Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.



Remember that time we created a brand-new use for canned soups and things? It was like . . . four pages ago? Well, that got me thinking. All those cans looked exactly the same when you took the wrapper off . . . and while I could have thought about how that’s a metaphor for human beings in relation to each other . . . my brain went off on a different tangent instead.

See, I don’t think that society praises creativity enough. I think we are focused on generating the maximum output possible, making the most money possible, reaching the most people possible. That’s why when things are made in a factory they all come out looking the same. Uniformity makes the machine move faster.

That may be the way mass production is run, but there’s no reason to let that mindless monotony into your home.

So, what’s a great way to test your own capacity to create? Well, try a new spin on Pigs in a Blanket. All you really need is some crescent rolls and a pinch of enthusiasm.


If you’re making something savory: Chardonnay.

If you’re making something sweet: Riesling.

Or switch those. Whatever.


       *  some crescent rolls

       *  a pinch of enthusiasm


The first step is kind of the best part of this whole recipe—opening the crescent rolls! It’s so fun! Look at how cute the little tube is and then it makes a popping sound and poof! Rolls that are fun to touch and play with. You can also put fortunes in them. (SPOILER ALERT: Fortune Rolls.)

Next, open yourself to possibility without judgment: Jam? Sure. Chutney? Why the hell not. Mustard and ketchup? Probably going to need to put a little meat into that too. Ooh! Good thing you have hot dogs! Blammo.

Once you’re satisfied with your findings, place into the oven and let the magic happen.

Life Lesson

Accept failure. Not all of your creations are going to be good.

In fact, some of them might be downright disgusting . . . but that’s the creative process, isn’t it? I would say you get double the amount of failed ideas before finally stumbling onto something that’s good. And for Things in a Blanket, what could that good thing be?

Well, I will tell you: Put Nutella in that f—in’ blanket. Then bake it. It’s basically just an orgasm for the ol’ mouth-parts.



Tiny airplane bottles of Fireball. It’s a cinnamon whiskey that always leads to memories. It’s delightful and sweet and spicy and just enough liquor to wake you up and keep you going. Also, if there is someone at your party who “doesn’t like to drink,” just hand them some and say, “This is mouthwash that you can drink.”
