), 16
Man and Woman, Boy and Girl (Money and Ehrhardt), 261–62
manic-depressive illness, 53, 75–77, 105–6, 166, 277, 406
manners, development of, 437–41
Many Faces of Shame, The (Nathanson), 22
MAOI medications, 147–48, 184, 322–23
marriage, 402, 447
Martin, Steve, 18
Mask of Shame, The (Wurmser), 143, 220n
masochism, 119, 314, 332–35, 372–73, 426, 464
Masters, William R, 259, 261, 271
masturbation, 44, 280, 294–95
mating behavior, 225–27, 264, 266–68, 270
meat consumption of 441–42
mediators, 55, 56, 67
for borderline illness, 184
depression and, 21–22, 123, 146–48, 184, 322–23
emotional side effects from, 36, 56, 94–95, 06, 123, 146–48, 277, 407
fear reactions blocked by, 38
psychotherapy and, 21–22, 53
melancholy, 98
anger reactions of, 158
sexual embarrassment of, 292–99
see also sexual dimorphism
menstrual cycle, 122, 261, 265, 278
Meyers, Donald I., 332n
Middle Ages, 434. 435–36, 438, 439
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 228
military, deference legislated in, 330–31
mirrors, self-awareness and, 85, 176, 450
modesty, 339, 340, 431, 446
Money, John, 261–64, 266, 267, 278
monkeys, attachment behavior of, 229–30
monoamineooxidase inhibitor (MAOI)
antidepressants, 147–48, 184, 322–23
in affect theory, 51–52, 311–12
disorders of, 52–54, 75–78, 81–82, 90–91, 94–96, 105–6, 146–48, 166, 277, 321–23
Morrison, Andrew, 195, 325
Morrison, Toni, 456, 463
mortification, 19, 145–46
Mosher, Donald, 376
mourning, 98, 307
multiple personality disorder, 420
multiple sclerosis, 82
Munch, Edvard, 426
Murray, Henry, 57, 86n
narcissism, 185, 186
infant, 190–92, 194–95, 197, 219–20
as shame avoidance, 313, 345–46, 348–49, 364, 386
Nathanson, Julie, 217, 218
Nathanson, Rosalind, 165
Nazis, 20, 257, 462
Nemiah, John C., 96
neocortex, 60, 408, 411, 412
Network, 360, 362
neurotransmitters, 53, 56, 76, 77, 131, 146, 277, 322
Newman, Randy, 163
New Yorker, 52, 365, 448, 464
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 321
normatives, humanists vs., 474–75
nostalgia, 51, 253, 451
nudity, 431–32, 434
obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), 130–31, 298
OED, see Oxford English Dictionary
oedipal phase, 43, 182, 276–77, 292–93
olfactory system, 121—22
On the Way to Self (Tabin), 204
orality, 43, 191, 219
organizers of affect, 56
orgasm, 67, 111–12, 283, 291, 424, 426
Osier, Sir William, 22
Oxford English Dictionary (OED), 197–98, 199, 238
pain, 67, 81, 415–21
Painted Bird, The (Kosinski), 463
Paint Your Wagon (Lemer and Loewe), 340, 371
panic disorders, 94, 96, 148
Papoušek, H., 169
Papoušek, M., 169
affective excess in, 113–14
infant interaction with, 61–62, 112, 113, 173–75, 190–95, 219–20, 222, 232–33, 242–43, 246, 408–9
mistreatment by, 401–3
sexuality of, 264, 447
Passion and Criminality in France (Proal), 237–38
Paster, Gail K., 296
pattern matching, 95
penicillin, discovery of, 57
personality, 162, 200, 202
pheromones, 122, 270, 281–82
photography, 450–53
Piaget, Jean, 117
Picasso, Pablo, 426
Piers, Gerhart, 373n
Pocaterra, Annibale, 384, 443–46
police brutality, 470–71
politeness, 321
population density, 411
pornography, 286
post-traumatic stress disorder, 90–91
Pottash, Reuben Robert, 128, 383
power, 164–65, 370–73
premature ejaculation, 112
Pribram, Karl, 46
pride, 20, 83–86
affiliative aspect of, 86, 187
basic pattern for, 83, 160
borrowed, 353–54
hubristic, 186, 213
see also shame/pride axis
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The, 189
privacy, 145, 288, 319–20
cultural attitudes toward, 433–35, 440, 446–48, 451–53
Proal, Louis, 237–38
prosimians, 121
Prozac (fluoxetine), 130, 147, 148, 184, 322–23
pseudoephedrine, 36, 53, 94, 277
psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theory:
analyst’s affect display muted in, 115
flaws in, 45, 119–20, 245
Freud’s development of, 24–25, 26, 31, 38, 143, 245
on nature of emotion, 24–25, 26, 44–45, 119–20, 412–13
on obsessive behavior, 131
oedipal issues treated in, 182–83
on sense of self, 190—96
on unconscious mind, 95–96
psychodynamic psychiatry, 38
psychology, stimulus-response form of, 244–45
Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing), 257–58
psychosomatic illness, 419
emotional triggers uncovered in, 37–38, 52
medications and, 21–22, 53
privacy issues in, 319–20
for shame reactions, 318–22, 324–25, 333–34, 475
on shame vs. guilt, 21, 22
puns, 385
Putnam, Frank W., 420
Pythagoras, 259
Rapoport, Judith L., 224
receptors, 56, 67–69
reflexes, 224
Reglander, Oscar, 40
religion, 248, 473–74
Renaissance, 434, 435–36, 438, 471
reserpine, 123
respiratory system, 55
Rheinhold Gottfried, 244
Rickles, Don, 18
RIGS, 246, 247
Rogers, Carl R., 319
role assumption, 200–203
Rombauer, Irma S., 256, 257
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 342
Rosten, Leo, 256–57
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 446
Rozin, Paul, 127
Rubenstein, Richard L., 462
Rudner, Rita, 18–19
Ruth, Babe, 188
Rutsala, Vern, 149, 455–56
Rycroft, C., 15
Sade, Marquis de, 367
sadism, 119, 314, 367, 372–73, 411
Sartre, John-Paul, 46, 141, 155–56, 310
Scheff, Thomas J., 330
Scheler, Max, 109n
schizophrenia, 91
Schmidt, Mike, 100
Schneider, Carl D., 248, 282, 433–34, 439, 474
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 327, 360
Science News, 124–25
script theory, 244, 245–47, 306–14, 383, 384n, 377, 423, 474
sedative scripts, 423–24, 427
Seduction of Joe Tynan, The, 186
self, sense of, 156, 159, 185–214
cultural attitudes toward, 436
as defective, 340–45
development of, 85, 161–62, 185–90, 195–96, 203–14
etymology of, 197–98
facets of, 197–203
psychoanalytic views of, 190–96
shame and, 203–14
self-awareness, painful, 85, 176
selfobject, denned, 193
self-psychology, 193–95
Senden, M. von, 227
separation, 218, 219, 221
separation/individuation theory, 221–23
sex, sexuality, 255–301
affective modulation of, 118–20, 288–90, 425–27, 428
behavioral patterns for, 265–68
cultural attitudes toward, 434–35, 436, 439
developmental process and, 43, 191–92, 220, 273–79, 288, 290, 292, 294, 296–97, 299–300
disgust affect and, 119, 300
empathic wall in, 111–12
evolution of, 265, 269–70
gender-based embarrassment about, 292–97, 321, 374–75
infant, 204–5, 273–78
language and, 178, 259
as libido energy, 25, 42–44
parental, 264, 447
shame reactions and, 255, 257–60, 268, 284–301, 314, 317, 320, 323–24, 352–35, 357–58, 367. 369, 370, 372–76, 426
studies on, 257–50, 261, 271, 285–86
sexual arousal, 279–84
fantasy involved in, 279, 280–81, 285–86, 287, 332–33. 373–74
gender difference and, 271–72, 276, 279–84, 287–88, 292–95, 374–75
physiology of, 68–69, 271–72, 281–82
positive affects associated with, 66–67, 118–19, 290–91
sexual dimorphism, 260–63
arousal experience and, 271–72, 276, 279–81, 283–84, 287–88, 292–95, 374–75
in brain development, 262–63
in social interaction, 192, 261, 263–64, 360–61
Sexual Excitement (Stoller), 285–86
Sexual Life in Ancient Rome (Kiefer), 434n
Shakespeare, William, 21, 211, 228, 252, 442–43
basic pattern for, 161
from biological disorders, 321–23
chronic sense of, 86–87
cognitive phase of, 313, 316–17, 325, 329, 340–42, 365, 377, 432
compass of, 312–14
four phases of, 307–10
four reaction patterns to, 30
history of, 431–54
isolation related to, 86, 181–82, 220–21, 234, 300
varieties of, 19, 321
for women vs. men, 158
Shame, Exposure, and Privacy (Schneider), 439
“Shame” (Rutsala), 455–56
shame–humiliation, 59, 134–49
affects attenuated by, 134–40, 155
anger linked with, 105, 150, 158, 361, 364, 365, 371–72, 472
biological disorders of, 146–48
child development and, 157
defense against, 148–49
failure magnified by, 200–10
fear associated with, 181, 324, 327, 371, 465
feeling-states linked with, 145–46, 157
inner experiences of, 155–59, 433
intentional display of, 326–28
mental confusion experienced with, 141–43, 170–71, 443
neurochemical action in, 141–43
positive affects involved with, 73, 251
reactive phase of, 308–9, 312–77
script model of, 306–14
social interaction affected by, 120, 170, 214, 218, 250–52, 254–55, 317
societal reflections of, 455–75
visible expressions of, 134, 135, 141, 155, 315–16
shame/pride axis, 20
adult experiences of, 158, 254
body size and, 164–67, 317
cognitive ability and, 162, 306, 308
degrees of, 212–13
independence and, 181–84, 317, 329
in sense of self, 185–90, 196, 203–4, 209–14, 317, 362
sexuality and, 255, 257–60, 268, 284–301, 314, 317, 320, 323–24, 332–35, 357–58, 367, 369, 370, 372–76
skill and, 168–78, 317
Shaw, George Bernard, 16
shell-shock, 90–91
“Short People” (Newman), 163
shyness, 145, 329–30
Sifneos, Peter R., 96
Singer, Milton B., 373n
Sipe, A. W. Richard, 299
sites of action, 54–55, 56
size, 163–67, 293, 294, 296–97, 317, 435
Skelton, Red, 18
skill, 159, 168—78, 317, 435
Sky and Telescope, 78
slavery, 462–63, 464, 468
slips of the tongue, 95
smiles, 79, 89, 474
Smithsonian Institution, 186
Snow White, 115
social interaction:
attenuator affects involved in, 120
developmental theories of, 218–35
dissmell affect in, 120, 122–25, 132–33, 182, 329, 371
positive innate affects shared in, 84–85
sexual dimorphism and, 192, 261, 263–64, 360–61
shame affect and, 120, 170, 214, 218, 250–52, 254–55, 317
Western cultural development and, 437–43, 446–48
Society for Biological Psychiatry, 227
sociopathy, 350–51
Sota, 149
Spitz, René, 227n
sports, competitive, 351–52, 353–54, 361, 400, 428, 472
Sroufe, L. A., 232n
Stallone, Sylvester, 360
Stern, Daniel, 197, 204–6, 208–9, 220, 222, 242, 246, 250
stickleback fish, reproductive patterns of, 225–26, 227, 270
Stoller, Robert J., 285–86, 298, 332, 373–74
Sullivan, Harry Stack, 194, 242, 370–71
surprise–startle, 59, 87–91, 89
attention focussed in, 89–90
facial display for, 89
mood disorders connected to, 90–91
stimuli for, 69, 88, 105
sympathetic nerves, 271
Tabin, Johanna Krout, 204–5, 220, 274–75, 278
Talmud, 149, 212
Tasso, Torquato, 443
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), 57
Tavistock Clinic, 230, 231
Taylor, Deems, 186
Taylor, G. Rattray, 447
technological revolution, 449–54
telepathy, 110
television, 17, 99–100, 452–53
temperament, 403–5
Terminator, The, 327–28, 364
testosterone, 262, 263
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 57
Thurber, James, 448
thyroid function, 36–37, 95, 407
Tinbergen, Niko, 225–26, 227, 230, 231, 233
toilet training, 173–78
Tomkins, Silvan S.:
affect system deduced by, 28, 30, 31, 49, 50, 58–61, 64–67, 71, 108, 132, 176, 231, 232, 405, 444, 475–76
on amplification, 114, 116, 320
on autosimulation, 61, 84, 103, 206, 267
background of, 57–58
brain function described by, 78
on consciousness, 269, 320
on correlative action of affect, 104, 241
on differential magnification of innate affect, 201, 212
on disgust, 126, 128, 129, 133, 409
on dissmell, 121, 122, 124, 133, 409
drive system defined by, 118
on facial expression, 55, 129, 142
on happy tears, 100, 101
on infant interactions, 112, 209
influence of, 28, 64–65, 204, 205
innate affects described by, 56, 58–59, 67, 73, 79, 80, 81, 87, 90, 256
on laughter, 79, 89, 381, 382
nostalgic example given by, 253
receptors considered by, 68, 69
script theory of, 244, 245–46, 307, 310, 311, 383, 384n, 423, 474
on sexuality, 67, 283, 376
on shame affect, 134, 138, 139, 146, 148–49, 196, 288, 345, 376, 432, 459
on shame-fear linkage, 181
on somatic pain, 415
on stimulus gradient, 77, 88
Tooker, George, 109
Toscanini, Arturo, 186
transformation of energy, 45–46
Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare), 442–43
unconsciousness, 93–94, 95–96, 416
Unmarried Woman, An, 129–30
vandalism, 457, 472
vasodilators, 141–43
Victoria, Queen of England, 449–50
violence, affective roots of, 399–401
Watts, Alan, 419
wealth, visibility of, 344–45
Weiner, Norbert, 57
White, E. B., 448
Whitman, Charles, 38–39, 53
Winter’s Tale, A (Shakespeare), 442
withdrawal, 312–25, 465
cognitive phase and, 313, 316–17, 329
jokes about, 386
as natural response, 320–21
psychotherapeutic treatment of, 318–20, 321–22, 324–25
sexual behaviors of, 314, 323–24, 426
male control of, 468–70
sexual embarrassment of, 295–97, 290–300, 321
shame described by, 158
see also sexual dimorphism
Word Finder, The (Rodale), 236
Wurmser, Léon, 178
on creativity, 187–88
on disavowal, 338, 339
on nudity, 431
on shame, 19, 143–44, 220, 235, 314, 325, 376–77, 433–34
Swedish conformity analyzed by, 356
tact defined by, 391
on “turning the tables, ” 362
Yiddish, 257
Youngman, Henny, 384–85, 393