Isaac Zuckerman: Socialist Zionist youth leader, co-founder of the Jewish Fighting Organization and its leader following the Ghetto Uprising.
Simha Ratheiser: High school student. Eventually Isaac’s bodyguard and lead courier.
Mark Edelman: Bundist orphan. Commander in the Jewish Fighting Organization.
Boruch Spiegel: Bundist tailor. Foot soldier in the Jewish Fighting Organization.
Zivia Lubetkin: Socialist Zionist organizer. Highest-ranking female in the Jewish Fighting Organization, and eventually Isaac’s girlfriend and wife.
The Osnos family: Martha, Joseph, and Robert. Assimilated upper-middle-class entrepreneurs.
The Mortkowicz family: Janine, Hanna, and Joanna. Three generations of Poland’s greatest publishing dynasty.
Bernard Goldstein: Bund Special Ops chief. Early architect of organized resistance.
Mordechai Anielewicz: Marxist Zionist youth leader. Led the Jewish Fighting Organization during the Ghetto Uprising.
Tuvia Borzykowski: Isaac’s deputy in the Jewish Fighting Organization.
Chaika Belchatowska: Jewish Fighting Organization foot soldier, Boruch’s girlfriend and later wife.
Monika Zeromska: Gentile Resistance operative. Protector of the Mortkowiczes.
Berl Spiegel: Boruch’s older brother. Bund activist.
David Apfelbaum: Alleged right-wing Zionist resistance leader. His existence is disputed by historians.