The unfolding story of modern cosmology, as it appears in the popular press, is often a simple linear parade of heroes whose achievements are presented as inevitable outcomes: Copernicus, Galileo, the Herschels, Einstein, Eddington, Hubble, Sandage, and then the Modern Paradigm. In fact, it is a more winding tale, with these leaders, in addition to their great contributions, having made serious errors and other players making essential contributions. The two authors, having been participants over roughly the last half century of this enterprise, and knowing rather closely a large fraction of the cast of characters, have wanted to add extra emphasis to some of the physicists and astrophysicists whose vital contributions have often been overlooked in the conventional story line. Specific examples are the Abbé Georges Lemaître, George Gamow, Fritz Zwicky, and Beatrice Tinsley. Numerous other living scientists have also been noted, but we have surely not been fair to the contributions of innumerable eminent scientists whose work has not even been mentioned, although their contributions to cosmology have been significant and sometimes critical. We did not set out to write a scholarly and comprehensive history of modern cosmology. Our weak apology is based on the necessity of choices to be made given the limitations of space in a book that only has attempted to present highlights of the tale, and those topics selectively picked from the large number of equally valuable strands that we might have emphasized. So, to our numerous colleagues whose contributions have been slighted or omitted, we offer our apologies; we know of and value your contributions, but rather arbitrarily chose to pick a small number of no longer present co-explorers whose work has been passed over too quickly in the standard accounts.
Both of us are, at the most fundamental level, hugely indebted to our numerous colleagues, in Princeton, in Cambridge, and throughout the world. Science is a cooperative, global enterprise and, of all modern sciences, astrophysics has perhaps the densest and richest branches of international interconnections. Thus any listing of those who have assisted and informed us will be painfully incomplete. Nevertheless, however partial and inadequate our remarks, certain individuals contributed so critically to our work that they must be acknowledged individually. At Princeton, Paul Steinhardt, Jim Peebles, and Jim Gunn have provided extraordinarily helpful historical background and scientific insight. They were, themselves, central players in this great enterprise and we are enormously indebted to them for their assistance in correcting errors, pointing out gaps, and generally providing wisdom. In Cambridge, Martin Rees and Donald Lynden-Bell have been, over our careers, steady fonts of insight and directional guides.
In the writing of this work Ostriker gratefully acknowledges the editorial assistance of his wife, the poet and essayist Alicia Ostriker, and his old friend, the editor Robert Strassler, as well as his editor from Princeton University Press, Ingrid Gnerlich. All three read draft after draft of the manuscript, providing innumerable vital suggestions, regarding both organization and verbal felicity. However strong or weak the final product, their generous and thoughtful assistance was essential in helping to transform the overly technical, literarily incoherent initial effort into its ultimate form.
Simon Mitton expresses his deep appreciation to his Cambridge colleague Michael Hoskin, the distinguished historian of astronomy and biographer of the Herschel family, with whom he has enjoyed a close friendship for forty-five years. Hardly a day passes without Michael giving Simon avuncular advice on how to be a plausible academic. Likewise Simon thanks Owen Gingerich, historian of astronomy at the other Cambridge, for much encouragement and guidance, given selflessly and warmly over several decades. Simon’s wife Jacqueline Mitton, who is also a Princeton author, contributed many valuable suggestions on the development of the manuscript. He warmly acknowledges the research facilities support of the Master and Fellows of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, where he has appreciated the good advice of Michael Robson, Lee Macdonald, Bruce Elsmore, and Rodney Holder. It is also a great pleasure and privilege to thank his agent Sara Menguc and her colleagues for their support.