Chapter 26
Fiona barely had time to scramble to her feet when the tent flap opened. Three men stood in the doorway. She recognized the two she’d spotted earlier. They pushed into the tent and all the women scurried backward as one.
“You’re not supposed to be in here,” Nuala said in a strong voice, but her hands were trembling.
“Oy, Benjy,” the fat one said pointing at Nuala. “Remember this one? She was my favorite. In fact, I think it was me what put that bun in her oven, so I do!”
He took a step toward Nuala. All three men were armed. Lately Sinead had been having the rapists double as security in the camp.
“Nay, Bert,” Benjy said, grinning and showing several missing teeth. “I was the one did that to ‘er. Wasn’t I, sweetheart?” he said as he leered at Nuala. Hannah edged away from the tent door but her movement caused all three to turn in her direction. She held her pregnant belly. Her eyes were wide with terror.
“You’re not supposed to touch us!” Julie said, pushing in front of Nuala.
“Says who?” Bert said, advancing on Hannah. She whimpered as he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to one of the dining tables.
“We’ll tell!” Fiona said shrilly, her eyes on poor Hannah as the man pulled her around until she was facing away from him. “Dr. Mac said you’ll be killed if you touch us!”
“Dr. Mac,” Benjy said and then spat on the vinyl floor of the tent. “Reckon it’s our word against yours.”
The third man was younger with hair to his shoulders. Fiona had never seen him before but she could tell by the dead look in his eyes that there was something mentally wrong with him. He pulled his gun and aimed it at Julie but his attention was on Hannah and the fat man. Hannah was weeping and half bent over the table, but her dress was still down over her hips.
“Pretty hard to say you didn’t touch us if one of us is dead,” Nuala said, pointing to the gun.
“Don’t give us cause to shoot ye then,” Benjy said with a grin.
“They won’t dare shoot us!” Fiona yelled to the other women. She walked up to the younger man with the gun and slapped him hard across the face. His eyes flew open wide in shock and then a demonic fury spread across his features. He twisted the gun around and raised it to Fiona’s face.
“Don’t leave a mark on her!” Benjy barked. “Just roger her! What the feck are ye doing over there, Bert?” he called to the fat man with Hannah.
“I can’t bend her proper,” Bert said in frustration. “Her gut’s too big!”
Fiona tried to run to Hannah and felt her arm jerked nearly out of its socket by the younger man. He grabbed her face with his meaty hand and pushed her backwards until she fell against the couch.
Stopping only long enough to hand his gun to Benjy, he began pawing at Fiona’s long skirt. Suddenly, everyone was screaming. The children ran to the men and began beating at them with their fists. One of Nuala’s boys was backhanded across the room. Julie grabbed the younger man on top of Fiona by his hair. A gun went off ratcheting up the terror and the noise.
Seconds later a long piercing scream brought the men to their feet, panting and red-faced. Fiona’s assailant had a long scratch from his eyebrow to his jaw. Fiona got to her feet and turned to see the source of the scream.
Julie stood alone in a small puddle of water, clutching her belly.
“You bastards!” Nuala said. “She’s in labor!”
The men began backing out the door.
“We didn’t do that!” Benjy yelled, waving his gun at the women. “It’s our word against yours!” The three slipped out the tent. The women ran to where Julie stood. Nuala reached her first. She grabbed Julie by the arm and helped her sit.
“Go see to your lad,” Julie said, panting. Nuala looked over her shoulder but she could see both boys were unharmed.
“I’m here to see to you,” Nuala said firmly. She looked at Fiona. “We all are.”
Fiona smiled bleakly and turned to find Hannah. The girl was leaning against the table, her face white.
“You okay then, Hannah?” Fiona called to her.
The girl looked at her with surprise and nodded. One of the other women gave Hannah’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Nuala directed two of the women to keep the children distracted. She had Catriona fetch a bowl of clean water. Fiona sat next to Julie and held her hand.
“Good timing,” Fiona said with a straight face. “I appreciate you choosing now to go into labor.”
“Glad I could accommodate,” Julie said, wincing. “Feck, it hurts like a bastard. Do ye ken what you’re doing then, Fiona?”
“If you’re asking if I’ve ever delivered a baby,” Fiona said, patting her hand. “The answer is yes. Just don’t do anything off the charts and we’ll be fine.”
“Aye,” Julie said, putting her head back and closing her eyes for a moment before the next contraction. “That’s what they all say just before everything goes to shite.”
“Hello!” a female voice called from outside the tent. “It’s Mrs. Reidy the midwife, if ye please.”
Hannah whirled around to face the women. “I didn’t call her! I swear!”
“The men notified me,” Mrs. Reidy said pushing into the tent. She had a doctor’s bag. Two of the compound women blocked her entrance.
“You’re not needed here,” Liddy said threateningly.
“I just want to help.”
“Ye can help by pissing off,” Nuala called to her.
The midwife glowered at the two women barring her entrance. “I believe I can help better by giving your friend the benefit of my midwifery skills. Please.”
“You want to help?” Nuala yelled. “Why don’t you tell someone we’re here!”
“Who would you have me tell? Who would care?” Mrs. Reidy said in frustration.
A moment of silence passed as each woman in the tent seemed to digest the midwife’s words.
“Let her in,” Fiona said tiredly. “She can help.” And she’s right, there’s no one to care.
The midwife went to Julie. She immediately pulled on latex gloves and took Julie’s pulse. Fiona looked at Nuala over Mrs. Reidy’s head. Something intrinsically sad passed between them.
Fiona turned her attention back to Julie. “We’re here, Jules. We’re all here to help you get this little one born.”
Julie squeezed her eyes tightly shut. A single tear escaping as she gripped Fiona’s hand for all she was worth.