Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
You have spent days, weeks, months, and maybe even a year writing your life story, and now it’s finished. You’ve assembled the pages, edited and added photos, and given it a title. To truly set it apart, you have designed a book, either self-published or simply bound. What’s next? We mark significant moments in our life with rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations. The completion of your life story is a significant moment and deserves to be recognized in some way. If you have written primarily for your family, plan a family get-together—a book signing party—when you will give copies of your book to those you love. If you’ve written for distant friends and colleagues, prepare a cover letter and mail signed copies of your book to them. Possibly you plan to donate one to your local heritage society or library; they will be pleased to receive a copy. These are just a few examples of the journey your book may take. Ultimately, it will have a life of its own.
Whatever you choose to do, the important point to keep in mind is that you did it! You weathered the storms of doubt, fear, and uncertainty that may have plagued you along the way. You built your life story, word by word, and now hold the completed version of your life legacy in your hands. Congratulate yourself—celebrate yourself! You have left the cherished gift of your legacy for posterity. As Jim Birren always reminds his students, “Onward!” You still have years to live and will have more stories to write.
There. You’re done. You’ve read the book and have perhaps completed the core themes and exercises. Or you’ve read the book and are now all set to take the writing plunge. Remember, Writing Your Legacy is your life jacket. It can keep you afloat through the muddy waters of your past. We are all survivors in this world. We have our stories to tell. It is our hope that you embrace your own courage and fortitude as you embark on this greatest of journeys: capturing the life you lived and sharing it with others.