(Born Athens, Greece, 1963)

The publisher and one of the founding members of Ah, Maria (1990–94), the first independent literary magazine in Bulgaria after the fall of Communism, Dimitris Allos lives and works at the intersection of Bulgarian and Greek. His poetry has been translated into Bulgarian and he translates Bulgarian literature into Greek, including that of Iana Boukova (p. 339) before she began writing in Greek herself. Like hers, his poetry is full of animals and plants, but unlike the poets associated with Farmakon magazine, nature for him is more worldly, often urban, and sometimes even urbane. He studied Sociology at Sofia University but returned to Athens and has lived there since the mid-1990s. His poems have also been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, and English.

Ψηλός στα άχυρα (Tall in the Hay), Kastaniotis, 2000; Φωνές που δεν γλύτωσαν (Unspared Voices), Arts Foundation, 2002.

ή Τα άσπρα της σκεύη

«. . . κι εγώ που τρώω μνήμη

σαν κυκλαδίτικο μνημείο . . .»

Δε θυμάμαι πια το όνομά της

το πρόσωπό της ίσως ένα

γκρέμισμα τώρα μετανάστες

κομμένο το ρεύμα

θυμάμαι όμως καλά λιακάδα ήτανε


χλωρός ιδρώτας

σκόνη ιδιωτικού δρόμου

χέρι Θεού κατάστηθα θυμάμαι

που μάλαζε τα ψυχικά υλικά

κι εσένα

να αμολάς τους δαλματίνους στο δωμάτιο


να με φιλεύεις το σαββατιανό

να με ταΐζεις το σταφύλι

ρώγα τη ρώγα

τα χέρια μου να λερώσω

στον πολιτισμό του κορμιού της


έως το μέσα των σύννεφων

Her White Utensils

‘. . . and I who feed on memory

like a cycladic monument . . .’

I no longer remember her name

her face perhaps

a precipice, now refugees

electricity cut off

but I remember clearly a sun drenched


fresh sweat

dust of a private alley

God’s hand right on my chest

I remember kneading my soul’s material

and you

letting the dalmatians free in the room

oaou ouaou

treating me to black grapes

feeding me

grape by grape

To dirty my hands

with the civilization of her body


down to the innards

of the clouds

Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke