Entering the Garden, I moved along its pristine paths easily. Beautiful as usual, the scents and sounds were a soothing refreshment compared to the quiet stillness of the library. Finding a deserted bench with dappled shadows covering it, I sat to reflect on all I had studied.
The reason I was here was a study itself.
Physically, I had no illness, and I hadn't seen people in casts or bandages. This was a psych hospital, pure and simple.
No problem. I'm not on meds (that I know of) so this is more or less controllable.
How I got here still draws a blank, but that doesn't need to be solved right now.
So intuition is the link between everything. It's like love and creativity. It flows through everything.
Intuition is probably not the best word for it. Imagination might also serve. Love fits as well.
This is really just life. Or it could be called a game. Or a great learning experience.
Which means, as "Mr. Wizard" used to say, "It don't mean sheeit."
A smile crossed my face at the joke. If there were no self, just Self, then obviously one is all Nature, which includes dung, dung beetles, all forms of compost, digestion, ingesting, growing food, living, etc.
Well, that should keep them going.
Time for some action.
I rose, stretched, and walked to the door nearest my room.