Biographical and General Studies

Ayer, A. J. Voltaire. New York: Random House, 1986.
Barber, William H. Leibniz in France from Amault to Voltaire. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955. Reprint: New York: Garland, 1985.
—. Voltaire. London: Arnold, 1960.
Besterman, Theodore. Voltaire. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1969.
Bird, Stephen. Reinventing Voltaire: The Politics of Commemoration in Nineteenth-century France. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2000.
Bottiglia, William F., ed. Voltaire: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968.
Gay, Peter. Voltaire’s Politics: The Poet as Realist. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1959. Second edition: New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988.
Lanson, Gustave. Voltaire. 1906. Translated by Robert A. Wagoner; introduction by Peter Gay. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1966.
Mitford, Nancy. Voltaire in Love. New York: Harper, 1957. Paperback edition: New York: Carroll and Graf, 1999.
Sareil, Jean. “Voltaire.” In European Writers: The Age of Reason and the Enlightenment, edited by George Stade. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1984, pp. 367-392.
Torrey, Norman. The Spirit of Voltaire. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. Reprint: New York: Russell and Russell, 1968.
Wade, Ira Owen. The Intellectual Development of Voltaire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969.

Critical Studies of Candide

Barber, William H. Voltaire: “Candide.” London: Arnold, 1960.
Bottiglia, William F., ed. Voltaire’s Candide: Analysis of a Classic. Geneva: Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1959, 1964.
Havens, George R., ed. Candide. New York: Henry Holt, 1934.
Mason, Haydn. “Candide”: Optimism Demolished. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992.
Wade, Ira Owen. Voltaire and “Candide”: A Study in the Fusion of History, Art, and Philosophy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1959. Reprint: Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1972.
Waldinger, Renée, ed. Approaches to Teaching Voltaire’s Candide. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1987.
Williams, David. Voltaire, Candide. London: Grant and Cutler, 1997.