More praise for Shame and Pride:

“This is a remarkable and stimulating treatment of two important human experiences, shame and pride, which have been on the whole surprisingly neglected. The book is full of human examples as well as solid clinical material and is characterized by a good deal of personal charm and wit. I found it the kind of book that one can enjoy reading and rereading because it generates interesting skeins of association to one’s own life and experiences as well as to issues of theory and clinical practice.”

Jerome L. Singer, Ph.D.

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Psychology,

Yale University

“Shame: what is it, what brings it about, how may one avoid or compensate for it, and why is it so important in the conduct of our lives? Donald Nathanson, an expert psychotherapist, gives us the answers to these and other questions about shame and its centrality for relationships in this comprehensive but eminently readable book. Shame and Pride is essential not only for the practicing psychotherapist, but also for every reader who has an interest in understanding human nature.”

Michael Franz Basch, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry, Rush Medical College, Chicago

“Donald Nathanson’s lucid writing and in-depth knowledge of Tomkins’s affect theory bring the emotion of shame out of the shadows and into the light of understanding. He enables us to see that shame is both biology and biography. This book is a benchmark in the literature of shame; all future discussions of shame will need to be measured against Nathanson’s work. And besides all that, the book makes great reading.”

David R. Cook, Ed.D.

Professor, Department of Counseling and Psychological Services,

University of Wisconsin-Stout