Xen Sanders is a New Orleans-born Southern boy without the Southern accent, currently residing somewhere in the metropolitan wilds of the American Midwest. He spends his days as a suit-and-tie corporate consultant and business writer, and his nights writing genre-bending science fiction and fantasy tinged with a touch of horror and flavored by the influences of his multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual background—when he’s not being tackled by two hyperactive cats. He wavers between calling himself bisexual and calling himself queer, but no matter what word he uses he’s a staunch advocate of LGBTQIA representation and visibility in genre fiction.
He also writes contemporary romance and erotica as Cole McCade. And while he spends more time than is healthy hiding in his writing cave instead of hanging around social media, you can generally find him in these usual haunts:
Email: blackmagic@blackmagicblues.com
Twitter: @thisblackmagic
Facebook: facebook.com/xen.cole
Facebook Fan Page: facebook.com/ColeMcCadeBooks
Website & Blog: blackmagicblues.com
Dammit, Cole Advice Column: blackmagicblues.com/category/dammit-cole
The Speak Project: blackmagicblues.com/speak
Street Team / Fan Group: facebook.com/groups/mccadesmarauders