Further Reading

Below is a list of readings for those whose interest in the flora, geology and/or history of the David Thompson Corridor has been piqued. This list does not constitute a complete bibliography of sources used by the authors. Consulted primary documents found at the Provincial Archives of Alberta, the Glenbow Archives or the Archives of the Canadian Rockies; newspapers; government reports and published works not easily obtained have not been listed here. Rather, these are suggested readings that should be readily available at public libraries and bookstores.

Cavell, Edward, ed. A Delicate Wilderness: The Photography of Elliott Barnes 1905–1913. Banff: Altitude Publishing/Whyte Foundation, 1980.

Coleman, A.P. The Canadian Rockies: New & Old Trails. London, England: T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. Reprinted with foreword by Chic Scott. Mountain Classics Collection, no. 1. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2006.

Coues, Elliott, ed. New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest: The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry, Fur Trader of the Northwest Company and of David Thompson, Official Geographer and Explorer of the same Company, 1799–1814. Exploration and Adventure among the Indians on the Red, Saskatchewan, Missouri and Columbia Rivers. 3 vols. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1897. Reprinted Minneapolis, MN: Ross & Haines, 1965.

Fraser, Esther. The Canadian Rockies: Early Travels and Explorations. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1969.

Gadd, Ben. Handbook of the Canadian Rockies: Geology, Plants, Animals, History and Recreation from Waterton/Glacier to the Yukon. Jasper: Corax Press, 1986.

Gough, Barry M., ed. The Journal of Alexander Henry the Younger, 1799–1814. 2 vols. Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1988–1992.

Green, John. On the Track of the Sasquatch. Book One. Harrison Hot Springs, BC: Cheam Publishing, 1968.

Hart, E.J. Jimmy Simpson: Legend of the Rockies. Banff: Altitude Publishing, 1991.

Hopwood, Victor G., ed. David Thompson: Travel in Western North America 1784–1812. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1971.

Hunter, Don, with René Dahinden. Sasquatch. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973.

Karamitsanis, Aphrodite. Place Names of Alberta: Mountains,

Mountain Parks and Foothills. Vol. I. Calgary: Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism and Friends of Geographical Names of Alberta Society and University of Calgary Press, 1991.

Nordegg, Martin. The Possibilities of Canada Are Truly Great: Memoirs 1906–1924. Toronto: Macmillan Canada, 1971.

Outram, James. In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1905. Reprinted with foreword by Chic Scott. Mountain Classics Collection, no. 3. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2007.

Palliser, John, et al. The Journals, Detailed Reports, and Observations Relative to the Exploration… of that Portion of British North America…During the Years 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1863.

Rich, E.E. The Fur Trade and the Northwest to 1857. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1967.

Schäffer. Mary T.S. Old Indian Trails: Incidents of Camp and Trail Life, Covering Two Years’ Exploration through the Rocky Mountains of Canada. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1911. Reprinted with foreword by Janice Sanford Beck. Mountain Classics Collection, no. 2. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2007.

Smith, Cyndi. Off the Beaten Track: Women Adventurers and Mountaineers in Western Canada. Lake Louise: Coyote Books, 1989.

Snow, Chief John. These Mountains Are Our Sacred Places: The Story of the Stoney Indians. Toronto: Samuel Stevens, 1977.

Southesk, The Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains: A Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport, and Adventure, during a Journey through the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Territories, in 1859 and 1860. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edmonston and Douglas, 1875.

Spry, Irene M., ed. The Papers of the Palliser Expedition 1857–1860. Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1968.

Stenson, Fred. Rocky Mountain House National Historic Park. Toronto: NC Press in cooperation with Parks Canada and the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, 1985.

Stutfield, Hugh, and J. Norman Collie. Climbs & Exploration in the Canadian Rockies. London: Longmans, Green, 1903. Reprinted with foreword by Gillean Daffern. Mountain Classics Collection, no. 4. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2008.

Tyrrell, J.B. Report on a Part of Northern Alberta and Portions of Adjacent Districts of Assiniboia and Saskatchewan, embracing the Country lying South of the North Saskatchewan River and North of lat. 51° 6', between long. 110° and 115° 15' West. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1887.

Tyrrell, J.B., ed. David Thompson’s Narrative of His Explorations in Western America 1784–1812. Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1916.

White, James. Place-Names in the Rocky Mountains between the 49th Parallel and the Athabaska River. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 3rd series, vol. 10 (May 1916, section 2): 501–535.

Whyte, Jon. Indians in the Rockies. Banff: Altitude Publishing, 1985.

Wilcox, Walter Dwight. Camping in the Canadian Rockies: An account of camp life in the wilder parts of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, together with a description of the region about Banff, Lake Louise, and Glacier, and a sketch of the early explorations. London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1896; revised and enlarged 1909 as The Rockies of Canada. Reprinted with foreword by Neil Wedin. Mountain Classics Collection, no. 5. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2008.

Wilson, Thomas E. Trail Blazer of the Canadian Rockies. Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta Institute Historical Paper No. 3, 1972.

In addition to the many primary documents and published books, there are numerous websites on which you can find information for almost all of the topics found in this book. We have not attempted to list them. One website, though, stands out for the beauty of the photographs by Darwin Wiggett and Samantha Chrysanthou. Their e-books on the Kootenay Plains and other sites in the Rockies can be found at www.oopoomoo.com/eguides.