There before him were the Micronians, doing everything that was anathema to the Zentraedi. But the lure of the forbidden was always strong in Khyron, and so there were certain things about Micronian behavior that, I think, he found tremendously seductive—not the weakling things, of course, but rather the sensual.

Is it any wonder he loathed and hated them, could not bear to have them even exist?

Grel, aide to Khyron

SHE’D BEEN THROUGH THIS DRILL BEFORE, BUT IT DIDN’T MAKE IT any easier. Donna Wilhelm, an enlisted-rating tech who was relief-watch fill-in for Sammie, tried not to lose her composure and let her voice quaver.

Her fingers clenched at the edges of the console, so hard that it felt like she might crease it. “Captain Gloval, unidentified cruiser-class spacecraft closing on our position at Mach seven.”

She was the one Claudia had chewed out for daydreaming; Donna was exacting now, more practiced. She’d learned the lessons anybody under Gloval learned, and as a result she was capable of manning her station through hell’s own flames. Which looked like it was about to become a job requirement.

Donna hadn’t heard footsteps, but Gloval was suddenly at her shoulder, massive and calm, whacking his briar pipe against the heel of his shoe to knock out a bit of dottle. “Punch it up, please.”

“Yes, sir. Altitude twelve thousand.” Donna lit up her part of the bridge with tactical displays. It was a given that this could be the minute in which every soul aboard died.

But that couldn’t excuse sloppiness in the discharge of one’s obligations. There was a pure, white-hot kind of bushido, an ultimate calmness in matters of overwhelming importance, a very privileged eye-of-the-storm serenity, that the people on the bridge of SDF-1 were expected to have.

Once you’d been a part of it, it was just impossible to settle for anything less. Donna had learned it in a school that permitted very few errors and no inattention, under Gloval, Lisa Hayes, Claudia Grant, and the others.

So now Donna did her duty, up to SDF-1 standards, which is to say without flaw and with the guts of a cat burglar. “Eleven thousand,” she updated. “If it maintains present course, it’ll touch down approx ten miles from the SDF-1 magnetic bearing three-two-five.”

It couldn’t be anything but trouble; the war was on again, and if peace had seemed too good to be true, that was because it was. But Gloval’s broad hand patted Donna’s shoulder for a moment, transferring what felt like an infinite calm even while he was calling orders to other bridge personnel.

“Order up a B status encrypted comline to headquarters immediately! And one of you find Commander Hayes and get her up here on the double! Somebody else tell Ghost and Skull teams to get ready for a hot scramble!”

People were doing all of that, and still the bridge was as quiet as a well-run switchboard. Gloval told Donna Wilhelm, “Well done. Give me updates every fifteen seconds, understood? And if you see I’m not listening, come stand on my foot.”

Then he was gone, and the SDF-1 bridge was quietly chaotic with a general-quarters combat alert. Arm Hammerhead missiles and Deca missiles and Scorpion missiles; power up to main gun batteries; secondaries; to all firing positions. Hot scrambles, ready on go, aye.

Donna looked at her screens and got ready to relay the first update to Gloval. Over a year ago, her family had been one of those that were simply vacuumed up in the catastrophic first encounter between Zentraedi and human. Now her father was an emergency team specialist, her mother supervised an elite EVA squad, and her younger brother was dead, one of Ghost Team’s KIAs back in that big blitzkrieg in Saturn’s rings.

So Donna did her duty. The aliens had followed SDF-1 to Earth; the aliens would follow the SDF-1 everywhere, hound the ship and hound those within it until this fight was settled one way or the other. Only, there was one thing that the aliens didn’t seem to understand: The SDF-1’s crew would never surrender now.

No matter; it was war again. And the Zentraedi didn’t know that they themselves were refining, like precious metals in some torturous crucible, a counterforce within the human race that was their match—in willpower if not in firepower—and more.

Much more.

*   *   *

In the vast command center under the Alaskan wilderness, an operator called out over his headset, “Confirmed enemy craft continues descent, sir. Will touch down at point K-32, R-56 Bravo.”

The duty officer, Brigadier General Theroux, leaned forward, staring up at the immense display screen. “Are you certain? Are you positive that this craft is confirmed as the enemy?”

“That’s affirmative, sir.”

Theroux got to his feet, squaring away his cap. This was Command’s worst fear made real. The Grand Cannon wasn’t yet ready to fire, and even if it had been, the approaching alien warship wasn’t in its range. Until the planned network of unique dish satellites was in place to redirect the Grand Cannon’s superbolts as needed, it was virtually useless.

Theroux opened an emergency com channel, sure that the ruling council would want to reconsider standing instructions under the circumstances. But he could reach only General Herbert and Marshal Zukav.

“And the enemy is headed straight for the SDF-1,” Theroux finished his brief situation report.

General Herbert’s face blinked at him out of the screen. “And? You mean you haven’t carried out Special Order Seventy-three yet?”

Theroux said desperately, “But sir, that will only—”

“Carry out your duty!” Zukav screamed, florid-faced, from another screen. “Do it this instant or I’ll personally see you hanged for mutiny!” The screens blanked.

That will only goad them into attacking the SDF-1, and the SDF-1 is a sitting duck, Theroux had been about to say. But Herbert and Zukav knew that as well as he. It was as if they wanted the battle fortress obliterated—

Brigadier General Theroux forced his thoughts away from that line of contemplation. He had his orders.

He addressed his launch control officer. “Very well, then: execute Special Order Seventy-three. Launch missiles immediately.” And as techs were acknowledging and carrying out the command, he murmured, “And heaven help us.”

*   *   *

“We are now monitoring all base com signals and telemetry,” Claudia reported.

“Very good,” Gloval said. While he had no direct orders not to eavesdrop on his superiors, it went against all operating procedure. But he had so few things working to his advantage in this crisis; if a man with cloven hooves, smelling of brimstone, had appeared on the bridge at that moment, it’s very likely that the captain would have struck a bargain with him.

Claudia looked over to Lisa, who seemed lost in thought even though her boards appeared to be registering a lot of activity. “Lisa?” Claudia called softly. “Lisa! Girl, what seems to be the problem? You’ve been in some kind of daydream ever since you got back. Tell me, is it Kyle?”

For a moment Lisa looked like a startled deer. Then she became very defensive, even though she should have been used to her best friend’s teasing by then. “Claudia, you know that’s just not true!”

“Ahem,” Gloval said softly, materializing behind them. “Ladies…”

They both got back to work, but Claudia was chuckling and an angry red spot appeared on each of Lisa’s cheeks.

Kim shattered the gentle, joking atmosphere for good. “Captain, headquarters has just launched defense missiles. Our instruments show approximately fifteen seconds to impact.”

Gloval settled into his chair. “Fifteen seconds, understood.” What in blazes can those fools be hoping to accomplish? Conventional weapons are totally useless against the Zentraedi.

“Prepare to send in the Veritechs,” he said.

*   *   *

With the disappearance of Dr. Lang and the SDF-1 and the destruction of its orbital force in the wake of the initial Zentraedi attack, Earth’s defense command had been forced to fall back on older technologies, at least until their Grand Cannon was completed.

Even the production of VTs was impossible, since most of the necessary fabricating and power-plant replicating devices were on the battle fortress; the earthly RDF fighters who’d greeted the ship on its return were just that, ordinary fighters, even though they looked like VTs. The only real Robotech weapons now in the Council’s possession were the handful of Battloids that had, predictably, been preempted to guard the Council’s own Alaskan warren.

The huge, silvery missiles that rose up from the planet’s surface now, recently manufactured and bearing the kite-like delta insignia of the Robotech Defense Forces, were nevertheless primitive in comparison with Robotechnology. But the order to fire was in place, and the workings of command structure spun and reacted automatically.

*   *   *

Khyron’s great cruiser moved more slowly in the thick lower atmosphere. He didn’t even bother trying to evade the missiles or shoot them down; he relished the shudder and thunder of their harmless detonations against his vessel’s massive armor. He loved toying with his prey, loved to pretend that slaughter was battle.

Hellish fire washed across the ship’s armor and swirled away behind it, like foam off a killer whale, having no effect.

Behind the big transparent bubble of his command post, Khyron looked down contentedly at the activity on his warship’s bridge. Grel, his second in command, growled in a fierce, deep Zentraedi guttural, “Khyron, what about a counterattack?”

It was Khyron’s pleasure to speak differently from his fellows, to be unique in all things. His accent was over-refined, almost foppish, though the Zentraedi lacked such a concept except in his case. But few people had ever dared call the Backstabber on it, and all of those had met with grief.

“A brilliant idea, Grel! But just what are we counterattacking?”

Grel’s thick brows met as he pondered the question. “You mean,” he said slowly, “that this planet is not the actual main objective.”

Khyron’s handsome, sinister face lit with a predatory smile. “You’re beginning to see the light.” Another glorious victory for Khyron! And oblivion for the hated SDF-1; things were going perfectly.

*   *   *

“Veritechs, you have permission to engage the enemy,” Lisa said. “Fire at will.”

A swarm of angry VTs swooped in on the descending alien, lances of bright blue energy stabbing from their pulsed laser-array cannon, another of Lang’s developments.

“SDF-1 to United Earth Command,” Lisa transmitted. “Our fighter squadron has initiated contact.” Chew on that, you burrowing moles!

The VTs were in close, flown by veterans who knew where to aim and how to avoid the bigger ship’s clumsy cannon volleys. They did only minor damage on the first few passes; but there were dozens of them, so more serious damage would be inflicted if they were allowed to have their way.

Gloval was counting on something he’d noticed before: There were definitely differing factions among the enemy, sometimes working at cross-purposes. One faction seemed to be commanded by an injudicious hothead, and this attack smacked of him—or her.

Gloval was right. Even as the enemy cruiser closed on the dimensional fortress, fighter bays opened and alien mecha poured forth to battle for the skies. For this engagement, Khyron had elected to use a mix of his best fighting machines; the VTs swooped in to find themselves facing stubby triple-engine fighters with fuselages like narrow eggs: tri-thrusters—Botoru pursuit ships, agile and spoiling for a fight.

But no more so than the RDF fliers, who were now on their home planet, their backs literally to the sea. There was nowhere to run, no thought of surrender, and no battle plan needed except to make the aliens pay very, very dearly for each moment they spent in Earth’s atmosphere.

“I’m getting heavy contact reports and increased readings of enemy activity, sir,” Claudia relayed.

Out where war mecha jousted with spears of pure ruin for the fate of the SDF-1 and the human race, lines of fire and counterfire crisscrossed ferociously, taking a heavy toll on both sides.

Despite a steady rain of blasts from the SDF-1’s primary and secondary batteries, Khyron’s cruiser swung in a low pass toward the battle fortress. Gloval wasted no time wishing that the all-powerful main gun could be fired. That wasn’t possible; damage to the main gun mechanism suffered on reentry hadn’t been repaired yet. So the battle would have to be won another way.

More VTs were ordered to the flight decks, Rick’s Vermilions among them, and every weapon on the ship concentrated fire on the invader. Gloval spoke quickly to engineering, preparing for other, desperate measures.

The SDF-1’s fire was punishing Khyron’s ship as even the VTs couldn’t, but that didn’t matter to the Backstabber; he needed only a little longer. His cruiser passed overhead, all batteries firing, the two heavyweight ships hammering away at each other with all they had, inflicting appalling damage.

At the same time the cruiser released more mecha, a virtual hail of Battlepods that dropped down toward the SDF-1. The pods and the tri-thruster pursuit ships kept up a heavy fusillade. The VTs did their best to turn back the assault drop, but they were simply outnumbered; there would be many empty bunks down in the squadron quarters that night, if indeed the SDF-1 lasted at all.

Leading his troops in his own tremendously powerful officer’s Battlepod, Khyron saw the carnage and grinned like a lunatic.

“Keep firing and don’t stop until we’ve destroyed every last one of the miserable Micronian vermin!”