The sisters worked it out so at least one of them would be in the store with Marlene all the time. That way, they knew she wouldn’t have to leave her work to wait on customers. The next morning Deborah asked Quinn to go because she’d invited Cal to come by for his midday meal.
Quinn and Marlene walked the four blocks in silence. Marlene declared she was exhausted. Quinn was thinking about seeing the sheriff go to Lola Norwood’s house in the middle of the night, wondering why he would want to visit a woman he said he had no interest in. Then she felt her cheeks get warm. She knew exactly why. Well, let him visit her. It gives me incentive to quit dreaming about his kiss. Now I can get on with my own life and forget him.
Things were quiet in the store until Naomi came in for a fitting. She chatted away for almost an hour. When she left, the shop was quiet again.
It was getting close to noon when Winnie Goodspell came through the door, swishing her blue taffeta skirt. “Hello, Quinn.”
“Winnie, it’s good to see you.”
“How did things go in your new home last night?”
“They went fine, but I missed Mrs. Potter’s cooking.”
“It was delicious. She made a roast.” Winnie grinned. “I miss you girls.”
“We miss you too, Winnie.”
She touched the chemise on the counter. “This is pretty. I bet you don’t have it in my size.”
“No, but we can order your size if you like.”
Winnie shook her head. “No. I’m too old for such pretty things.”
Quinn smiled. “Oh, no, Winnie. A lady never gets too old for pretty things.”
Winnie eyed her. “I bet your own chemise is plain cotton. Maybe has a bow at the top, but no lace. Am I right or not?”
“Does it matter what my chemise looks like?”
“Not really, but it tells what a woman has on her mind. If she’s decided she’s going to be an old maid, she’ll always wear the plain cotton type. If she has dreams of being a wife she’ll add a few ribbons and a little lace. If she’s going to entice a man any way she can, she’ll wear something like this.”
“I’ll have to remember that.” Quinn thought of the cotton chemise under her dress. But what Winnie didn’t know was Quinn planned to buy some of the fancy things they sold whenever she had the money.
“Do you think Marlene would make me a dress, Quinn?” Winnie sounded unsure.
“Of course, but you’re a wonderful seamstress. I remember the lovely dress you had on the day we were on the stage. You said you made it. Why would you want Marlene to sew you one?”
“Every once in a while a woman likes to pamper herself with something special.”
Quinn came around the counter. “In that case, let me show you to the workroom. Marlene’s finishing a dress for the banker’s wife and I’m sure she’d like you to be her next customer.”
When they come in Marlene put the dress she was working on aside and greeted Winnie.
“Winnie wants you make her a dress.”
“Wonderful. What type would you like, Winnie?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe something to flatter a fat lady like me.”
“Let’s say you’re portly. I don’t like the word fat.”
“Why, Marlene. How sweet of you.”
“Now let’s check out patterns and look over the material. If I don’t have what you like we’ll go to the mercantile and check out their supply.”
Leaving Winnie in Marlene’s hands, Quinn returned to the front office. The door opened and Lola Norwood came in.
When she saw Quinn behind the counter she threw back her head and took a deep breath. “You’re here again.”
“I work here. What do you need?”
“I want a dress, but I don’t think you’d enjoy making one for me.”
“I don’t make the dresses.”
“Good. Now where do I find the seamstress? I heard a rumor there’s going to be a big celebration in town in a few weeks and I want to be the most beautifully dressed woman there.” She turned up her nose at Quinn. “I want Ashe to be proud of me when we’re dancing together.”
“If my sister makes your dress, I guarantee you’ll have a lovely one.” Quinn forced a smile.
“Good!” She whirled around. “Now where’s your sister? I want to deal with her, not you.”
“My sister is with a customer. You’ll have to take a seat on the sofa and wait your turn. I’ll let Marlene know you’re here.”
Quinn went toward the curtain as Marlene came out. “We overheard some of the conversation and Winnie is in the dressing room. She told me to see to Mrs. Norwood and she’d wait. I think she wanted to sit in the dressing room and rest.”
“Mrs. Norwood is all yours.” Quinn went back behind the counter.
An hour later, Lola sashayed out of the store without speaking to Quinn.
Who cares if she never speaks to me again. Quinn headed for the curtain. I prefer not talking with her either.
“Were you able to satisfy miss high and mighty?”
Marlene laughed. “I’m not sure. She wants a red satin gown with custom made petticoats and a chemise within a month and she wants us to order shoes to match.”
“She didn’t say anything to me when she left the store.”
“I’m sorry, Quinn. She made it clear she only wants to deal with me.”
Quinn shrugged. “Good. I’d rather not bother with her myself.”
Winnie came out of the dressing room. “You’re smart, Quinn.”
“Oh, Winnie. I got so involved with Mrs. Norwood I forgot to get back to you.” Marlene ran to the older women’s side.
“It doesn’t matter.” Winnie chuckled. “The chair in there is comfortable and I enjoyed eavesdropping on your conversation. I learned a lot about Mrs. Norwood.”
“Personally, I don’t care to learn any more about her.”
“I can’t blame you, Quinn.” Marlene turned to Winnie. “Would you like to continue looking for your dress material now?”
“I think I’ll go with the yellow stripe you suggested. It’s light and airy and will be cool this summer. Besides, I’m getting hungry.”
“You know, I’m hungry, too.” Marlene smiled at her.
“Why don’t I treat you girls to dinner at the café or we can go back to Mrs. Potter’s and eat. I’m sure she has something ready.”
“We can’t leave the shop, but thank you. Maybe we can do it later.” Marlene took her arm and led her to the door. “I think you made the right decision about the yellow stripe. At least we got all your measurements before Mrs. Norwood came in. All we have to do is pick out a pattern.”
Winnie paused at the door. “I want you to pick out the pattern for me. I trust you to choose something to flatter my…uhmp…” she cleared her throat and added, “shall we say, ample figure?”
Marlene nodded. “I think I have the right thing in mind.”
“Very good.” Winnie turned to Quinn. “Don’t worry about Mrs. Norwood. If I’m any judge of character she isn’t worth your concern.”
“Thank you, Winnie.”
“I’ll see you girls later.” Winnie went out the door and Quinn watched her through the window. She was surprised to see the older woman look up and down the street before heading toward the boarding house. She frowned. Was Winnie hiding from someone? If not, why did she hide in the dressing room when Lola was in here? Something wasn’t right, but Quinn had no idea what.
“Why don’t you go to the café and get us something to eat, Quinn?” Marlene broke into her thoughts. “I need to finish Naomi’s dress and I’m hungry.”
“So am I. I’ll be right back. Can you hear the bell from the workroom?”
“Loud and clear. Don’t worry. I won’t let any customers not be waited on.”