1 Larman, The Crown in Crisis, p.97
2 Duke of Windsor to Queen Mary, 15 December 1946, Royal Archives, RA/QM/PRIV/CC9
3 Sir William Murphy to Arthur Creech Jones, 30 December 1946, National Archives, CO 537/2250
4 Ernest Bevin memorandum, 1 January 1947, National Archives, CO 537/2250
5 Arthur Creech Jones to Sir William Murphy, 17 January 1947, National Archives, CO 537/2250
6 Duchess of Windsor to George Allen, February 1947, in Bloch, The Duchess of Windsor, p.132
7 Godfrey Thomas memo, 8 October 1947, in Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p.521
8 Duke of Windsor to Queen Mary, 16 October 1947, Royal Archives, RA/ QM/PRIV/CC9
9 Duchess of Windsor to Bessie Merriman, 19 July 1947, in Bloch, Secret File, p.278
10 Nicolson diary, 29 May 1947
11 Ibid
12 Ernest Bevin to Clement Attlee, 13 August 1945, National Archives, FO/800/521
13 Larman, The Windsors at War, p.352
14 Anthony Eden to Winston Churchill memorandum, 7 May 1953, National Archives, FO 800/847
15 Ernest Bevin to Clement Attlee, 30 June 1947, National Archives, PREM 8/1578
16 Ernest Bevin to Clement Attlee, 31 July 1947, National Archives, PREM 8/1578
17 George Marshall to Dean Acheson, 15 March 1947, US National Archives, Diplomatic Branch 841.001/3-1547
18 Godfrey Thomas memo, 10 July 1947, in Ziegler, King Edward VIII, p.550
19 Bryan and Murphy, p.462
20 Ibid.
21 Duke of Windsor to Queen Mary, 8 March 1948, Royal Archives, RA/ QM/PRIV/CC9
22 Duke of Windsor to Queen Mary, 16 October 1947, Royal Archives, RA/QM/PRIV/CC9
23 John Gordon to George Allen, 17 February 1948, Royal Archives, RA/ PRIV/QM/CC9