They landed at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in the late afternoon. Kate felt jittery from caffeine and jet lag, and Jack was clingy and grizzling. Probably as much from the back-to-back cartoons on the in-flight entertainment as the prospect of their parting, Kate thought. She hoped so, anyway. It had been a really tough time for Jack. He’d adored Isaac, and it had been confusing and painful for him to witness Callum’s anguish. Kate had been proud of him, though, especially when he voluntarily gave Callum his prized Lego Transformer, ‘to cheer him up’.

Thanks to Harley, they bypassed Customs and Immigration. Clearly there were some advantages to travelling on Agency business. Kate had refused to be parted from her son until she saw with her own eyes that his father was there to take safe delivery of him, so they all made their way to Arrivals. As they passed through the door, Harley fell back, not wanting Vernon to see him and start asking awkward questions.

Vernon was waiting on the other side of the barrier, talking to a skinny seen-better-days bottle blonde in a tight animal-print skirt and scuffed cork-soled wedge sandals. That must be Shirley, thought Kate. He was so engrossed that he failed to register Jack’s arrival until his son was right in front of him, jumping up and down, his good mood temporarily restored, shouting ‘Daddy!’

‘Oh, hey, Jackie-boy, how’ya doing?’ he said at last, pausing a second longer to finish his conversation with Shirley. Kate gritted her teeth. Was this how he was going to treat Jack for the whole summer?

‘Good, Dad! Can we go and see Bradley later? I sent him an email to say I was coming to visit, and I typed it all by myself!’

Jack ducked under the rope and hugged his father round the waist, and Vernon hugged him back. Shirley ruffled Jack’s hair awkwardly, and Jack bestowed on her one of his best fake smiles.

Kate felt mollified by the expression of genuine pleasure on Vernon’s face. Then he saw her, and the smile faded considerably.

‘Kate. How are you?’ He completely ignored Paul, even though they had met on several previous occasions.

‘OK, thanks.’ Kate didn’t know what else to say. She noticed that more hair had retreated from his head, though it seemed to have redistributed itself in his ears, nose and on his chest. He’d put on weight, too. Shirl must be spoiling him, she thought.

‘Hi – you must be Shirley,’ she said, holding out her hand to the other woman. ‘I’m Kate, Jack’s mum.’

‘Hi, Kate, sure, I guessed,’ Shirley said, politely but somewhat frostily, accepting the handshake but dropping Kate’s hand as fast as humanly possible.

‘So, you’re off to save the world?’ Vernon still had not made eye contact with Paul.

‘Hardly the time to be flippant,’ Paul interjected, riled at being so comprehensively blanked. Vernon continued to ignore him. Kate stepped between them.

‘Thank you for taking Jack. You will look after him, won’t you? Don’t let him go near anyone who seems sick,’ Kate blurted, earning herself a scornful look from Vernon. ‘And if any cases of Watoto are reported in Texas …’

‘Yes, yes, I’ll put him straight on a plane to Miranda’s. I got your email instructions, don’t worry.’

Shirley suddenly winced and clutched her stomach. ‘Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom,’ she blurted, and rushed off in the direction of the Ladies.

Vernon looked embarrassed. ‘She’s, ah, having a few health problems,’ he said.

‘Sorry to hear it. But I hope they won’t interfere with your ability to do stuff with Jack,’ Kate said, and Vernon gave her a scathing look.

‘I just want a quick word with him. Privately,’ she said, drawing Jack aside and kneeling down beside him so that they were at eye level. She put her arms round him, breathing in his little-boy smell: shampoo and grime and sweet-sour breath.

‘Almost time to go!’ she said, injecting a brightness into her voice. ‘You still excited about staying with Daddy for the summer?’

She felt him nod vigorously into her shoulder.

‘Bradley will be so happy to see you again. I bet he’s really missed you. You two will have lots of fun together. Daddy’s going to take you to a baseball game, and swimming, and all sorts of great stuff. Oh, and here – I’ve got something for you.’

She unwrapped one arm and delved into her shoulder bag, bringing out a plastic bag with a box inside. Jack dived into it, and held up the box. ‘A new Transformer! Thanks, Mum.’ He hugged her again, but his voice sounded suddenly flat.

‘I thought you and Bradley could put it together.’

He clung to her more tightly. ‘Mum?’


‘You know how someone on purpose blew up Isaac with a bomb?’

Before she could think of something to say to put his mind at ease, Jack continued, his lower lip trembling: ‘Don’t let Dad see me crying, but I’m really scared, ’cos Callum said his dad was murdered by terrorists who want to kill scientists, and you’re a scientist too. What if someone makes a bomb and puts it where you are, and kills you when I’m in Dallas?’

‘Oh, Jack,’ she said, rocking him gently in her arms. ‘We don’t know why those people put a bomb in Isaac’s hotel. I’m sure it wasn’t because he’s a scientist. There are thousands and thousands of scientists in the world! It won’t happen to me, I promise. Now, promise me you won’t worry about it, because I’ll be perfectly safe. I’ve got Paul to look after me.’

I want to look after you,’ said Jack sullenly.

‘You can send me lots of pictures and things to show me what a good time you’re having with Dad, OK? Because that’ll cheer me up, and that’s a great way to look after someone.’

‘OK,’ said Jack, wiping his nose on her shoulder. Kate straightened up and led him back to where Vernon and Paul were standing by the barrier, neither of them making the least attempt at conversation. Like bloody children! she thought, but the momentary flash of irritation immediately disappeared, to be replaced by a dull ache in her heart as she kissed her son’s smooth cheek and handed him over to his father.

From his vantage point beside the doorway to Arrivals, Harley watched the family saying their goodbyes. He couldn’t understand what Kate had ever seen in Vernon Maddox. And he wasn’t too impressed with Paul Wilson either. If it had been up to Harley, he would have left Wilson in the UK. The guy was a liability, and undeserving of such a lovely woman.

He had a word with himself. What was he doing, thinking of her as ‘lovely’ and forming opinions about her personal life? His job was to make sure Kate got to the lab and, unlike Wilson, he wasn’t about to let emotion cloud his judgment. Harley prided himself on his rational, professional approach, untainted by prejudice or feeling. Whatever was best for Britain: that was all that mattered. In the course of his career he had encountered things that had shocked him, and that most people would find horrifying or unethical. But if there was a rational case for it, Harley could assimilate anything.

It was what made him such a good MI6 officer. A safe pair of hands.

Without letting Kate and Paul out of his sight, he made for a nearby news kiosk and picked up a couple of packs of chewing gum. Glancing at the newspaper stand beside the cash register, the headline on the Dallas Morning News caught his attention. Momentarily forgetting about keeping an eye on Kate, he picked it up, swearing under his breath. The cat was out of the bag.

OUTBREAK, screamed the headline. Killer virus on loose in Los Angeles. Authorities urge citizens ‘Don’t Panic!’

Harley dropped a couple of dollars on the counter and exited the kiosk, absorbed by the story, which had pushed the news about the bombing off the front page. The newspaper reported that fifty-nine deaths had been confirmed, with many more cases in hospital. That meant it was spreading through the city even faster than they had feared. He scoured the paper, looking for any suggestion of a link between the bombing and this outbreak. Aside from a passing reference to the bombing now seeming even more unfortunate, ‘just when we need virologists the most’, no connection had been made. The media didn’t know about the message that had been left – not yet anyway.

His cellphone rang.

‘I take it you’re in Dallas?’ It was the voice of Nicholas Lepore, Harley’s Director.

‘Yes, we’ve—’

‘Good, good. Listen. There’s been a change of plan …’

When Lepore had finished his briefing and ended the call, Harley stood for a moment, wondering if the cold ripple of fear that crept up his back and prickled his armpits was a wholly rational response. He looked over at Kate and Paul. They weren’t going to like this. Not one bit.