If this is your first visit to my Jayne Castle world, welcome! I hope you enjoyed the ride. Those who have ventured to Harmony on previous occasions know that I also write contemporary romantic suspense under the name Jayne Ann Krentz and historical romantic suspense as Amanda Quick. They will likely have recognized a few “Easter eggs” in Guild Boss—bits and pieces of history from those other fictional landscapes. It seems that, although it wasn’t the plan back at the start—there was no plan at the start—I have accidentally created a sort of “Jayneverse.”

If you’re curious about some of the elements that popped up in Guild Boss, here’s a brief guide:

Want to know more about those dangerous clockwork dolls known as Mrs. Bridewell’s curiosities? You can check out the history of the lethal toys in Quicksilver (written under my Amanda Quick name) and In Too Deep (written under my Jayne Ann Krentz name).

Craving more dust bunny books? The critters are unique to my Jayne Castle world set on Harmony. The first book in the series is After Dark.

Interested in the history of the Arcane Society? It starts with Second Sight (written under my Amanda Quick name). There’s a complete list of the titles at my website,

Would you like to meet more of those Jones men? They appear in all three of my worlds. Check out Tightrope (written under my Amanda Quick name) for a recent example.

For more information, please feel free to explore my website,, or meet me on my Facebook page: I’m also on Instagram:

Waving from Seattle,