I. Introduction (1:1–2)
II. A War Oracle Against the Nations (1:3–2:16)
A. Oracles Against the Foreign Nations (1:3–2:3)
B. Oracles Against Judah and Israel (2:4–16)
III. The Verification of God’s Judgment on Israel (3:1–6:14)
A. The Relationship Between Cause and Effect (3:1–8)
B. The Confirmation of Israel’s Punishment (3:9–4:3)
C. Israel’s Worship Is Not Acceptable (4:4–13)
D. A Lament over Israel, the Dead Nation (5:1–17)
E. Woe Oracle Concerning False Hopes (5:18–27)
F. Woe Oracle Concerning False Security (6:1–14)
IV. Visions and Exhortations of the End (7:1–9:15)
A. Compassion in Visions of Judgment (7:1–6)
B. Visions of Destruction Cause Conflict (7:7–17)
C. Wailing at the End, Not Forgiveness (8:1–14)
D. No Sinner Can Escape from God’s Hand (9:1–10)
E. The Restoration After God’s Judgment (9:11–15)