honorable mentions: 2008



Forrest Aguirre, “The Auctioneer and the Antiquarian, or, 1962,” Asimov’s, June.

Brian W. Aldiss, “Peculiar Bone, Unimaginable Key,” Celebration.

Lee Allred, “And Dream Such Dreams,” Otherworldly Maine.

Erik Amundssen, “Turnipseed,” Fantasy, March 3.

Charlie Anders, “Love Might Be Too Strong a Word,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, 22.

———, “Suicide Drive,” Helix 7.

Lou Antonelli, “The Witch of Waxahachie,” JBU, April.

Catherine Asaro, “The Spacetime Pool,” Analog, January/February.

Neal Asher, “Mason’s Rats: Auto Tractor,” Solaris Book of SF II.

———, “Mason’s Rats: Black Rat,” Solaris Book of SF II.

———, “Owner Space,” Galactic Empires.

———, “The Rhine World’s Incident,” Subterfuge.

Paolo Bacigalupi, “Pump Six,” F&SF, September.

Kage Baker, “Caverns of Mystery,” Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy.

———, “I Begyn As I Mean to Go On,” Fast Ships, Black Sails.

———, “Running the Snake,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “Speed, Speed the Cable,” Extraordinary Engines.

Peter M. Ball, “The Last Great House of Isla Tortuga,” Dreaming Again.

———, “On Finding the Photographs of My Former Loves,” Fantasy, June 2.

Tony Ballantyne, “Undermind,” Subterfuge.

Jamie Barras, “The Endling,” Interzone, April.

Neal Barrett Jr., “Radio Station Saint Jack,” Asimov’s, August.

———, “Slidin’,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Laird Barron, “The Lagerstatte,” Del Rey Book of SF.

William Barton, “In the Age of the Quiet Sun,” Asimov’s, September.

Lee Battersby, “In from the Snow,” Dreaming Again.

Stephen Baxter, “Eagle Song,” Postscripts 15.

———, “Fate and the Fire-Lance,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “The Ice War,” Asimov’s, September.

———, “The Jubilee Plot,” Celebrations.

———, “Repair Kit,” The Starry Rift.

———, “The Seer and the Silverman,” Galactic Empires.

Peter S. Beagle, “King Pelles the Sure,” Strange Roads.

———, “The Rabbi’s Hobby,” Eclipse Two.

———, “The Tale of Junko and Sayur,” OSC’sIGMShow, July.

———, “What Tale the Enchantress Plays,” A Book of Wizards.

Elizabeth Bear, “The Girl Who Sang Rose Madder,” Tor.com.

———, “Shoggoths in Bloom,” Asimov’s, March.

———, “Sonny Liston Takes the Fall,” Del Rey Book of SF.

Chris Beckett, “Greenland,” Interzone 218.

———, “Poppyfields,” Interzone 218.

Peter J. Bentley, “Loop,” Cosmos, February/March.

Beth Bernobich, “Air and Angels,” Subterranean, Spring.

———, “The Golden Octopus,” Postscripts 15.

Deborah Biancotti, “Watertight Lies,” 2012.

Michael Bishop, “Vinegar Peace, or, the Wrong-Way Used-Adult Orphanage,” Asimov’s, July.

Terry Bisson, “Captain Ordinary,” Flurb 5.

———, “Catch ’Em in the Act,” Del Rey Book of SF.

———, “Private Eye,” F&SF, October/November.

———, “The Stamp,” Lone Star Stories, April.

Jenny Blackford, “Trolls’ Night Out,” Dreaming Again.

Russell Blackford, “Manannan’s Children,” Dreaming Again.

Moal Blaikie, “Offworld Friends Are Best, GUD, Spring.

Jayme Lynn Blaschke, “The Whale Below,” Fast Ships, Black Sails.

Michael Blumlein, “The Big One,” Flurb 6.

———, “The Roberts,” F&SF, July.

Aliette de Bodard, “The Dragon’s Tears,” Electric Velocipede, 15/16.

———, “Horus Ascending,” OSC’sIGMShow, April.

Ben Bova, “Moon Race,” JBU, December.

———, “Waterbot,” Analog, June.

Richard Bowes, “AKA St. Marks Place,” Del Rey Book of SF.

———, “The Cinnamon Cavalier,” Fantasy, April 21.

———, “If Angels Fight,” F&SF, February.

Scott Bradfield, “Dazzle Joins the Screenwriter’s Guild,” F&SF, October/November.

Marie Brennan, “A Heretic by Degrees,” OSCIMS, December.

———, “A Mask of Flesh,” Clockwork Phoenix.

David Brin, “Shoresteading,” JBU, October.

Keith Brooke, “Hannah,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “The Man Who Built Heaven,” Postscripts 15.

Corey Brown, “Child of Scorn,” Electric Velocipede, 15/16.

Eric Brown, “Sunworld,” Solaris Book of SF II.

John Brown, “From the Clay of His Heart,” OSC’sIGMShow, April.

Molly Brown, “Living with the Dead,” Celebrations.

Simon Brown, “The Empire,” Dreaming Again.

———, “Oh, Rus sia,” 2012.

Tobias S. Bucknell, “Manumission,” JBU, April.

———, “The People’s Machine,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “Resistance,” Seeds of Change.

Mark Budz, “Faceless in Gethsemane,” Seeds of Change.

Sue Burke, “Spiders,” Asimov’s, March.

Pat Cadigan, “Found in Translation,” Myth-Understandings.

———, “Jimmy,” Del Rev Book of SF.

———, “The Mudlark,” JBU, October

———, “Tales from the Big Dark: Lie of the Land,” Subterfuge.

———, “Worlds of Possibilites,” Sideways in Crime.

James L. Cambias, “The Dinosaur Train,” F&SF, July.

Alan Campbell, “The Gadgey,” Strange Horizons, 5/5.

Jeff Carlson, “Long Eyes,” Fast Forward II.

Paul Carlson, “Shotgun Seat,” Analog, July/August.

Isobelle Carmody, “Perchance to Dream,” Dreaming Again.

Von Carr, “The Black-Iron Drum,” Fantasy, November 17.

Paul Chafe, “The Guardian,” Transhuman.

A. Bertram Chandler, “Grimes and the Gaijin Daimyo,” Dreaming Again.

Robert R. Chase, “The Meme Theorist,” Analog, October.

———, “Not Even the Past,” Analog, January/February.

———, “Soldiers of the Singularity,” Asimov’s, September.

Ted Chiang, “Exhalation,” Eclipse Two.

Deborah Coates, “How to Hide a Heart,” Strange Horizons, 1/21.

———, “The Whale’s Lover,” Asimov’s, January.

David B. Coe, “Cassie’s Story,” OSC’sIGMShow, July.

Paul Collins, “Lure,” Dreaming Again.

Tina Connolly, “The Bitrunners,” Helix 9.

Brenda Cooper, “Blood Bonds,” Solaris Book of SF II.

Constance Cooper, “Called Out to Snow Crease Farm,” Strange Horizons, 7/28.

———, “The Wily Thing,” Black Gate, Spring.

Paul Cornell, “Catherine Drewe,” Fast Forward II.

———, “Michael Laurtis Is Drowning,” Eclipse Two.

Gary Couzens, “Jubilee Summer,” Subterfuge.

Albert E. Cowdrey, “Inside Story,” F&SF, October/November.

———, “The Overseer,” F&SF, March.

———, “Poison Victory,” F&SF, July.

———, “A Skeptical Spirit,” F&SF, December.

———, “Thrilling Wonder Stories,” F&SF, May.

Ian Creasey, “Cut Loose the Bonds of Flesh and Bone,” Asimov’s, September.

Dave Creek, “Stealing Adriana,” Analog, October.

John Crowley, “Conversation Hearts,” Subterranean Press.

Julie Czerneda, “The Gossamer Mage,” JBU, December.

Don D’Ammassa, “The Natural World,” Analog, January/February.

Tony Daniel, “Ex Cathedra,” Eclipse Two.

Rowena Cory Daniells, “Purgatory,” Dreaming Again.

Jack Dann, “Under the Shadow of Jonah,” Postscripts 15.

Dennis Danvers, “The Angel’s Touch,” OSC’sIGMShow, April.

Cecilia Dart-Thornton, “The Lanes of Camberwell,” Dreaming Again.

Rjurik Davidson, “Twilight in Caeli-Amur,” Dreaming Again.

Stephen Dedman, “Lost Arts,” Dreaming Again.

———, “Teeth,” Clarkesworld, March.

Bella De La Rosa, “Nora,” Fantasy, September 15.

A. M. Dellamonica, “Five Good Things About Meghan Sheedy,” Strange Horizons, April 21–28.

Paul Di Filippo, “iCity,” Solaris Book of SF II.

———, “Murder in Geektopia,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “Professor Fluvius’s Palace of Many Waters,” Postscripts 15.

Cory Doctorow, “The Things That Make Me Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away,” Tor.com.

Terry Dowling, “The Fooley,” Dreaming Again.

———, “Truth Window: A Tale of the Bedlam Rose,” Eclipse Two.

Debra Doyle and James D. MacDonald, “Philologos, or, Murder in Bistrita,” F&SF, February.

Brendan DuBois, “Not Enough Stars in the Night,” Cosmos, 9 May.

———, “A Souvenir to Remember,” Future Americas.

Brendan Duffy, “The Green Man,” Postscripts 16.

Hal Duncan, “The Behold of the Eye,” Lone Star Stories, August.

Christopher East, “Frame of Mind,” Cosmos Online, 28 August.

Scott Edleman, “A Very Private Tour of a Very Public Museum,” Postscripts 15.

Greg Egan, “Lost Continent,” The Starry Rift.

Carol Emshwiller, “Master of the Road to Nowhere,” Asimov’s, March.

———, “Wilmer or Wesley,” Asimov’s, August.

Gregory Feeley, “Awskonomuk,” Otherworldly Maine.

Charles Coleman Finlay, “The Rapeworm,” Noctem Aeternus 1.

———and Rae Carson Finlay, “The Crystal Stair,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 1–3.

Eliot Fintushel, “Uxo, Bomb Dog,” Futurismic, 3/03.

Jason Fischer, “Undead Camels Ate Their Flesh,” Dreaming Again.

Karen Fishler, “Africa,” Interzone 217.

Michael F. Flynn, “Sand and Iron,” Analog, July/August.

Jeffrey Ford, “After Moreau,” Clarkesworld, April.

———, “Daltharee,” Del Rey Book of SF.

———, “The Dismantled Invention of Fate,” The Starry Rift.

———, “The Dream of Reason,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “The Seventh Expression of the Robot General,” Eclipse Two.

Eugie Foster, “Daughter of Botu,” Realms of Fantasy, August.

Ben Francisco and Chris Lynch, “This Is My Blood,” Dreaming Again.

Stephanie Fray, “Limbo,” OSC’sIGMShow, April.

Carl Frederick, “The Exoanthropic Principle,” Analog, July/August.

———, “Vita Longa,” Analog, October.

Gregory Frost, “Late in the Day,” Realms of Fantasy, December.

Neil Gaiman, “Orange,” The Starry Rift.

Rivka Galchen, “The Region of Unlikeness,” The New Yorker, March 24.

Stephen Gaskell, “Micro Expressions,” Cosmos Online, 18 September.

Sara Genge, “Prayers for an Egg,” Asimov’s, October/November.

———, “The Gong,” Weird Tales, September/October.

David Gerrold, “Spiderweb,” JBU, February.

Carolyn Ives Gilman, “Arkfall,” F&SF, September.

Ari Goelman, “The Annie Oakley Show,” Fantasy, September 29.

Lisa Goldstein, “Reader’s Guide,” F&SF, July.

Kathleen Ann Goonan, “Memory Dogs,” Asimov’s, April/May.

———, “Sundiver Day,” The Starry Rift.

Steven Gould, “Shade,” Tor.com.

John Grant, “All the Little Gods We Are,” Clockwork Phoenix.

———, “The City in These Pages,” PS Publishing.

———, “Will the Real Veronica Le Barr Please Stand Down?” Postscripts 16.

Daryl Gregory, “Glass,” MITTechnology Review, November/December.

Peni R. Griffin, “The Singers in the Tower,” Realms of Fantasy, February.

Jon Courtenay Grimwood, “Chicago,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “The Crack Angel,” Celebration.

Peter F. Hamilton, “The Demon Trap,” Galactic Empires.

Richard Harland, “A Guided Tour in the Kingdom of the Dead,” Dreaming Again.

Merrie Haskell, “An Almanac for the Alien Invaders,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Jeff Hass, “Cacophony of the Spheres,” JBU, June.

Samantha Henderson, “The Mermaid’s Tea Party,” Helix 9.

Howard V. Hendrix, “Knot Your Grandfather’s Knot,” Analog, January/February.

Karen Heuler, “The Difficulties of Evolution,” Weird Tales, July/August.

Joe Hill, “Gunpowder,” PS Publishing.

M. K. Hobson, “The Purple Basil,” Realms of Fantasy, October.

Sarah A. Hoyt, “Scraps of Fog,” JBU, April.

———, “Whom the Gods Love,” Transhuman.

Matthew Hughes, “The Eye of Vann,” Postscripts 15

David Hutchison, “Mellowing Gray,” Celebrations.

———, “Multitude,” Subterfuge.

Guy Immega, “A Little Knowledge,” Postscripts 14.

Alex Irvine, “Mystery Hill,” F&SF, January.

———, “Shad’s Mess,” Postscripts 15.

N. K. Jemison, “Playing Nice with God’s Bowling Ball,” JBU, August.

Way Jeng, “Somebody Desperately Needed to Be Neil Gaiman,” Realms of Fantasy, August.

Kij Johnson, “26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss,” Asimov’s, July.

Matthew Johnson, “Another Country,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Gwyneth Jones, “Cheats,” The Starry Rift.

Matthew Jones, “Lagos,” Asimov’s, August.

Theodore Judson, “The Sultan’s Emissary,” Sideways in Crime.

Vylar Kaftan, “Disarm,” Abyss & Apex, 2nd Quarter.

———, “Pointing at the Moon,” Cosmos, December/January.

James Patrick Kelly, “Surprise Party,” Asimov’s, June.

Kay Kenyon, “Cyto Couture,” Fast Forward II.

———, “The Space Crawl Blues,” Solaris Book of SF II.

John Kessel, “Pride and Prometheus,” F&SF, January.

Caitliln R. Kiernan, “The Steam Dancer,” Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy.

James Killus, “Plot Device,” Helix 10.

Stephen King, “The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates,” F&SF, October/November.

Ted Kosmatka, “The Art of Alchemy,” F&SF, June.

———, “Divining Light,” Asimov’s, August.

Mary Robinette Kowal, “Clockwork Chickadee,” Clarkesworld, June.

———, “Scenting the Dark,” Apex Magazine, August 25.

———, “Waiting for Rain,” Subterranean, Fall.

Nancy Kress, “Call Back Yesterday,” Asimov’s, June.

———, “Elevator,” Eclipse Two.

———, “First Rites,” JBU, October.

———, “The Kindness of Strangers,” Fast Forward II.

———, “Sex and Violence,” Asimov’s, February.

Bill Kte’pi, “The End of Tin,” Strange Horizons, 1/14.

Marc Laidlaw, “Childrun,” F&SF, August.

Jay Lake, “The Future by Degrees,” Seeds of Change.

———, “Last Plane to Heaven: A Love Story,” JBU, June.

———, “The Lollygang Save the World on Accident,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “Skin horse Goes to Mars,” Postscripts 15.

———, “Sweet Rocket,” Aeon 14.

———, “A Water Matter,” Tor.com.

———and Ruth Nestvold, “The Rivers of Eden,” Futurismic, 18/07.

Margo Lanagan, “The Fifth Star in the Southern Cross,” Dreaming Again.

———, “An Honest Day’s Work,” The Starry Rift.

———, “Night of the Firstlings,” Eclipse Two.

Geoffrey A. Landis, “The Man in the Mirror,” Analog, January/February.

———, “Still on the Road,” Asimov’s, December.

Joe R. Lansdale, “Big Man: A Fable,” Subterranean, Summer.

———, “Dragon Chili: From the Grand Church Cookbook,” Subterranean, Winter.

Ann Leckie, “The God of Au,” Helix 8.

Rand B. Lee, “Bounty,” F&SF, August.

———, “Litany,” F&SF, June.

———, “Picnic on Pentocost,” F&SF, September.

Tanith Lee, “The Beautiful and the Damned,” Asimov’s, January.

———, “The Snake,” Realms of Fantasy, June.

———, “Underfog (the Wreckers),” Subterfuge.

———, “The Women,” Clockwork Phoenix.

Yoon Ha Lee, “Blue Ink,” Clarkesworld, August.

Tim Lees, “Corner of the Circle,” Interzone 218.

Rose Lemburg, “Geddarien,” Fantasy, December 1.

Jonathan Lethem, “Lostronaut,” The New Yorker, November 15.

David D. Levine, “Firewall,” Transhuman.

———, “Sun Magic, Earth Magic,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 1.

Marissa Lingen, “Loki’s Net,” JBU, December.

———, “Making Alex Frey,” JBU, June.

———, “Vainamoinen and the Singing Fish,” Abyss & Apex, 3rd Quarter.

Kelly Link, “Pretty Monsters,” Pretty Monsters.

———, “The Surfer,” The Starry Rift.

James Lovegrove, “Steampunch,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “Test Subject,” Postscripts 15.

Richard K. Lyon, “Finalizing History,” Analog, June.

C. S. MacCath, “Akhila, Divided,” Clockwork Phoenix.

Ian R. Macleod, “The Camping Wainwrights,” Postscripts 17.

———, “Elementals,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “The English Mutiny,” Asimov’s, October/November.

———, “The Hob Carpet,” Asimov’s, June.

Ken MacLeod, “A Dance Called Armageddon,” Seeds of Change.

———, “Wilson at Woking,” Celebration.

Elissa Malcohn, “Hermit Crabs,” Electric Velocipede 14.

Bruce McAllister, “Emilio’s Tale,” Journal of Mythic Arts, Summer.

———, “Hit,” Aeon 13.

Paul McAuley, “Adventure,” Fast Forward II.

———, “A Brief Guide to Other Histories,” Postscripts 15.

———, “Little Lost Robot,” Interzone 217.

———, “Searching for Van Gogh at the End of the World,” Postscripts 15.

———, “The Thought War,” Postscripts 15.

———and Kim Newman, “Prisoners of the Action,” Del Rey Book of SF.

Todd McCaffrey, “Tribute,” JBU, August.

Meghan McCarron, “The Magician’s House,” Strange Horizons, 7/14.

Una McCormack, “The Great Gig in the Sky,” Subterfuge.

Jack McDevitt, “The Adventure of the South Sea Trunk,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “Indomitable,” JBU, April.

———, “Molly’s Kids,” Fast Forward II.

Ian McDonald, “The Dust Assassin,” The Starry Rift.

———, “[A Ghost Samba],” Postscripts 15.

Sandra McDonald, “Recipe for Survival,” Electric Velocipede 14.

Maureen McHugh, “The Kingdom of the Blind,” Plugged In.

Will McIntosh, “The Fantasy Jumper,” Black Static, February.

———, “Linkworlds,” Strange Horizons, March 17–24.

Dean McLaughliln, “Tenbrook of Mars,” Analog, July/August.

Sean McMullen, “The Constant Past,” Dreaming Again.

———, “Oblivion,” 2012.

———, “The Twilight Year,” F&SF, January.

John Meaney, “Emptier than Void,” Subterfuge.

———, “Via Vortex,” Sideways in Crime.

Anil Menon, “Into the Night,” Interzone 216.

Deborah J. Miller, “Dinosaur,” Myth-Understandings.

Eugene Mirabelli, “Falling Spirit,” F&SF, December.

David Moles, “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom,” Eclipse Two.

Mia Molvray, “Low Life,” Analog, January/February.

Sarah Monette, “The World Without Sleep,” Postscripts 14.

Michael Moorcock, “Sumptuous Dress: A Question of Size,” Postscripts 15.

Silvia Morene-Garcia, “Maquech,” Futurismic, 01/07.

T. L. Morganfield, “Night Bird Soaring,” GUD, Fall.

Richard Mueller, “But Wait! There’s More,” F&SF, August.

———, “Ten Pound Sack of Rice,” F&SF, March.

Steven Francis Murphy, “The Limb Knitter,” Apex Magazine, September 08.

Chris Nakashima-Brown, “The Sun Also Explodes,” Fast Forward II.

David Erik Nelson, “Tucker Teaches the Clockies to Copulate,” Paradox, Spring.

Ruth Nestvold, “An Act of Conviction,” Helix 9.

———, “Mars: A Traveler’s Guide,” F&SF, January.

———, “Troy and the Aliens,” Abyss & Apex, 4th Quarter.

R. Neube, “Cascading Violet Hair,” Asimov’s, July.

Garth Nix, “Beyond the Sea Gate of the Scholar-Pirates of Sarsköe,” Fast Ships, Black Sails.

———, “Infestation,” The Starry Rift.

Naomi Novik, “Araminta, or, the Wreck of the Amphidrake,” Fast Ships, Black Sails.

Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu, “Spider the Artist,” Seeds of Change.

Patrick O’Leary, “The Oldest Man on Earth,” Electric Velocipede, 15/16.

———, “Skin Deep,” Eclipse Two.

Paul Park, “The Blood of Peter Francisco,” Sideways in Crime.

Richard Parks, “On the Banks of the River of Heaven,” Realms of Fantasy, April.

Norman Partridge, “Apotropaics,” Subterranean, Fall.

———, “Road Dogs,” Subterranean, Spring.

Jennifer Pelland, “Sashenka Redux,” Electric Velocipede 14.

Lawrence Person, “Gabe’s Globster,” Asimov’s, June.

Holly Phillips, “The Small Door,” Fantasy, May 19.

Tony Pi, “Aesop’s Last Fable,” On Spec, Spring.

Rachel Pollack, “Immortal Snake,” F&SF, May.

Steven Popkes, “Another Perfect Day,” F&SF, August.

———, “Bread and Circus,” F&SF, February.

Tim Powers, “The Hour of Babel,” Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy.

Tim Pratt, “The Frozen One,” Lone Star Stories, February.

———, “The River Boy,” Clarkesworld, January.

Christopher Priest, “Fireflies,” Celebrations.

———, “The Trace of Him,” Interzone, February.

Philip Pullman, “Once Upon a Time in the North,” Once Upon a Time in the North, Knopf.

Tom Purdom, “Madame Pompadour’s Blade,” JBU, June.

———, “Sepoy Fidelities,” Asimov’s, March.

Philip Raines and Harvey Welles, “Alice and Bob,” Albedo One no. 34.

Cat Rambo, “Angry Rose’s Lament,” Abyss & Apex, 4th Quarter.

———, “The Dew Drop Coffee Lounge,” Clockwork Phoenix.

———, “Kallakak’s Cousins,” Asimov’s, March.

David Reagan, “Solitude Ripples from the Past,” Futurismic, 1/05.

Robert Reed, “American Cheetah,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “Blackbird,” Postscripts 14.

———, “Character Flu,” F&SF, June.

———, “Fifty Dinosaurs,” Solaris Book of SF II.

———, “The House Left Empty,” Asimov’s, April/May.

———, “Leave,” F&SF, December.

———, “The Man with the Golden Balloon,” Galactic Empires.

———, “Leave,” F&SF, December.

———, “Old Man Waiting,” Asimov’s, August.

———, “Reunion,” F&SF, May.

———, “Salad for Two,” F&SF, September.

———, “Six Foot Easy,” Postscripts 15.

———, “Truth,” Asimov’s, October/November.

———, “The Visionaries,” F&SF, October/November.

———, “Weapons of Discretion,” Helix 8.

Jessica Reisman, “Flowertongue,” Farrago’s Wainscot, April.

———, “When the Ice Goes Out,” Otherwordly Maine.

Mike Resnick, “Alastair Baffle’s Emporium of Wonders,” Asimov’s, January.

———, “An Article of Faith,” Postscripts 15.

———, “Kilimanjaro: A Fable of Utopia,” Subterranean Press.

———and Pat Cadigan, “Not Quite Alone in the Dream Quarter,” Fast Forward II.

Alastair Reynolds, “Fury,” Eclipse Two.

———, “Soiree,” Celebration.

———, “The Star Surgeon’s Apprentice,” The Starry Rift.

Siri Richards, “Orange Is Just Another Color,” Abyss & Apex, 4th Quarter.

Mercurio D. Rivera, “The Fifth Zhi,” Interzone 219.

———, “The Scent of Their Arrival,” Interzone, February.

———, “Snatch Me Another,” Abyss & Apex, 1st Quarter.

Chris Roberson, “Death on the Crosstime Express,” Sideways in Crime.

———, “The Line of Dichotomy,” Solaris Book of SF II.

———, “Mirror of Fiery Brightness,” Subterranean, Fall.

———, “Thy Saffron Wings,” Postscripts 15.

Adam Roberts, “The Man of the Strong Arm,” Celebrations.

———, “Petropunk,” Extraordinary Engines.

Andy W. Robertson, “Slope,” The West Pier Gazette.

Justina Robson, “Body of Evidence,” Myth-Understandings.

———, “Legolas Does the Dishes,” Postscripts 15.

Michaela Roessner, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” F&SF, January.

Margaret Ronald, “Knight of Coins,” JBU, April.

———, “When the Gentlemen Go By,” Clarkesworld, July.

Benjamin Rosenbaum and Cory Doctorow, “True Names,” Fast Forward II.

Mary Rosenblum, “Horse Racing,” Asimov’s, September.

———, “Sacrifice,” Sideways in Crime.

Josh Rountree, “No Leaving New Orleans,” Lone Star Stories, June.

Christopher Rowe, “Gather,” Del Rey Book of SF.

Rudy Rucker, “The Imitation Game,” Interzone, April.

———and Marc Laidlaw, “The Perfect Wave,” Asimov’s, January.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch, “Dragon’s Tooth,” JBU, August.

———, “The Observer,” Front Lines.

———, “The Power of Human Reason,” Future Americas.

———, “The Room of Lost Souls,” Asimov’s, April/May.

———, “SeniorSource,” Fast Forward II.

Geoff Ryman, “The Film-Makers of Mars,” Tor.com.

———, “No Bad Thing,” The West Pier Gazette.

———, “Talk Is Cheap,” Interzone 216.

Brandon Sanderson, “Defending Elysium,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Jason Sanford, “The Ships like Clouds, Risen by Their Rain,” Interzone 217.

———, “When Thorns Are the Tips of Trees,” Interzone 219.

———, “Where Away You Fall,” Analog, December.

Erica L. Satifka, “Sea Change,” Ideomancer, September.

John Scalzi, “After the Coup,” Tor.com.

Ken Scholes, “The God-Voices of Settler’s Rest,” OSC’sIGMShow, July.

———, “Invisible Empire of Ascending Light,” Eclipse Two.

Karl Schroeder, “Book, Theatre, and Wheel,” Solaris Book of SF II.

———and Tobias S. Bucknell, “Mitigation,” Fast Forward II.

Ekaterina Sedia, “By the Liter,” Subterranean, Spring.

———, “There Is a Monster Under Helen’s Bed,” Clockwork Phoenix.

Gord Sellar, “Country of the Young,” Interzone 219.

———, “Dhuluma No More,” Asimov’s, October/November.

———, “Pahwakhe,” Fantasy, January 21.

Delia Sherman, “Gift from a Spring,” Realms of Fantasy, April.

Sharon Shinn, “The Unrhymed Couplets of the Universe,” OSC’sIGMShow, January.

William Shunn, “Timesink,” Electric Velocipede, 15/16.

Steven H. Silver, “Les Lettres de Paston,” Helix 10.

Janna Silverstein, “After This Life,” OSC’sIGMShow, January.

Vandana Singh, “Distances,” Aqueduct Press.

———, “Oblivion: A Journey,” Clockwork Phoenix.

Sarah Singleton, “They Left the City at Night,” Subterfuge.

Amber D. Sistla, “A Place to Call Home,” Cosmos, April/May.

Jack Skillingstead, “Alone with an Inconvenient Companion,” Fast Forward II.

———, “Cat in the Rain,” Asimov’s, October/November.

———, “What You Are About to See,” Asimov’s, August.

Alan Smale, “Quartet, with Mermaids,” Abyss & Apex, 1st Quarter.

Jeremy Adam Smith, “The Wreck of the Grampus,” Lone Star Stories, April.

S. P Somtow, “An Alien Heresy,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Bud Sparhawk, “Pumpkin,” JBU, December.

———, “The Super,” JBU, August.

Cat Sparks, “Palisade,” Clockwork Phoenix.

Wen Spencer, “Being Human,” Transhuman.

William Browning Spencer, “Penguins of the Apocalypse,” Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy.

Kari Sperring, “Seaborne,” Myth-Understandings.

Jeff Spock, “Everything That Matters,” Interzone 219.

Nancy Springer, “Rumple What?” F&SF, March.

Brian Stableford, “The Best of Both Worlds,” Postscripts 15.

———, “Following the Pharmers,” Asimov’s, March.

———, “The Great Chain of Being,” Future Americas.

———, “Next to Godliness,” Celebrations.

———, “The Philosopher’s Stone,” Asimov’s, July.

Vaughan Stanger, “Stars in Her Eyes,” Postscripts 17.

Bruce Sterling, “Computer Entertainment Thirty-five Years from Today,” Flurb 6.

S. M. Stirling, “A Murder in Oddsford,” Sideways in Crime.

Jason Stoddard, “The Elephant Ironclads,” Del Rey Book of SF.

———, “Far Horizons,” Interzone, February.

———, “The First Editions,” F&SF, April

———, “Willpower,” Futurismic, 01/12.

Eric James Stone, “Premature Emergence,” JBU, February.

Dick Strasser, “Conquest,” Dreaming Again.

Charles Stross, “Down on the Farm,” Tor.com.

Tim Sullivan, “Planetesimal Dawn,” F&SF, October/November.

———, “Way Down East,” Asimov’s, December.

Tricia Sullivan, “The Dog Hypnotist,” Celebrations.

———, “The Ecologist and the Avon Lady,” Myth-Understandings.

———, “Post-Ironic Stress Syndrome,” The Starry Rift.

Lucy Sussex, “Ardant Clouds,” Del Rey Book of SF.

Michael Swanwick, “The Scarecrow’s Boy,” F&SF, October/November.

———and Eileen Gunn, “Shed That Guilt! Double Your Productivity Overnight!” F&SF, September.

Rachel Swirsky, “Marrying the Sun,” Fantasy, June 30.

Melanie Tem and Steve Rasnic Tem, “In Concert,” Asimov’s, December.

Lavie Tidhar, “Hard Rain at the Fortean Café,” Aeon 14.

———, “The Secret Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” The West Pier Gazette.

———, “Shira,” Del Rey Book of SF.

———, “Uganda,” Flurb 5.

Sarah Totten, “The Stone Man,” Andromedea Spaceways 37.

George Tucker, “Circle,” F&SF, May.

Lisa Tuttle, “The Oval Portrait,” Postscripts 16.

Steven Utley, “All of Creation,” Cosmos Online.

———, “The 400-Million-Year Itch,” F&SF, April.

———, “Perfect Everything,” Asimov’s, December.

———, “Sleepless Years,” F&SF, October/November.

———, “Slug Hell,” Asimov’s, September

———, “Variant,” Postscripts 15.

———, “The Woman Under the World,” Asimov’s, July.

———, “The World Within the World,” Asimov’s, March.

Catherynne M. Valente, “A Buyer’s Guide to Maps of Antartica,” Clarkesworld, May.

Jeff VanderMeer, “Fixing Hanover,” Extraordinary Engines.

———, “Island Tales,” Postscripts 14.

———, “The Situation,” PS Publishing.

Mark L. Van Name, “Reunion,” Transhuman.

James Van Pelt, “Floaters,” Talebones, Winter.

———, “Rock House,” Talebones, Spring.

Carrie Vaughn, “A Letter to Nancy,” Realms of Fantasy, August.

———, “The Nymph’s Child,” Fast Ships, Black Sails.

Howard Waldrop, “Avast, Abaft!” Fast Ships, Black Sails.

George S. Walker, “The Einstein-Rosen Hunter-Gatherer Society,” Helix 10.

Peter Watts, “The Eyes of God,” Solaris Book of SF II.

Janeen Webb, “Paradise Designed,” Dreaming Again.

Catharine Wells, “Ghost Town,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Scott Westerfeld, “Ass-Hat Magic Spider,” The Starry Rift.

Leslie What, “Money Is No Object,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Wayne Wightman, “A Foreign Country,” F&SF, December.

Kate Wilhelm, “The Fountain of Neptune,” F&SF, April.

———, “Strangers When We Meet,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Liz Williams, “At Shadow Cope,” Celebrations.

———, “Queen of the Sunlit Shore,” Myth-Understandings.

———, “Spider horse,” Realms of Fantasy, August.

———, “Who Pays,” The West Pier Gazette.

Walter Jon Williams, “Pinochio,” The Starry Rift.

Chris Willrich, “The Sword of Loving Kindness,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 1–2.

Eric Witchery, “Can You See Me Now?” Clarkesworld 24.

Nick Wolven, “An Art, like Everything Else,” Asimov’s, April/May.

John C. Wright, “Chosers of the Slain,” Clockwork Phoenix.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, “Endra—from Memory,” Interzone 216.

Marly Youmans, “Rain Flower Pebbles,” Postscripts 17.