
All Grown Up

Grandmas don’t just say “that’s nice” — they reel back and roll their eyes and throw up their hands and smile. You get your money’s worth out of grandmas.

~Author Unknown

Christmas shopping with my fourteen-year-old grandson was a new experience for me. He had a long list of family and friends for whom he wanted to buy gifts, and he had jotted down some ideas. He brought money he had earned himself.

My role was to drive him to the requested stores and occasionally (when asked) give my opinion on an item. It was a sharp contrast from previous years when he seemed to disappear down the toy aisle, scribbling a list of the things he wanted.

I enjoyed the adult camaraderie and marveled at how much he had grown up as we started toward the door of our third store. He stopped suddenly at a display of wallets, and admired a black leather trifold one. After thoroughly examining it he set it back down and courteously held the door for me as we continued out of the store.

I wondered if he wanted the wallet for himself. I needed a gift idea. I didn’t even have to ask.

“Gramama, I really need a new wallet,” he said as he pulled a shabby billfold from his pocket.

“Score,” I thought to myself. I would go back and get the new wallet for him later. But I wanted to make sure I got the right one, so I casually asked, “So what features do you look for in a wallet?”

“MONEY,” he replied.

I guess he really had grown up!

~Kathie Slief
