This practice is particularly effective for bringing harmony to your mindbody. It uses a special sequence of phrases or formulas that directly affect the control systems of your body.

Begin by assuming a comfortable position. Keep your body still and comfortable. Take five slow, full breaths inhaling and exhaling through both nostrils. Then begin to breathe slowly and smoothly with no pause between exhalations and inhalations. Gently concentrate your attention on the sensations of breath flowing past the tip of your nostrils. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the space between the nostrils. Continue now to breathe slowly and easily without having to strain to get more air.


Now, as you silently repeat or listen to the following phrases, effortlessly allow yourself to visualize, imagine, and feel the flow of relaxation pervading your entire body. Simply allow the body to respond to these world-images:

I feel quiet…

I am beginning to feel quite relaxed…

my feet, my ankles, my knees, and my hips feel heavy, relaxed, and comfortable…

the whole central region of my body feels relaxed, and quiet…

my hands feel heavy, warm, and relaxed…

my arms and my shoulders feel heavy, relaxed, and comfortable…

my neck, my jaw, and my forehead feel deeply relaxed.

They feel comfortable and smooth…

my whole body feels quiet, comfortable, and deeply relaxed…


Continue now to remain comfortable and relaxed as you visualize, imagine, and feel the following phrases for calming your emotions and infusing your body with warmth:

My arms and hands are heavy and warm…

I feel quiet, very quiet…

my arms and hands are relaxed, relaxed and warm…

my hands are warm…

warmth is flowing into my hands, they are warm…very warm…

my hands are warm…relaxed and warm…

as I breathe I am filled with warmth and well-being…

exhaling I am able to let my heart and mind open to allow my feelings to come and flow…


With each phrase, imagine and feel a growing internal quietness and heightening of internal attention:

I feel quiet now…

my mind is very quiet, calm and clear…

as I withdraw my thoughts from the surroundings and I feel serene, still, and at ease…

deep within myself

I can visualize and experience myself as relaxed, comfortable, open, flowing, and still…

I am alert in an easy, effortless, quiet, inward-turned way…

my mind is calm, clear, and quiet…

I feel an inward quality of stillness and quiet.

Energizing the mind and body

When you are ready to move into action, imagine and affirm the following phrases as you stretch your body:

I feel rested and reenergized now…

I can feel life energy flowing through my arms and hands…

I feel life energy moving and flowing

through my face, and pervading my arms, chest, and abdomen, my legs and lower body…

my whole body feels energized, enlivened, unified, and wholly alive…

my mind is calm, clear, and alert…

I feel alert, enlivened, and ready for action.

When you’re ready, stretch, breathe, and allow your eyes to gently open.