Advanced Airway Management and Adjuncts

It is worth repeating: BLS before advanced life support (ALS). This means that an advanced airway adjunct should be attempted only when any of the following conditions are met:

Before deciding to move to an advanced airway, evaluate the patient and anticipate and prepare for a difficult airway. If assessment reveals it will be difficult to successfully intubate the patient or current ventilation efforts are successful with minimal difficulty, sometimes it may be best to stay with what is working, rather than risk a bad outcome for the patient. A good mnemonic to assess for a difficult airway is LEMON, as follows:

Figure 3.9 Mallampati Classification System

Orotracheal Intubation with Direct Laryngoscopy

The crowning achievement of any paramedic is walking into the emergency department with a successful intubation. Nothing feels better than when the resident or attending looks into the mouth and declares, “Yup! It’s in!” That sense of accomplishment can last the rest of the tour at least. To be successful at this, prepare for the procedure completely before making an attempt. Set out all the necessary equipment, including laryngoscope blades, the stylet, the water-based lubricant, the ETT, a 10 mL syringe, and suction. Put on gloves; because blood or bodily fluid splashing is possible, wearing a surgical mask with a face shield also is recommended.




  1. Preoxygenate the patient for 2–3 minutes prior to the intubation attempt. This helps elevate the PaO2 so that the patient can tolerate a minute or so without ventilation and oxygenation.
  2. Select and set out desired equipment, which includes the laryngoscope blade type and size, the ETT, the stylet if using one, a syringe for inflating the cuff later in the procedure, and the water-based lubricant. Check all the equipment to make sure it is functioning. Ensure the cuff on the tube holds air and that the light on the laryngoscope blade is bright to see into the dark recesses of the pharynx. If using a stylet, ensure that it does not protrude beyond the end of the tube.
  3. Position the head into the sniffing position.
  4. Insert the blade, displacing the tongue to the patient’s left. Insert the Miller (straight) blade all the way into the pharynx and lift straight up while controlling the epiglottis. If using a Macintosh (curved) blade, insert the blade by sliding it down the curve of the tongue and into the vallecula; lifting up on a curved blade will pull the tongue up directly and the epiglottis up indirectly because both are attached to the hyoid bone. This will reveal the rest of the glottic structures.
  5. Elevate the mandible with the laryngoscope. Remember, it is a lift of the laryngoscope along the axis of the handle, not a ratcheting movement using the upper teeth as a fulcrum.
  6. Insert the ETT to the proper depth. Consider adding some sterile water-based lubricant to the tip of the tube prior to insertion. Anything that will help ensure success on the first try should always be employed.
  7. Inflate the cuff and immediately disconnect the syringe. Leaving the syringe attached will allow the cuff to deflate.
  8. Connect a BVM to the ETT and have another rescuer ventilate the patient while listening to lung sounds over both lung fields and the epigastrium. Breath sounds over the epigastrium likely indicate intubation of the esophagus and a failed attempt. Breath sounds should be heard equally over both lung fields. If, during auscultation, lung sounds are heard over the right lung fields only and diminished or absent sounds over the left, the tube was likely inserted too deeply and has entered the right main-stem bronchus. To alleviate this, pull back on the tube 1 cm at a time and listen again over both lung fields. Stop once breath sounds have returned to the left side.
  9. Secure the ETT using a commercial device or tape. Note the depth of insertion at either the teeth or lips as the reference point in centimeters. Any deviation from this number found later in the transport could indicate a displaced tube.
  10. Confirm tube placement by at least 1 additional method. Waveform capnography shows the amount of CO2 exhaled after each ventilation and is the ideal method for confirming tube placement. Colorimetric capnography is an alternative to waveform. Litmus paper placed at the end of the tube will turn from purple to yellow and back again several times during ventilations. Another option could be an esophageal detection device, which is a device placed on the end of the tube that will not inflate if placed in the esophagus.

Other methods of intubation exist and are frequently taught during paramedic classes. Because none of these methods or techniques have been tested, only their indications and contraindications will be discussed. A step-by-step procedural outline as done with other procedures that have been tested is not included here.

Nasotracheal intubation, where the ETT is inserted through the nostril, is an alternative to orotracheal intubation when it would be extremely difficult for oral intubation. The patient must be breathing to perform this skill, unlike orotracheal intubation. Indications for this procedure include trismus, intractable seizures, mandibular fractures or wiring, or any oral pathology that would inhibit oral intubation. This technique is contraindicated in patients who have facial trauma, who are not breathing, or who have anatomic abnormalities such as a deviated septum or a history of cocaine abuse. Nasal trauma and bleeding are the most common problems associated with this procedure.

Digital intubation involves the rescuer inserting his or her fingers into the patient’s mouth and feeling for the epiglottis. Next, direct the ETT over the fingers along the middle finger and into the glottic opening. This should be attempted only in extreme circumstances, such as when a laryngoscope has malfunctioned or is not available, the patient is in an extremely confined space, or when other techniques have failed. When performing this skill, ensure that the patient is either deeply unconscious or apneic. If the patient seizes or goes into trismus, the patient may bite down hard enough to actually cut off the fingers. Using a bite block in these situations is highly recommended. A misplaced ETT is the most common complication of this procedure. Because of the availability of alternative airway devices, such as the Combitube or King LT, among others, digital intubation is rarely performed and not typically recommended.

Other less commonly used intubation methods also exist in certain systems. Local protocols will indicate whether other alternate forms of intubation are available. First, a lighted stylet that illuminates the trachea internally and is visible through the skin externally when correct placement is achieved may be an intubation option. A 2nd option may be retrograde intubation, which involves inserting a large-bore intravenous catheter into the cricothyroid membrane in a cephalic direction and threading a guide wire through it until it is visible in the pharynx. The guide wire is then pulled out through the mouth, and an ETT is placed over it and slid directly into the trachea blindly. This very complex procedure should be performed only under the strictest of sterile techniques.

Alternative Airway Devices

While direct laryngoscopy is still currently the preferred method of securing an airway, other devices can be used in the event that orotracheal intubation is not possible or proves extremely difficult. In many cases, these devices and procedures should be used before attempting alternative intubation techniques, such as those discussed previously in this chapter because placement of and successful ventilation with these techniques is often quicker than digital, nasal, or retrograde intubation will be.

Multilumen Airways

The Combitube is a preformed dual lumen plastic tube that is blindly inserted into a patient’s mouth and can be used for ventilation regardless of whether it is inserted into the esophagus or the trachea. This tube is expected to enter the esophagus but occasionally will enter the trachea, so, essentially, it cannot be misplaced.

Indications: The patient is older than 16 years old and has a height of 5 feet 7 inches (4 feet 5 inches for the Combitube SA); an ETT cannot be placed for any reason.

Contraindications: Esophageal trauma, alcoholism (esophageal varicies)


  1. Wear gloves. A surgical mask with a face shield is recommended.
  2. Preoxygenate the patient prior to attempt.
  3. Test both cuffs to ensure that they hold air. Lubricate the distal tip of the Combitube.
  4. Position the patient supine and in the neutral or sniffing position.
  5. Open the mouth with the tongue/jaw lift maneuver.
  6. Insert the device midline into the patient’s mouth and advance it until the patient’s teeth rest between the 2 black reference marks on the device.
  7. Inflate the pharyngeal cuff to the proper volume (100 mL) and remove the syringe.
  8. Inflate the distal cuff with the proper volume (15 mL) and remove the syringe.
  9. Ventilate the patient through the longest tube first. This tube is marked with the number 1 and is usually blue. Listen over the lung fields and the epigastrium and watch for chest rise during ventilation.
  10. If there is no chest rise or breath sounds, ventilate over port number 2, the shorter tube, and listen again. If ventilation is successful with this tube, the tube accidentally went into the trachea.
  11. Secure the device with tape or a commercial tube holder.

Supraglottic Airways

Laryngeal Mask Airway

The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is designed to wedge itself into the hypopharynx and cover the entire glottic opening. Ventilation is then directed into the trachea after the cuff is inflated, sealing off the entire hypopharynx. Insertion for these types of airways is blind, similar to the Combitube. LMAs come in a variety of sizes and are not limited based on height, like the Combitube. A drawback for these devices, compared with the Combitube or the ETT, is that they do not completely prevent vomiting or aspiration.

Indications: An alternative to BLS airway when an ETT cannot be placed

Contraindications: Morbid obesity because the seal for these patients is not as tight as for others; patients with COPD may require higher airway pressures, which is not accomplished well with the LMA.


  1. Wear gloves. A surgical mask with a face shield is recommended.
  2. Preoxygenate the patient prior to attempt.
  3. Inflate the cuff to ensure that it holds air. Lubricate the entire cuff of the LMA.
  4. Position the patient supine and in the neutral or sniffing position.
  5. Open the mouth with the tongue/jaw lift maneuver.
  6. Insert the device midline into the patient’s mouth and advance it until resistance is met.
  7. Inflate the cuff with the proper volume for the size of LMA used and remove the syringe.
  8. Ventilate the patient. Listen over the lung fields and the epigastrium and watch for chest rise during ventilation.
  9. Secure the device with tape or a commercial tube holder.

King LT

The King LT is very similar to the Combitube, except that it is only a single lumen and must be inserted into the esophagus to work. Similar to the Combitube, it has a distal cuff that seals the esophagus and a pharyngeal cuff that seals the oropharynx; however, it has only 1 tube for ventilation. Unlike the Combitube, it comes in a variety of sizes and can be used in children as small as 12 kg.

Indications: Inability to place an ETT for any reason

Contraindications: Esophageal trauma, alcoholism (esophageal varicies)


  1. Wear gloves. A surgical mask with a face shield is recommended.
  2. Preoxygenate the patient prior to attempt.
  3. Test both cuffs to ensure that they hold air. Lubricate the distal tip of the King LT.
  4. Position the patient supine and in the neutral or sniffing position.
  5. Open the mouth with the tongue/jaw lift maneuver.
  6. Insert the device into the corner of the patient’s mouth and advance it while gently rotating it until the blue line faces the patient’s chin and the connector is at or near the patient’s teeth.
  7. Inflate both cuffs to the proper volume and remove the syringe.
  8. Ventilate the patient. Listen over the lung fields and the epigastrium and watch for chest rise during ventilation.
  9. Secure the device with tape or a commercial tube holder.

Surgical and Nonsurgical Cricothyrotomy

The surgical airway is not something that should be performed in the field. Severe bleeding during the incision of the trachea may occur if the thyroid gland is inadvertently lacerated. Because this procedure would be performed only if all the previously described procedures to establish an airway fail, it can safely be presumed that the airway in question is extremely difficult and could be made worse with excessive thyroid bleeding. In addition, this procedure should be performed only with operating room quality sterility, which is nearly impossible to effectively establish in the back of an ambulance or a helicopter. The nonsurgical or needle cricothyrotomy, on the other hand, is possible to successfully perform in the field and is the recommended method for establishing an airway when all else fails.

The needle cricothyrotomy is a life-or-death last resort for establishing airway patency. Ensure that local protocols allow this procedure to be performed; in many cases, online medical control needs to be contacted first to verify permission. This procedure is much quicker than a surgical airway and carries with it significantly less chance for bleeding or failure.

Indications: Inability to ventilate by any other method; severe facial trauma and severe oral bleeding

Contraindications: Complete obstruction superior to the needle insertion point (prevents effective exhalation, leading to hypercarbia, and increases the risk for barotrauma to the lungs); be prepared to treat pneumothorax if overinflation of the lungs occurs from high pressure ventilations.


  1. Wear gloves. A surgical mask with a face shield is recommended.
  2. Ideally, preoxygenate the patient prior to attempt.
  3. Position the patient supine and in the neutral or sniffing position. Palpate the cricothyroid membrane and cleanse the area, preferably with iodine-containing solution.
  4. Insert a 16- or 14-gauge intravenous catheter into the cricothyroid membrane at a 45° angle toward the feet. Remove the needle, leaving the catheter in place. Discard the needle in a sharps container. Attach a syringe to the catheter and aspirate to confirm placement. If the catheter is in the tracheal lumen, the syringe plunger will be easily removed; the plunger will feel as if it is being pulled back down if the catheter is still in the soft tissue surrounding the trachea.
  5. Connect the transtracheal jet insufflator to the catheter hub. Press the O2 delivery valve on the insufflator for 1 second or enough to see the chest rise. Release the button for at least 4 seconds to allow for adequate exhalation.
  6. Listen over the lung fields and the epigastrium and watch for chest rise during ventilation.
  7. Secure the catheter with tape and gauze as if it were an impaled object.
  8. Closely monitor pulse oximetry.

Special Patient Populations: Stomas and Tracheostomy Tubes

Some patients have a stoma or a tracheostomy tube and are in need of O2 or ventilatory assistance. Many of these patients need to be suctioned frequently and will sometimes have a sudden onset of severe respiratory distress until they are suctioned. Simply inserting a soft-suction catheter until resistance is felt but no more than 12 cm and suctioning only on the way out as described previously should clear up most respiratory issues. The patient will cough as the suction catheter is inserted, so use caution in case of airborne mucus.

Any ventilation that is necessary for this patient population must be performed through the stoma or the tracheostomy tube. If the patient has only a stoma, using a pediatric mask attached to an adult BVM should work to get an adequate seal for ventilation through the stoma. Tracheostomy tubes are manufactured with the same size connector as ETTs, which means the BVM can be connected directly to it. Then ventilate as usual.

Occasionally, it may be necessary to insert an ETT through the stoma to facilitate ventilations. In this case, take a tube that just fits the lumen of the stoma, usually a 6.0 ETT, but try not to go an ETT <5.0. Insert it 1–2 cm beyond the cuff and inflate the cuff. Ventilate normally. Cut the ETT so that only 3–4 cm protrudes from the neck to make it a little less unwieldy.

O2 Delivery

After ensuring a patent airway, preferably by ensuring the patient can talk to you, evaluate and treat any breathing problems. Before exploring the variety of respiratory emergencies, this section reviews all the O2 administration methods that are available to the paramedic in the field. In addition, ventilatory support methods, including BVM techniques and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) will be presented. Finally, the section will conclude with a discussion on special patient populations who may present a challenge with breathing problems.

O2 Therapy and Delivery Devices

Designed for low concentrations of O2, nasal cannulas are typically used to deliver O2 to a breathing patient at a flow of 1–6 L per minute (LPM), providing a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 24% to 45%. Remember, each liter per minute of supplemental O2 delivers 3% more O2 to the patient over the atmospheric concentration of 21%, so the equation to estimate FiO2 is FiO2 = 21 + (3 * liter flow). This can be used when a patient is unable to tolerate a non-rebreathing or simple face mask or does not require high concentrations of O2 to maintain adequate perfusion. It also is highly recommended that the patient be placed on nasal cannula O2 at 6 LPM during intubation attempts.

Simple face masks fit over the patient’s mouth and nose and are used to deliver moderate levels of O2, typically 6–10 LPM. The mask allows atmospheric air to mix with O2 and will deliver between 35% and 60% FiO2.

The non-rebreathing mask is used to deliver high concentrations of O2 to a spontaneously and adequately breathing patient. At liter flows between 10 and 15 LPM, the non-rebreathing face mask can reliably deliver a FiO2 of 90% to 100%. Use of this mask is indicated in any patient who requires high concentrations of O2, such as a person in shock or hypoxia. This mask has a bag—the O2 reservoir—attached to it which should be filled prior to placing it on the patient. The liter flow should be increased to the point that when the patient takes a breath, the bag does not deflate. This will help ensure that the patient is getting the maximal flow of O2 with each breath.

The Venturi mask is not typically initiated by the paramedic; however, it may be used during interfacility transfers, where the sending provider wants to strictly control FiO2 for the patient. This mask is designed to mix pure O2 and atmospheric O2 to obtain specific concentrations. The liter flow for this device is either 3 LPM or 6 LPM, depending on the desired concentration. It should be maintained for the duration of patient contact unless the patient’s condition deteriorates and higher concentrations or an alternate delivery device (i.e., BVM) is warranted.

The tracheostomy mask is specifically designed to fit over a stoma or a tracheostomy tube and may not be available in the emergency setting. A tracheostomy mask may be improvised using a simple face mask or a non-rebreather mask to cover the stoma.

O2 humidifiers are designed to add moisture to the O2 being delivered to the patient. O2 delivered to a patient from a concentrator or a sealed bottle or cylinder is completely devoid of any moisture or humidity. Delivering dry O2 to a patient for extended periods can dehydrate the patient and the mucous membranes, which becomes an issue with long transport times, such as those on interfacility transfers, but not during a typical emergency where patient contact time is limited. 

Ventilatory Support

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, normal ventilation is accomplished by creating negative pressure in the chest when the diaphragm contracts and descends into the abdominal cavity and the intercostal muscles contract and the rib cage raises anteriorly and superiorly to increase the volume of the thoracic cavity. This is important to the circulatory system as well. During the creation of negative pressure, not only is air drawn in but also blood is pulled up from the extremities and head, returning it in greater quantity to the heart. When artificial ventilation methods must be employed, however, the enhanced venous return is not only lost but also actually reduced because of the now positive pressures used to push air into the lungs. Finally, because positive pressures are used, the air that is squeezed into the chest enters the lungs; occasionally, if too much force is provided to deliver the breath, air will enter the stomach, a condition known as gastric insufflation or gastric distension.

As a patient’s breathing worsens, before the patient stops breathing altogether, the paramedic should begin assisting the patient’s existing respiration using a BVM device. This is a very difficult skill and requires almost complete concentration on the part of the paramedic to do it successfully. Losing concentration while assisting ventilations will inadvertently make the patient’s breathing and their already high anxiety worse.

Indications: Inadequate breathing based on fast rate or shallow depth

Contraindications: Patient’s increased anxiety when hands and the BVM are on the face


  1. Connect the BVM to an O2 source and explain the procedure to the patient.
  2. Place the mask over the patient’s mouth and nose.
  3. Observe the patient closely and squeeze the bag each time the patient initiates a breath. This will get easier as the squeezes get more in sync with the patient’s natural breathing rhythm. The patient will drive the exhalations. Do not try to force air in while the patient is trying to exhale. This will serve to only further worsen the patient’s apprehension.
  4. Slowly increase the volume delivered with each breath, which will do the most in attempting to control the breathing.

Artificial Ventilation

Multiple ways can be used to deliver a breath to a patient once he or she has stopped breathing; however, the most effective way is with 2 rescuers using a BVM. Mouth to mask with supplemental O2, as is taught in most CPR classes, is 2nd. Once a patient has stopped breathing, or is in respiratory arrest, paramedics need to breathe for them entirely. This is arguably the most important skill any prehospital provider can master at any level. There are no contraindications to this skill; even when there is massive facial trauma, still attempt to establish a seal with the mask to the face to deliver ventilations.


  1. Kneel superior to a patient’s head (assuming the patient is on the floor) and hyperextend the neck. If trauma is suspected, perform the modified jaw thrust maneuver instead and maintain the head in a neutral in-line position.
  2. Place the mask of the BVM over the patient’s mouth and nose and use both hands to simultaneously press the mask to the face with both thumbs and forefingers while pulling the patient’s jaw into the mask with the remaining fingers of both hands. Take care not to press on the patient’s eyes or the soft tissue under the jaw during this procedure. Establishing a seal and successfully ventilating may be difficult in patients with BONES: beard, obese, no teeth, elderly, snores.
  3. Connect the reservoir to O2 set to at least 15 LPM or higher. Connect the BVM to the mask if not already done. While holding the mask securely to the face, have a 2nd rescuer squeeze the bag with both hands enough to have visible chest rise. Squeezing the bag should be done slowly over 1–2 seconds to help minimize the chances of gastric distension. Repeat this 10–12 times per minute or give 1 breath every 5–6 seconds for the adult and 3–5 seconds for the infant and child. Ventilating faster than this will not be of any more benefit to the patient. If there are limited rescuers, use just 1 hand to secure the mask to the face using the E-C technique: the thumb and index finger form a C, and the other 3 fingers form a capital letter E under the jaw bone.
  4. Observe for changes in pulse oximetry readings and document those. Also observe for any developing gastric distension.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPAP is essentially the same as the assisted ventilations described previously; however, it is controlled by a machine and does not require the provider to hold the mask to the face of the patient. It uses straps that fasten to the mask and wrap around the head. It has been shown to decrease the morbidity and mortality of patients with severe respiratory distress who, prior to the use of CPAP, would have been intubated. CPAP provides continuous pressure into the lungs and opens collapsed alveoli while preventing further atelectasis. It is not uncommon for patients who are found with respiratory rates in the 40s and oximetry readings <80% to dramatically improve with CPAP application to having a slowed respiratory rate and pulse oximetry reading approaching 100%.

Indications: Patients in severe respiratory distress caused by congestive heart failure (CHF), exacerbation of COPD, or asthma; patients also need to be breathing and generating enough force to start the delivery of O2 through the device and need to be able to exhale forcefully enough to stop the flow.

Contraindications: Respiratory arrest, bradypnea, chest trauma, altered mental status and unable to follow verbal commands, excessive facial hair or facial deformities such that the mask does not have a tight, complete seal


  1. Connect the circuit (mask and tubing) to the CPAP device. Connect to the O2 source.
  2. With O2 flowing and the CPAP unit turned on, place the mask on the patient’s face, covering the mouth and nose.
  3. Have the patient breath normally. Connect the strapping system to 1 side of the mask first. Wrap the straps around the head and connect to the posts on the other side of the mask. Adjust for a tight, secure fit and check that it is comfortable for the patient.
  4. Set the positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) to 5 cm H2O to start and titrate to achieve improvement in respiratory status. Do not increase PEEP beyond more than 15 cm H2O.
  5. Continuously monitor the patient for decline in his or her status. Although CPAP often results in rapid improvement of the patient, it does not treat the underlying cause of why the patient began with respiratory distress in the first place; it treats only a symptom, and it also can be overpowered by a relentless disease process.

Gastric Distension

Any time artificial ventilation is used in the absence of an ETT, it is very likely that air enters the stomach in addition to the lungs, resulting in gastric distension. This presents the very real possibility of projectile vomiting as the stomach suddenly and spontaneously decompresses, further complicating the airway and respiratory problem at hand, not to mention creating a nightmare of a cleanup. Furthermore, as the stomach expands and pressure within it builds, it will become increasingly more difficult to ventilate the patient because the lungs can no longer expand into the abdominal cavity as they normally would.

Minimize the development of gastric distension by positioning the airway correctly and hyperextending the neck, delivering breaths slowly over 1–2 seconds, and allowing full exhalation before delivering the next breath. Even observing these suggestions will likely result in some distension. To relieve it, the paramedic can insert a nasogastric tube or an orogastric tube if protocols allow. The nasogastric tube is contraindicated in patients with facial fractures because the tube can enter the cranium through a fractured basal skull. The orogastric tube should be used only in the cases of facial fractures and in patients who are unresponsive and do not have a gag reflex. Because the orogastric tube is used only during these conditions, it is nearly always inserted after ETT placement and cannot be placed if any other advanced airway device is used. (It can be used with a Combitube if it was placed in the esophagus and the patient is being ventilated through blue tube number 1.)

Nasogastric tube placement procedure:

  1. Explain the procedure to the patient while donning gloves and a face shield.
  2. Whenever possible, use a topical anesthetic spray to suppress the gag reflex and make the whole procedure a little more comfortable for the patient.
  3. Measure the tube for depth of insertion from the tip of the nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process.
  4. Lubricate the tube with a water-based lubricant and insert it into the larger nostril. While advancing the catheter, have the patient swallow if possible to help guide the tube into the esophagus. Advance it to premeasured depth.
  5. Inject approximately 50 mL of air and listen over the epigastrium for the sounds.
  6. Apply suction to the tube.
  7. Secure the tube to the tip of the nose and cheek.

Orogastric tube placement procedure:

  1. Position the patient’s head in a neutral position.
  2. Measure the tube for depth of insertion from the corner of the mouth to the earlobe to the xiphoid process.
  3. Lubricate the tube with a water-based lubricant and insert it along the midline into the oropharynx. Advance it to premeasured depth.
  4. Inject approximately 50 mL of air and listen over the epigastrium for the sounds.
  5. If intubated, listen over the lung fields while ventilating to confirm that the ETT is still in place.
  6. Apply suction to the tube.
  7. Secure the tube to the cheek.