
My warmest and most sincere thanks to the following people:

Thanks to Ben Joyce, for sharing his story about the misdiagnosis of multiple sclerosis with me and the subsequent true diagnosis of vitamin B-12 deficiency. So glad you’re doing well!

The Revell family, who works diligently to provide good books, from content to cover, and to get them in the hands of readers. A special thank-you to Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency, for being such a supportive agent. And to Andrea Doering and Barb Barnes, for adding their special editing touch to the story.

My faithful first readers: Wendy How, Amanda Fisher, Lindsey Ciraulo. You help me find the weak spots of the story while giving me encouragement, all at the same time. Amazing!

A curtsy to my special friend Nyna, who loaned me the use of her name for Nyna the Mynah. A childhood nickname, Nyna told me once, and I filed that info away. (This is why I make my friends so nervous. Everything is grit for the oyster. Everything.)

And, of course, my love to my entire family, whose essence is in the Stoltzfus clan.

Heartfelt thanks to my readers, who are incredibly supportive and dedicated. You really matter to me, and I value your feedback.

Finally, my hands lift in praise to the Almighty, who opens doors for me to write stories about how faith and life intersect. He gives me a fresh wind along the way for each new manuscript, and always prompts me to do my best.

To God be the glory.