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American Avocet, 58
American Coot, 158
American Kestrel, 107
American Oystercatcher, 72–73
American Redstart, 32
American Robin, 40
American White Pelican, 61
American Wigeon, 146
American Woodcock, 145
Avocet, American, 58
Bald Eagle, 157
Baltimore Oriole, 35
Bay-breasted Warbler, 42
Belted Kingfisher, 116
Red-Winged, 81
Rusty, 154
Blackburnian Warbler, 34
Blackpoll Warbler, 93
Black Skimmer, 58
Black-throated Blue Warbler, 118
Black-throated Green Warbler, 30
Bluebird, Eastern, 101
Blue Grosbeak, 103
Blue Jay, 26
Boreal Owl, 150
Brown Creeper, 130
Bunting, Indigo, 33
Canada Geese, 71
Cape May Warbler, 38
Cardinal, Northern, 136
Cedar Waxwing, 138
Cerulean Warbler, 26
Chestnut-sided Warbler, 36
Common Redpoll, 130–31
Common Tern, 86
Common Yellowthroat, 64
Connecticut Warbler, 76
Cooper’s Hawk, 160
Coot, American, 158
Cormorant, Double-crested, 44
Creeper, Brown, 130
Double-crested Cormorant, 44
Dove, Mourning, 154–55
Downy Woodpecker, 134
American Wigeon, 146
Northern Pintail, 142
Wood Duck, 127
See also Merganser(s)
Eagle, Bald, 157
Eastern Bluebird, 101
Eastern Screech-Owl fledglings, 24–25
Eastern Whip-poor-will, 36
Great, 46
Snowy, 78
European Starling, 98
Falcon, Peregrine, 78
See also American Kestrel
Common Redpoll, 130–31
Flicker, Northern, 84
Gadwall, 122
Canada, 71
Snow, 90
Glossy Ibis, 52–53
Golden-crowned Kinglet, 103
Great Blue Heron, 66
Great Egret, 46
Great Horned Owl, 80–81, 113
Green Heron, 70–71, 99
Blue, 103
Rose-breasted, 35
Herring, 80
Ring-billed, 121
Cooper’s, 160
Red-tailed, 23, 148
Sharp-shinned, 132
Hermit Thrush, 96–97
Great Blue, 66
Green, 70–71, 99
Yellow-crowned Night-, 54–55
See also Egret(s)
Herring Gull, 80
Hooded Merganser, 100
Hooded Warbler, 19
House Wren, 73
Ruby-throated, 50–51
Rufous, 94
Ibis, Glossy, 52–53
Indigo Bunting, 33
Jay, Blue, 26
Kentucky Warbler, 40
Kestrel, American, 107
Kingfisher, Belted, 116
Golden-crowned, 103
Ruby-crowned, 16
Least Sandpiper, 54
Lesser Yellowlegs, 56
Lincoln’s Sparrow, 29
Long-eared Owl, 152
Marsh Wren, 50
Hooded, 100
Red-breasted, 140
Mockingbird, Northern, 109
Monk Parakeet, 104
Mourning Dove, 154–55
Mute Swan, 79
Northern Cardinal, 136
Northern Flicker, 84
Northern Mockingbird, 109
Northern Parula, 25
Northern Pintail, 142
Nuthatch, White-breasted, 128
Orchard Oriole, 16
Baltimore, 35
Orchard, 16
Osprey, 87
Eastern Screech-, 24–25
Great Horned, 80–81, 113
Long-eared, 152
Snowy, 159
Oystercatcher, American, 72–73
Palm Warbler, 14
Parakeet, Monk, 104
Pelican, American White, 61
Peregrine Falcon, 78
Phalarope, Wilson’s, 83
Pheasants, Ring-necked, 20–21
Pigeon, Rock, 115
Pintail, Northern, 142
Piping Plover, 74
Piping, 74
Semipalmated, 57
Prairie Warbler, 22
Prothonotary Warbler, 42
Sora, 30
Red-bellied Woodpecker, 97
Red-breasted Merganser, 140
Red-eyed Vireo, 44
Red-headed Woodpecker, 132
Redpoll, Common, 130–31
Red-tailed Hawk, 148
Red-tailed Hawks, 23
Red-Winged Blackbird, 81
Ring-billed Gull, 121
Ring-necked Pheasant, 20–21
Robin, American, 40
Rock Pigeon, 115
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 35
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 16
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 50–51
Rufous Hummingbird, 94
Rusty Blackbird, 154
Saltmarsh Sparrow, 110
Least, 54
Stilt, 82–83
Willet, 68
See also Lesser Yellowlegs; Wilson’s Snipe
Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 135
Semipalmated Plover, 57
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 132
Skimmer, Black, 58
Snow Goose, 90
Snowy Egret, 78
Snowy Owl, 159
Sora, 30
Lincoln’s, 29
Saltmarsh, 110
White-throated, 95
Starling, European, 98
Stilt Sandpiper, 82–83
Summer Tanager, 18
Swallow, Tree, 62
Swan, Mute, 79
Tanager, Summer, 18
Tern, Common, 86
Hermit, 96–97
Wood, 68
Tree Swallow, 62
Turkey, Wild, 39
Red-eyed, 44
White-eyed, 14
Bay-breasted, 42
Blackburnian, 34
Blackpoll, 93
Black-throated Blue, 118
Black-throated Green, 30
Cape May, 38
Cerulean, 26
Chestnut-sided, 36
Common Yellowthroat, 64
Connecticut, 76
Hooded, 19
Kentucky, 40
Northern Parula, 25
Palm, 14
Prairie, 22
Prothonotary, 42
Worm-eating, 20
Yellow, 20
Yellow-breasted Chat, 108–9
Waxwing, Cedar, 138
Whip-poor-will, Eastern, 36
White-breasted Nuthatch, 128
White-eyed Vireo, 14
White-throated Sparrow, 95
Wigeon, American, 146
Wild Turkey, 39
Willet, 68
Wilson’s Phalarope, 83
Wilson’s Snipe, 28
Woodcock, American, 145
Wood Duck, 127
Downy, 134
Red-bellied, 97
Red-headed, 132
See also Northern Flicker; Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
Wood Thrush, 68
Worm-eating Warbler, 20
House, 73
Marsh, 50
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 135
Yellow-breasted Chat, 108–9
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, 54–55
Yellowlegs, Lesser, 56
Yellow-rumpled Warbler, 22
Yellowthroat, Common, 64
Yellow Warbler, 20