Whether you believe you can or you believe

that you can’t, you are right.

Henry Ford

As you begin this reflective meditation, mentally project yourself to a time five years into the future. Imagine yourself as you would most like to be, having accomplished the things you’d like to accomplish, having learned what you would like to learn, and having made the contributions you would like to have made. Now consider:

▾▾ What are the qualities you have developed in yourself?

What are the most important lessons you have learned?

What contributions do you feel most happy about having made?

In order to make these contributions, how did you have to stop underestimating yourself?

In order to make these contributions, how did you have to stop underestimating other people?

In order to make these contributions, what have you stopped pretending you cannot do?

In order to make these contributions, what strengths have you been willing to acknowledge in yourself?

In order to accomplish these things, what strengths have you learned to acknowledge in others?

Now, standing in the present moment, consider what you can do right now in order to begin to accomplish these things and make these contributions.

If it feels right, make a commitment to yourself to take this creative vision to heart and make it a living reality.

▾▾ Man has always known; he has known that life is fundamentally good, that the universe, the stars in the sky, the animals, plants, minerals, the elements of earth are not malevolent, but cosmically saturated with the purpose that gives order. The purpose is the inherent sacredness, the order of the universe itself. As long as man has kept this sacredness before him, indeed, as long as he has woven it into the pattern of his heart through humility and spiritual attunement, the pattern of human society has also reflected the sacredness and order with which all things are endowed.

Jose Arguelles