This is the first book I have written that is based on my teaching and so I must thank all the students who have taken my modules over the last decade or so, particularly Hollywood, Theories of the Moving Image, and, of course, the variously titled Postmodernisms. Thank you for asking great questions and for recommending wonderful films that were then incorporated into the modules! Particular thanks goes to those who team-taught with me on Hollywood, especially Ed Gallafent and Pete Falconer, who have profoundly influenced my thinking about Kill Bill. I also want to thank Adam Gallimore for providing me with a much-needed education in image capture! I have greatly benefitted from being able to try out elements of this book while it was still being written. Members of the Graduate Research Forum at King’s College London were the first to hear chapter one and friends’ and colleagues’ kind reception of key ideas encouraged me to continue. Returning to writing has, as ever, involved considerable assistance from great friends, including Valerie Orpen’s helpful contributions to chapter one and Rachel Jones’ invaluable engagement with the postmodern theory explored across the book. Jane Worrall’s meticulous editing has enhanced the whole and restored accuracy to my bibliography! I have been most touched by the help and support of my friends during times in which they have been very hard pressed. My family have had to grow accustomed to not seeing me at weekends and so my profound thanks to David and Iona for remaining entirely cheery and even enthusiastic about this project despite two months of neglect. Finally, back to my students – I hope this book will remind you of the modules that you enjoyed and that it succeeds in being both rigorous and fun.
Catherine Constable
June 2015