Angelica drained the last drops of her breakfast protein shake. It usually energised and invigorated her, but today it sat heavily at the bottom of her stomach like cement. She replaced the jug on the refrigerator shelf for the others to take their share – it was one of the ranch rules that it must be consumed daily, so potent were the health and spiritual benefits of this particular drink. Angelica had first come across its secret ingredient in an Alexandrian street market, and had subsequently imported several years’ supply of the grey powder.

Still unsure as to why she felt so out of sorts, she decided to go for a run. She changed into a tight singlet and brief Lycra shorts, laced up her running shoes, and set off down the drive of the ranch. The sun blazed down onto her bare head and, as always, she thought of Sekhmet, the Eye of Ra, the destructive Sun Goddess. The Egyptians had been so fortunate, she thought, picking up her pace as she struck out down the deserted road at the end of the drive. They too must have been visited by Sekhmet, communed with Her. There were so many images of Her. Angelica felt privileged that, to her knowledge, she and her sisters were the only ones since Egyptian times that the Goddess had spoken directly with – what an incredible gift!

And yet … why had it been so long since she had felt Sekhmet’s presence? It had been days now, and the closest she had come to it was the burning of the sun rays on her head. Had She deserted them? Had Angelica misunderstood Her command? After all, if they sacrificed Kate Maddox, they would only be five, and the prophecy of Sekhmet’s Seven Angels wouldn’t be fulfilled. Perhaps Sekhmet was angry at her, perhaps she had screwed the whole thing up and the Golden Age would never happen …

It was getting hotter and hotter. Angelica wiped away the sweat that dripped down her face, and changed her high ponytail into a makeshift bun, to keep the hair off her neck. She was panting hard as she turned a corner and then—


She was there! Sekhmet herself!

Angelica immediately prostrated herself, face down in the dirt of the road, dazzled by the Goddess’s radiance.

Om Shanti, Sekhmet, sweet Sekhmet, I am your faithful servant, speak to me,’ she gabbled, fear and awe swirling and eddying through her in waves of heat and dust and delight.

She risked a glance. The Goddess herself, majestic and splendid, huge on her throne, her lion’s head and grave eyes, the Ankh of Life in her hand. The rising morning sun was directly behind her head, forming the crown she always wore, dazzling Angelica, but she could just make out the silhouette of the serpent in front of the sun, and the vulture-headed sceptre in her left hand.

Joy sprang in Angelica’s breast – this was a sign! Everything was on track, she’d done the right thing by sending Heather; the Goddess had chosen to come down and manifest herself, and the fact that Sekhmet was on the throne meant that she had come to receive supplicants who would seek her counsel. She had come to talk to Angelica! It was incredible. Angelica usually only saw her in dreams or visions.

‘Yes, Lady Sekhmet, I am here, your loyal supplicant, your servant, tell me your will … I am sorry I ever doubted you were with us, I’m so sorry, it’s just the End Times I know …’

Angelica’s nose was pressed into the gravel and she could taste dust in her mouth, but her whole body thrilled with joy and gratitude.

When they came, the words shimmered like an aural heat haze, not emanating directly from the being on the throne, but made up of the very particles and ions of the atmosphere, soft at first, then louder and clearer.

Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.

‘We will only be five then,’ Angelica said timidly. ‘Is that acceptable?’

And it came again: Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.

The next time Angelica looked up, the sun streamed right into her eyes, nothing blocking it. The vision had vanished.

She got up, brushed the dust and dirt from her legs and breasts, and ran straight home feeling as though she was flying. As usual, Sekhmet had provided her with all the answers. It was incredible how, whenever she faced a problem, the Goddess told her exactly what she wanted to hear.

That evening after meditation Angelica stood up and held out her hands to her Sisters, palms upwards, a beatific smile on her face. When she spoke, her voice rang loud and clear around the marble atrium.

‘I have amazing news,’ she said. ‘We have all been shaken by recent events, the loss of our dear Sister Cindy, and the worry that the prophecy might not be fully fulfilled, when Kate Maddox declined to join us, and Junko departed. And Sister Heather being away from home at this crucial time … it isn’t easy for any of us. But Sekhmet wants us to be flexible, and above all, loyal. We are so close now! I can smell the meadows of the Golden Age, the freshness of a new world, can’t you, Sisters? I can see our palace, feel our eternal joy! Pain is a necessary part of the birth of the new order. I think we just didn’t realise how much pain …’

‘What’s up, Dadi?’ asked Simone.

Angelica paused for dramatic effect, then fell to her knees, her white robe spreading out behind her as she turned to the statue of Sekhmet.

‘She appeared to me in person this morning! On the road, about two miles south of here!’

Brandi and Preeti both gasped and gazed wide-eyed at the statue as if expecting it to nod in agreement. Angelica noted that Simone’s eyes remained downcast, and she did not react at all, which annoyed and displeased her.

‘Don’t you understand the significance of this?’ Angelica addressed her comment to Simone, who somehow managed to nod and shrug simultaneously.

‘What did she say?’ Brandi asked reverentially.

Angelica beamed, her eyes shining with excitement. ‘It is all as decreed. Our faithfulness will be rewarded – I confess, Sisters, I had suffered a brief crisis of confidence when we lost Sister Cindy – but it was a test. And we have passed! The Goddess told me that it is all right, the Transformation can still take place with the five of us, provided that Sister Heather completes her mission and returns to us.’

‘What about Maddox?’ Simone said, unsmiling.

‘In Kate Maddox,’ Angelica announced, ‘we have our ultimate gift to the Goddess. Sekhmet wants her dead, as a final test of our loyalty and, in Her generosity, to put our minds at rest that Maddox can’t somehow find a way to stop the cleansing plague. Maddox can never be one of us – the Goddess has examined her while she is here and found her wanting. The trial is cancelled. A blood sacrifice is all we need. Nothing can stop the progress of the Golden Age now. Nothing!’

Simone got up, her sandals slapping on the polished marble floor as she walked straight across the ankh symbol and strode out of the room. The three other women stared after her, aghast.

Preeti jumped up and made to follow, but Angelica gripped her arm. ‘What is going on? What’s the matter with her?’

Preeti hesitated, fixing her brown eyes on Angelica’s furious face. ‘Forgive her, Dadi, it’s last-minute nerves, that’s all. She … uh …’


Preeti darted a glance at Brandi, who nodded encouragingly.

‘Promise you won’t punish her for it?’

‘It depends. What has she done?’ Angelica’s grip tightened and Preeti pulled her arm away, rubbing her biceps. Angelica’s voice was ice-cold.

‘Nothing, well, not nothing, it’s just that … she called her folks in LA, wanted to speak to them one last time. To say goodbye.’

Angelica’s hands flew to her mouth, but she immediately regained her composure. She pulled herself up to her full height before marching out of the room. Brandi and Preeti scurried after her, almost running to keep up.

‘Did she tell them where we are?’ spat Angelica over her shoulder.

‘No, Dadi, I swear – that’s why she’s so upset. They were dead. No one answered at her folks’ house but she got hold of a cousin who told her. The cousin was sick too. Can we go meditate with her? She’s grieving.’

‘She should know better than to allow such base, earthly emotions. And you – why didn’t you tell me about this?’

Brandi and Preeti exchanged glances again. ‘It only happened this morning while you were out on your run. Simone was going to tell you herself. She’s really sorry, Dadi, she knows it was wrong. But she hasn’t jeopardised us in any way.’

Hasn’t jeopardised us?’ shrieked Angelica, stopping suddenly in the hallway, and turning to face them, all her joy and bliss from earlier having evaporated. ‘What do you suppose Sekhmet will think of this? You are my chosen ones! I won’t have you making her angry!’

‘What are you going to do, Dadi?’ Preeti asked, in a small voice, anxiously fingering the ankh around her neck.

‘My whole life has been leading to this and I will not allow any of you, or Maddox, to fuck it up for me. The Goddess is demanding blood, and I am going to make sure she gets it; Maddox’s blood, first thing tomorrow. Now …’ She sucked in air. ‘Get out of my sight.’