There quite simply had never been anything like it, and veteran fighter pilots who witnessed it shook their heads and did quite a bit less boasting for a while.

Zachary Foxx, Jr., VT: The Men and the Mecha


Max had gone back to Battloid mode, and the two darted and zigzagged like maddened dragonflies. Max released another flight of missiles that she avoided, then nearly clipped her with a tracer-bright stream of gatling rounds.

But she evaded him again. It was the most difficult, dangerous, exhilarating contest Max had ever been in; his sense of time had slipped away, and he didn’t think of victory so much as excelling, of outperforming his foe.

For Miriya it was different. Not only had she not destroyed the Micronian, she’d come very close to being killed herself. He was as good as Khyron had said and better. For the first time, she was beginning to know what her own opponents, her long list of kills, had felt.

Perhaps, as the ancient wisdom goes, there is always someone better than oneself. The thought repelled her and filled her with an angry dread.

She came tearing through a small white puff of cloud to see that the SDF-1 was close by. “His ship!”

She made straight for it at maximum speed. Perhaps in tight quarters with his own unprotected fellow beings all around, he would know a hesitation to shoot, would lose concentration.

It was a deliciously audacious, risky plan; she adored it.

“I won’t be able to catch him in time!” Max hollered over the command net, seeing what this brilliant, devious enemy had in mind.

*   *   *

“They’re heading this way, Captain—straight for us!” Lisa reported.

“Tell the AA batteries not to fire!” Gloval barked. “Sterling is too close to the enemy! Make sure all hatches are sealed! Double-check that all civilians are in shelters!”

*   *   *

The banshee song of sirens echoed through the stupendous hold that housed Macross City.

Rick looked up from his peaceful contemplation of the sleeping Minmei. He got to his feet, then staggered for a moment as his bandaged head pounded like a bass drum. He had no idea what the procedure was for patients and visitors during an alert.

Minmei hadn’t even stirred. Rick found the corridor empty; he didn’t know it, but doctors, nurses, and other staff members were busy helping priority patients—newborns, intensive care, and other nonambulatories. He could hear internal hatches booming shut.

Rick looked at Minmei; for the moment she was as safe where she was as anywhere he could think of. He had to find out what was going on. Rick trotted off to find someone, his head punishing him with every step.

*   *   *

Most of the exterior hatches on the SDF-1 were sealed, of course, the ship being at general quarters. But one wasn’t: the one through which the air-sea rescue helo had just left to make the pickup on Captain Kramer.

The enormous hatch couldn’t be closed quickly, but it was more than half closed already. Miriya saw it and dove through it, into the dimensional fortress.

“This is it!” Max steeled himself and followed grimly, his ship in Fighter mode. His rear stabilizers barely cleared the descending upper half of the hatch; the VT’s gleaming belly nearly scraped the lower.

He chased the giant powered armor suit through a long curve of enormous passageway usually used to shuttle large machinery, components, and vehicles to and from the fabrication complex situated near Macross City.

“Run, little man, run,” Miriya beckoned, watching him, approaching in her rearview screen while simultaneously flying at hair-raising speed through the relatively tight passageway. “And when you catch me, you die.”

*   *   *

Rick was gazing out through a permaglass window in the solarium, watching the last few civilians scuttle into shelters, when outside debris began falling from overhead.

An enormous figure dropped to the streets of Macross, making the ship tremble. Rick found himself staring at the back of the Quadrono’s head.

They’re inside the ship! We’re finished! The Quadrono’s back thrusters flared, and it went racing down the street, taller than some of the buildings, its backwash nearly knocking out the solarium windows.

Rick had barely regained his balance when another cyclopean form dropped from above. Rick recognized the Battloids’s markings as Max Sterling’s.

Maybe we’re not finished, after all! “Go get ’im Max! Yeah!”

Standing erect like the Quadrono, the Battloid flashed off into the streets of Macross in search of its antagonist.

Miriya wasn’t used to such close quarters; though she handled her Quadrono mecha well, she bashed through walls and ripped out overhead signs and fixtures. None of that mattered to her, and it didn’t affect the mecha at all.

But Max had the advantage of knowing the streets of the city. Miriya came around a turn to see the Battloid, feet gushing thruster fire, skid to a halt before her.

Several blocks separated them. Max whipped up the long, cigar-shaped gray chain-gun and opened fire from the hip. The hail of massive bullets spattered the Quadrono, holing it in places where its armor was thinnest, driving it back off balance. Do what she might, Miriya couldn’t prevent her mecha from being knocked over backward.

The Quadrono heaved itself to its feet again, Miriya caught in a red haze of rage. “You think to do combat with me?” she screamed, though he couldn’t hear her. “You impudent fool!”

No radio reply or translation from Max was needed. The Battloid said it all as it stood waiting, poised, with autocannon ready, allowing her the option. The clearest challenge imaginable.

Her words couldn’t dispel the thought that assailed Miriya. Khyron was right! This Micronian is a demon of war!

*   *   *

“Open the overhead hatch that’s nearest to them!” Gloval snapped. “We have to force the alien out of the ship!”

*   *   *

The Quadrono’s exterior pickups caught the sound of grinding brute servomotors, and Miriya detected the opening of the hatch above her as she shouldered aside a building, crumbling it to pieces like a plaster model, to get some fighting room.

Her Quadrono fired with the energy weapons built into its giant hands—particle beams and annihilation discs. The Battloid ducked one volley, leapt high on thrusters to elude another.

Then Max started slowly walking his Battloid toward the enemy, still holding his fire until he had a perfect shot, determined that his next burst would end the duel. He was sure the other was enough of a warrior to know just what was happening, a test of nerve and backbone.

How close do we come before we open fire? Who gets rattled and shoots first, afraid to go toe to toe? Afraid to shoot it out point-blank?

It was all so bizarre, so impossibly unlikely, a unique moment in the Robotech War. Max couldn’t help feeling like one of the good guys in the Westerns he’d loved so much as a kid. If the Duke could only see this!

The Battloid’s footsteps resounded, the autocannon cradled at its side like the Ringo Kid’s Winchester. Max was a little too busy to whistle “Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin’,” but he heard it in his head.

Miriya almost fired a dozen times in those moments, but pride kept her from it. If the Micronian had the nerve to close the distance to point-blank—to a distance where they’d almost certainly both be killed when the shooting started—then so did Miriya, leader of the Quadrono.

On this, our weddin’ day-ayy, went the tune in Max’s head.

The Battloid’s feet measured off ten yards at a stride; the city blocks between the huge mecha disappeared quickly.

It’s not good enough simply to die killing him! Miriya’s mind yammered. He must die knowing that I live!

Before she could reconsider, the Quadrono’s thrusters novaed, and the powered armor rocketed up through the open hatch. She loosed a flock of sizzling missiles, but the pursuing Battloid avoided them and kept coming.

Max mechamorphosed to Veritech mode, chasing her in a ballistic climb. “Turnin’ tail, are yuh, pilgrim?”

Then Lisa was saying in his ear, “Return to base, Vermilion Three. You’ve beaten him.”

Not decisively, Max told himself, turning for home. He knew that, and the Zentraedi surely did, too.

Seething, Miriya guided her Quadrono back into the stratosphere. “Miriya will not forget this day, Micronian—and you will pay for it. So I vow!”

*   *   *

Elsewhere, the rest of the VTs were chasing the last of the surviving pursuit ships and Quadronos. Roy, fighting down the pain in his chest, managed to drawl, “Awright. Looks like they’ve had enough.”

“Commander Fokker,” Lisa said, “you’re losing altitude. Are you all right?”

He smiled into the visual pickup and did his best to sound amused. “Yeah, I’m great. But how ’bout Max?”

“He’s fine, Commander.”

“And my old buddy Kramer? Any word?”

Lisa’s face on the display screen was sphinxlike, unrevealing. “He’s in intensive care now, Roy. Come on home.”

“Roger, SDF-1; we’re comin’ in.”


*   *   *

The dreams had been lovely, but the waking was not.

“Ah, so here you are! I been lookin’ all over for ya! C’mon, Minmei! Wake up! Wake up!”

She didn’t want to; she’d always loved to sleep. It was so wonderful and cozy, and her dreams were her very best friends.

Now, though, waking up was easier than being shaken so rudely—almost roughly.

She rubbed her eyes, blinking, and looked up at Vance Hasslewood. “What’s the matter?”

He made a big production of his exasperation. “Sweetie, honey, you’re holding up production, that’s what’s the matter! You’re the star! Without you, they can’t finish the picture!”

She yawned, looking around, then stopped suddenly. “Wasn’t there a young man in here when you came in the room?”

“Hey! Toots! Are you nuts?” He was yelling now; time was money, and when it came to money, Vance Hasslewood could be very unpleasant. His contract said that he got a percentage of every dollar saved if the picture came in under budget.

“You got a career to think about, sweetie! Ya don’t have time for this kid stuff anymore, comprende?” He looked at the bed. It wasn’t at all messed up, barely looked slept in. He breathed a sigh of relief; it looked like there’d be nothing to hush up, nobody to bribe, no favors to call in or promise.

“We have five more setups today!” he snapped. “C’mon, babe; let’s go.” He grabbed her wrist and dragged her off the bed.

Minmei surrendered and trotted along dutifully. She’d discovered that being a star meant that she had to put up with being herded around. She loved the glamour, but she had never counted on having to be so passive. Still, it was worth it, she guessed—wasn’t it?

“My dad was right,” Vance Hasslewood steamed. “I shoulda been a CPA!”

*   *   *

In the Veritech hangar bays, the maintenance crews were getting to work on the parked aircraft. There had been plenty of damage in the dustup with the Quadronos; nobody on the crews was going to be sleeping very much for the next few days.

Two enlisted ratings had deployed the boarding ladder of Skull Leader’s ship, ready to climb up to the cockpit. “Whew! This time he really got himself clobbered,” one said. “I don’t believe he could taxi this thing, let alone fly it.”

He followed his sectionmate up the ladder, bumping into him when the other stopped short. “Hey, what—”

He swung around and came up the side of the ladder with angled feet, a common practice. And he, too, stopped short when he got a look at the cockpit.

There were bulges in the pilot seat’s chickenplate armor and several holes in the back of it. And the seat was red with blood that was now seeping through, running to the floor.

*   *   *

Roy Fokker sat in triage with the others who had been injured. The boys who were really bad had been taken to the ERs first.

Roy had lost a lot of blood, making him light-headed; but the wounds had been closed easily enough, and he was hooked up to a plasma bottle.

“Hey,” he asked a passing nurse, “is all this really necessary?” He held up his shunted arm, the plasma tube dangling from it.

“Just shut up and sit there or I’ll get Big Bruno the odorly orderly to come sit on that pretty blond head,” she said sweetly. She was the same nurse who had looked after Rick, having been mobilized as soon as the alert sounded as part of the special shock-trauma-burn military medical team.

“Doctor Hassan wants a few pictures of your gorgeous insides, dreamboat, to make sure there’s no internal hemorrhaging.”

Beside being a top-notch RN, she was handsome and leggy and had a way of getting men, even headstrong fighter jocks, to do what she told them. She was an esteemed member of the MM team.

Roy smiled and relaxed, leaning back. She blew him a kiss and went on her way. He felt a little floaty from blood loss, but he’d refused a shot for the pain, so he was lucid.

Then he remembered Kramer. He reached out almost blindly for the nearest institutional-green uniform. “Hey, nurse—”

But he’d grabbed the trouser leg of Dr. Hassan, the stocky heart and soul of the MM unit. Hassan, a surgical mask around his neck, stopped and looked Roy over.

The doctor and the Skull Team leader knew each other somewhat; Roy had had plenty of his men racked up, had been in that same room quite a few times before.

“Kramer?” Roy asked hopefully.

Hassan had almost been out of the medical profession, maintaining a limited practice, doing some consulting and a bit of teaching, for years up until the SDF-1 spacefolded. Time and events had thrust him back into the center of things, and there was no more dedicated individual on the ship. He had originally started easing out of medicine because of moments like this, and these days such moments were all too common.

“I’m sorry, Roy. He was dead before the rescue people even got to him.”

Roy squeezed his eyes shut tightly, tears finding their way out the sides, nodding. He forced his fingers to open, to release the leg of the doctor’s trousers. But how do you let go of the pain of a close friend’s death?

Hassan patted his shoulder. “Take it easy; I want to take a better look at you. Be back in a minute.”

Hassan hadn’t gone ten feet when an orderly came rushing up to drag him away for an emergency. The nurse was busy with a stat case that had just come in, another downed flier, this one brought in alive by air-sea rescue.

Unnoticed, Roy disconnected the plasma tube, closing the shunt. His flying suit had been mostly cut off him by the medics, but his robe would do until he could get a uniform. All he wanted now was to be with Claudia—to hold her and tell her he loved her and hear that she loved him.