Act IIIa

[Enter stage left, Hawaiian shaman - kahuna kapua. No ceremonial robes, just jeans, sandals, sweatshirt with cut off sleeves. Something out of a Gidget movie.] 

Kahuna. "Hey, howsit?"

Ishmael. "You want to tell them about this dream stuff?"

Kahuna."What would you like me to say?"

Ishmael. "Well, maybe explain how it is that life is a dream."

Kahuna."You just did. Anything else?"

Ishmael. "Well, how about what it all means?"

Kahuna. "That's whatever you think it is."

Ishmael. "Oh come on, let's be fair to these people."

Kahuna. "OK, but life isn't necessarily fair - or is it?"

Ishmael. (Sigh.) "Now you can all see what I've been up against. Thanks, Doc."

[Exit stage right, smiling, shaman-kapua.] 

- - - -

This is where the funny thing happened. But you wouldn't think of it that way at the time.