32 Poems, ed. George David Clark; associate eds. Nick McRae, Matt Morton, Sarah Rose Nordgren, and Michael Shewmaker. Washington & Jefferson College, Department of English, 60 S. Lincoln Street, Washington, PA 15301. www.32poems.com
The Academy of American Poets, Poem-a-Day, ed. Alex Dimitrov. www.poets.org
Alaska Quarterly Review, editor-in-chief Ronald Spatz. University of Alaska Anchorage, 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508. www.uaa.alaska.edu/aqr
American Poets, ed. Alex Dimitrov; director of content Mary Gannon. www.poets.org/american-poets-magazine/home
The American Poetry Review, eds. David Bonanno and Elizabeth Scanlon. 320 S. Broad St., Hamilton #313, Philadelphia, PA 19102. www.aprweb.org
Birmingham Poetry Review, editor-in-chief Adam Vines; features ed. Gregory Fraser. 1720 2nd Avenue South, HB 203, Birmingham, AL 35294-1260.
Boston Review, poetry eds. Timothy Donnelly, Barbara Fischer, and Stefania Heim. bostonreview.net
Brilliant Corners, ed. Sascha Feinstein. Lycoming College, 700 College Place, Williamsport, PA 17701. www.lycoming.edu/brilliantCorners
Cherry Tree, ed. Jehanne Dubrow. www.washcoll.edu/centers/lithouse/cherry-tree
The Common, poetry ed. John Hennessy. www.thecommononline.org
Connotation Press, poetry ed. Julie Brooks Barbour. www.connotationpress.com
Copper Nickel, ed. Wayne Miller; poetry eds. Brian Barker and Nicky Beer. copper-nickel.org
Crab Orchard Review, poetry ed. Allison Joseph. Department of English, Faner Hall 2380, Mail Code 4503, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1000 Faner Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901. craborchardreview.siu.edu
The Georgia Review, ed. Stephen Corey. Main Library, Room 706A, 320 S. Jackson St., The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-9009. garev.uga.edu
The Gettysburg Review, ed. Mark Drew. Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 17325-1491. www.gettysburgreview.com
Green Mountains Review, poetry ed. Elizabeth Powell. greenmountainsreview.com
The Greensboro Review, poetry ed. Mackenzie Connellee. MFA Writing Program, 3302 MHRA Building, UNC-Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170. tgronline.net
Gulf Coast, poetry eds. Luisa Muradyan, Erika Jo Brown, and Henk Rossouw. Department of English, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77204-3013. gulfcoastmag.org
Harvard Review, poetry ed. Major Jackson. Lamont Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. harvardreview.fas.harvard.edu
Hinchas de Poesía, poetry ed. Jim Heavily; guest editor James Cervantes. www.hinchasdepoesia.com
Image, ed. Gregory Wolfe. 3307 Third Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119. imagejournal.org
jubilat, eds. Kevin González and Caryl Pagel; executive ed. Emily Pettit. www.jubilat.org
The Literary Review, poetry eds. Craig Morgan Teicher and Michael Morse. www.theliteraryreview.org
London Review of Books, poetry ed. Nick Richardson. www.lrb.co.uk
Los Angeles Review of Books, poetry ed. Elizabeth Metzger. lareviewofbooks.org
The Massachusetts Review, poetry eds. Ellen Doré Watson and Deborah Gorlin. Photo Lab 309, 211 Hicks Way, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. www.massreview.org
Miramar, ed. Christopher Buckley. 342 Oliver Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93109. www.miramarmagazine.org
New England Review, poetry ed. Rick Barot. www.nereview.com
New Letters, ed. Robert Stewart. University of Missouri–Kansas City, University House, 5101 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110. www.newletters.org
New Ohio Review, poetry ed. Jill Rosser. English Dept. 360 Ellis Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 5701. www.ohio.edu/nor
The New Yorker, poetry ed. Paul Muldoon. www.newyorker.com
The New York Times Magazine, poetry ed. for 2015, Natasha Trethewey. www.nytimes.com/column/magazine-poem
Paperbag, eds. Cathy Linh Che, Margarita Delcheva, Peter Moysaenko, Levi Rubeck, and Michael Vizsolyi. paperbagazine.com
The Paris Review, poetry ed. Robyn Creswell. 544 W. 27th St., New York, NY 10001. www.theparisreview.org
Parnassus, editor and publisher Herbert Leibowitz; co-editor Ben Downing. 205 W. 89th St. #8F, New York, NY 10024. parnassusreview.com
Ploughshares, poetry ed. John Skoyles. www.pshares.org
Poetry, ed. Don Share. www.poetryfoundation.org
Poetry Daily, eds. Diane Boller and Don Selby. www.poems.com
Prairie Schooner, editor-in-chief Kwame Dawes; poetry eds. Arden Eli Hill and Rebecca Macijeski. 123 Andrews Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0334. prairieschooner.unl.edu
Ragazine, poetry ed. Emily Vogel. ragazine.cc
Raritan, editor in chief Jackson Lears. 31 Mine St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901. raritanquarterly.rutgers.edu
River Styx, ed. Richard Newman. 3139A South Grand Boulevard, Suite 203, St. Louis, MO 63118. www.riverstyx.org
The Southern Review, poetry ed. Jessica Faust. 338 Johnston Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. thesouthernreview.org
Subtropics, poetry ed. Sidney Wade. subtropics.english.ufl.edu
Sycamore Review, poetry eds. Julie Henson and Emily Skaja; asst. poetry ed. Rachel Reynolds. sycamorereview.com
Tahoma Literary Review, poetry ed. and publisher Kelly Davio. tahomaliteraryreview.com
Tin House, poetry ed. Matthew Dickman. www.tinhouse.com/home
Valley Voices, ed. John Zheng. libguides.mvsu.edu/valley-voices
Virginia Quarterly Review, www.vqronline.org
Waxwing, poetry eds. Justin Bigos and W. Todd Kaneko. waxwingmag.org
The Yale Review, ed. J. D. McClatchy. Yale University, PO Box 208243, New Haven, CT 06520-8243. yalereview.yale.edu