1 Queen Elizabeth to Sir D’Arcy Osborne, 5 March 1949, in Shawcross, Counting One’s Blessings, pp.415–16
2 Alan Lascelles to Lord Hardinge, 30 December 1948, in Vickers, Elizabeth, p.276
3 Bradford, George VI, p.596
4 Ibid.
5 Duke of Windsor to Queen Mary, 10 March 1949, Royal Archives, RA/ QM/PRIV/CC9
6 Queen Elizabeth to Princess Margaret, 8 May 1949, in Shawcross, Counting One’s Blessings, p.416
7 Nicolson diary, 21 March 1949
8 Queen Elizabeth to Eleanor Roosevelt, 21 July 1949, in Shawcross, Counting One’s Blessings, pp.417–18
9 Channon diary, 17 June 1949
10 Ibid., 31 May 1949
11 Eade, pp.230–1
12 Brandreth, p.232
13 Pimlott, The Queen, p.160
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid., p.161
16 Channon diary, 4 April 1949
17 Larman, The Windsors at War, p.25
18 Duchess of Windsor to A. G. Allen, 23 February 1948, in Bloch, Secret File p.109
19 Alan Lascelles to George VI, 13 November 1948, Royal Archives, RA/ PSO/GVI/C/042/325
20 George VI to Duke of Windsor draft, 13 November 1948, Royal Archives, RA/PSO/GVI/C/042/325A
21 William Jowitt to Alan Lascelles, 14 April 1949, Royal Archives, RA/ PSO/GVI/C/042/319
22 William Jowitt to Alan Lascelles (Jowitt report), Royal Archives, RA/ PSO/GVI/C/042/320
23 Alan Lascelles to George VI, 16 April 1949, Royal Archives, RA/ RA/ PSO/GVI/C/042/318
24 Duke of Windsor briefing note, 14 April 1949, in Bloch, Secret File p.120
25 Clement Attlee to Duke of Windsor, 26 April 1949, Royal Archives, RA/ EDW/PRIV/MAIN/A/7497
26 Duke of Windsor to William Jowitt, 3 June 1949, in Bloch, Secret File, p.121
27 William Jowitt to Duke of Windsor, 13 June 1949, ibid.
28 Nicolson diary, 20 October 1949, in Bradford, George VI, p.592
29 Alan Lascelles to Clement Attlee, 9 December 1949, National Archives, PREM 8/1580
30 Clement Attlee to Alan Lascelles, 10 December 1949, National Archives, PREM 8/1580
31 George VI to Duke of Windsor (draft), 11 December 1949, Royal Archives, RA/PSO/GVI/C/042/030
32 Alan Lascelles to George VI, December 1949, Royal Archives, RA/ PSO/GVI/C/042/031
33 George VI to Duke of Windsor (draft), c.16 December 1949, Royal Archives, RA/PSO/GVI/C/042/033
34 Duke of Windsor to George VI, 6 June 1950, Royal Archives, GVI/ PRIV/01/02/36