Chapter Twenty
Aries paced back and forth in the busy airport. She had fled L.A. to insure the safety of her family. She had driven to Nevada to meet her husband and son as they disembarked the plane. There was no way that her family would be able to stay on the West Coast, and going back to Barbados was out of the question. She would have to lay low in one of the fifty states. Big city life was no longer an option. She would become such a recluse that only those she reached out to directly would be able to find her.
She watched the large electronic screen that showed arrivals and departures. She smiled when she noticed that the plane carrying her family had arrived safely. She waited anxiously and impatiently, checking her watch every few minutes.
She knew that Prince would ask a thousand questions, but she didn’t care. Aries planned to be honest with him about everything. At that moment, she just wanted him to hold her, and she wanted to see her child’s smile.
Aries watched as the passengers began to come down to the baggage area, knowing that the two men in her life were lost in the thick crowd. Once the passengers dispersed a bit, she frowned.
“Where is he?” she asked herself aloud as she put her hands on her hips in frustration. She searched the crowd once more before panic set in.
Just as Aries was about to call him, she heard her phone ring. Relief flooded her when she saw Prince’s number on her screen.
“Where are you? I’m here waiting for you,” Aries asked after she put the cell phone to her ear.
“You’re going to be waiting for a long time, bitch.” Aries’ stomach went hollow as soon as she heard Case’s voice. She had gotten ghost on him, thinking that she could disappear before he found her, but obviously she was wrong.
“Cat got your tongue?” Case asked. “I told you not to fuck with me. Macy Sigel is still breathing, and I don’t have my money. Say good-bye to your husband.”
“Baby, I love you. I love you... . Please, God, no!” she heard Prince yell.
“No ... wait! Case! Case! We had a deal. I can still find Macy!” she shouted. Bystanders in the airport looked at her as if she were insane.
“Deal is off,” Case stated callously. Case had already moved two moves ahead of Aries and met her family before they could get to her.
Aries heard the gunshot and fell to her knees. “Noooooooooo! Prince!”
The line went dead, and Aries gripped the phone tightly in her hand as she sobbed right there in the middle of the curious spectators. Case has just taken everything from her. The world had come crashing down around her, and pure regret filled her heart. Aries was hysterical, and all that could be heard was her shrill screams as airport security helped her from the floor and escorted her away.
Six months later
Case puffed a spliff as he watched the young girl go down on him. His toes curled as his dick disappeared and reappeared repeatedly as she devoured him. Life was good in Arizona.
The heat surrounding Macy’s disappearance had become too much. He had fled L.A. and switched trades. He was moving weed across the Mexican border now and living in a modest home in a new city. Things were good, and although he wasn’t living as plush as he had been in the big city, he was more than comfortable. He had a profitable new hustle going on and had set up a nice new life for himself.
Case closed his eyes and tilted his head back in pure pleasure. “Just like that, ma,” he moaned as he ran his hands through her hair.
He was so engrossed in the sexual act that he never heard the bedroom door open. Case had gotten careless since moving out of L.A. He relocated to the desert town in Arizona. He never expected to encounter any problems in the new environment. It wasn’t until he felt the girl stop performing fellatio that he opened his eyes.
“Keep going. What you—”
His words were slapped out of his mouth by the barrel of Aries’ handgun. Case spit out two of his teeth as he watched the young girl freeze in fear.
“Get your clothes on and leave,” Aries stated. “Forget you ever saw me, you understand?”
The girl nodded nervously and grabbed her clothing before leaving at lightning speed from the room while scrambling to get dressed.
Case was frozen. He knew that there was no avoiding this fate, and as he looked down the barrel of her gun, he smirked. There was nothing to say between them. He knew why she had come. He could see the heartbreak in her eyes. She had come for blood, and his was about to be shed.
What Case didn’t know was that Aries wanted him to die slowly. She placed the gun directly between his legs and fired.
“Aghh!” Case screamed as his most private of parts exploded. He lunged for her, but pain overtook him and caused his strength to deplete.
He wrestled with Aries, but she was relentless and more cold-blooded than ever. She gripped his shoulder with one hand as she jabbed her gun into his gut with the other.
Case folded like a lawn chair as lead filled his abdomen.
“Wait. Please, I don’t want to die,” Case stated as he watched Aries’ back as she turned to leave.
Her nostrils flared as she heard his dying words. Aries detested men like Case; they were weak. Case had ended so many lives, ruined so many futures with his reign of terror over L.A.’s streets. Now when it was his time to meet with the Grim Reaper, he was bitching up, begging for mercy.
Aries walked back over to Case and blew his brains out of his head. His body fell limply to the floor as Aries walked away without looking back.
Macy swept the floors of the empty elementary school. It was 3:00 A.M. and he was about to clock out from his second shift job. Macy had come a long way from the lavish life. Because he was such a recognizable political figure it had been hard for him to find a new place to call home. His face had been plastered on the national news for weeks so he was forced into seclusion in the countryside of North Dakota. It was a lonely life, but it was a free life and he would do anything to ensure that it stayed that way. He purchased a small home and maintained it with his janitorial job at the local school. It was a far fall from grace but an adjustment that he was willing to make to maintain control over his own life. Macy wasn’t built for the system so running was his only option. He clocked out after a long day’s work and drove his Chevy Silverado truck home.
Macy wished that he had someone to come home to. Years of being in love with Fatima had spoiled him. There was nothing like having a wife to tend to his needs and despite all the treachery that had crept into their relationship, he still thought of her from time to time. If he could take back that fateful night that he had murdered Boomer, he would. Their relationship had been solid until he had done the unthinkable. Fatima had meant the world to him and when he heard of her death he had grieved heavily. He had no family, no friends. It was only Macy and the lifetime of regret that he was filled with. Macy was a man seeking redemption, but he had yet to find it, and until he did, he forever felt the empty hole in his chest where his heart used to be.
He put his key in the door and stepped inside. He was greeted by the warm colors of his comfortable living room. Exhausted, he removed his shirt and went into his bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror, noticing his full, scruffy five o’clock shadow. Macy chuckled to himself because he had always been clean cut. The new look appeared odd to him, making him feel like a completely different person.
Macy turned on the water and splashed water on his face. When he came back up, all color left his face at the face in the mirror behind him.
Aries stood unflinchingly cold, with a gun pointed at the back of his head.
“You came after me,” he stated as he continued to rub the soap into his beard.
“Because of you I’m a widow,” she replied.
“No, because of you you’re a widow. You knew the consequences of your actions and you also knew that one day you would meet your match. I’m sorry that you had to experience such pain, but I’m not to blame for it. Case is. He’s the one who you should be killing.”
Aries pulled back the hammer of the gun.
All she had to do was pull the trigger.
“I did that already.”
Macy looked at her in shock, revealing his true emotions to her for the first time.
“Then what is this about?” he asked.
“I always finish the job,” she replied.
As he stared into the eyes of a killer, he had no choice but to respect her. She was thorough, and even though she had the power to end his life, he was fascinated by her. He held up his hands in defeat. “I played the game and lost. Now it’s time to pay up. Do what you have to do, ma. Just business, right?”
Aries placed her gun directly against Macy’s forehead and her trigger finger itched. For the first time in her entire career as a murder-for-hire, she hesitated. She gritted her teeth and ice-grilled Macy as they stared at one another. For some reason, Macy sparked something inside of Aries ... something good.
“Aghh!” she yelled as she withdrew her weapon. “I’m not going to kill you—today. I can’t guarantee that I’ll feel this way tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, but today you get to keep your life. As you can see, I can touch you. Anywhere you go, I can get to you. You will live every day thinking if it is the day a Murder Mama is coming for you.”
Aries walked out of the house feeling as if she had just taken the first step toward beginning a new life.
Aries hurried into her hotel room and smiled when she saw her son’s sleeping face. She was grateful to God for sparing Tre. Although Prince had paid the ultimate price for her sins, her son had been safely tucked away in the panic room before Case ever knew he was home. After everything that she had been through, she had made it through. She looked at the luggage that sat next to the door. She had only come to town to tie up loose ends with Macy, but she no longer felt the need to end more lives. She was pretty sure that she and Macy had an understanding, and that was good enough for her. Enough blood had been shed. The Murder Mamas had taken a lot of wins, but had also experienced some heart-shattering losses.
“We are out of here first thing tomorrow, baby boy. You and I are going to live happily ever after. We have a new life to begin living,” she whispered as she admired his innocent face.
As she went to the door, she locked it and then rubbed the tattoo on the back of her wrist. She remembered the day that she and her girls had pledged their allegiance to the game and gotten them inked on. That seemed like so long ago. Who would’ve ever thought that I’d be the last one standing? she thought.
“Beatrice ... Anisa ... Miamor ... Robyn. Rest in peace, Mamas! I love you bitches forever, but it’s time to let it go.” A single tear slid down her face, because there had been so many good times. She would miss them every day, and because of the lessons they had taught her, she would value every breath that she took. She would live life to the fullest on behalf of them all. “R.I.P., ladies. I’ll never forget you.”