The Witches’ Rune


Darksome night and shining moon

Hearken to the Witches’ Rune.

East and South, West and North

Hear me now, I call thee forth.

By all the powers of land and sea

Be obedient unto me.

Wand and pentacle, cup and sword

Hearken ye unto my word.

Cord and censor, totem and knife

Waken ye all into life.

By all the powers of the Witches’ blade

Come ye now as the charge is made.

Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell

Send your aid unto my spell.

Horned Hunter of the Night

Work my will by magick rite.

By all the powers of Land and Sea

As I will, so mote it be.

By all the might of moon and sun

As I say, it shall be done.

—Doreen Valiente1

Grab your flowing capes and come with me as we journey through the history and magickal practices of America’s favorite scary holiday—Halloween! From Old World roots to New World charm, you’ll learn about the hodgepodge of legends and customs that created our modern American Halloween holiday. From serious facts to fun, gossipy tidbits, we broom through time and space to bring you accurate, researched information, as well as practical, how-to goodies.

This comprehensive book contains historical information, modern magickal applications, yummy treats for your next Halloween party, tips on how to speak to the dead, and plenty of information about America’s creepiest holiday.

So ghosts and goblins beware as we unveil . . .


1. English Craft author of many fine books on the subject, including The Rebirth of Witchcraft; Witchcraft for Tomorrow; and An ABC of Witchcraft (all published through Phoenix Publications, Custer, Washington). Although this poem appears all over the Internet with “author unknown,” you will find the original version in The Witches Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar (published through Magickal Childe). Doreen’s books are required reading for my students of Craft history and practice.