I must acknowledge the huge amount of work done over the last half-century by men and women dedicated to the search for truth. In many cases those who have spoken against fluoride have had their lives and careers ruined for blowing the whistle on fluoride or for discovering its adverse effects and then daring to publish their findings. It is to mankind’s benefit that, despite incurring the wrath of their peers, they have not been cowed by the fluoride industry but have continued to tell the truth.
In writing this book, I have received help and borrowed heavily from many of the workers in this field. I cannot mention them all, and it is probably not fair to mention specific names, as all have played a part. But I must mention two who have guided me most on a personal level. The first is Jane Jones, Campaign Director of Britain’s National Pure Water Association. A veritable fount of information, she fed me prodigious amounts of e-mail with the latest news. George Glasser is the other. His work in Florida has been invaluable. His investigative work in the field of pollution has been of immense help. The Florida ‘sunshine laws’ require public access to e-mails coming from public bodies. George has used this legal right to great effect to follow what was going on in the pro-fluoride camp.
Lastly, I should mention my wife, Monica, who did not see me for most of the days when I should have been helping around the house or garden and who read and reread this work ad nauseam – when, I’m sure, she would have preferred to be doing something else.