Unfinished Business

Sir, starting next month,

Please accept my resignation

And, if necessary, find a replacement for me.

I leave a lot of uncompleted work,

Either from laziness or practical problems.

I should have said something to someone,

But no longer know what or to whom. I have forgotten.

I should have given something away, too:

A word of wisdom, a gift, a kiss.

I’ve put it off from one day to the next. Forgive me.

I’ll take care of it in the short time that’s left.

I have, I fear, neglected important clients.

I should have visited

Faraway cities, islands, deserted lands;

You’ll have to cross them off the program

Or entrust them to my successor’s care.

I should have planted trees and haven’t done it,

Built myself a house,

Perhaps not beautiful but conforming to a plan.

Above all, dear sir, I had in mind

A marvellous book that would have

Revealed innumerable secrets,

Alleviated pain and fear,

Dissolved doubts, given to many people

The boon of tears and laughter.

You’ll find the outline in my drawer,

In back, with the unfinished business.

I haven’t had time to see it through. Too bad.

It would have been a fundamental work.