Kate sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the grey shapes in the darkness, too tired and scared to think straight. She had spent the last couple of hours standing on a chair beneath the window, trying to loosen the bars. But it was hopeless, as were her attempts to find a weapon in the room. The chairs were solid and heavy to lift, the bed wouldn’t come apart; there was nothing. The nearest thing to a weapon she possessed were her shoes, and they wouldn’t be much use against the Sisters’ guns.

She considered screaming to attract attention, then trying to overpower whoever came to the door. But, aside from being armed, these women – with the possible exception of Preeti – were all strong, much stronger than her. In the end, she decided that her only hope would be to somehow convince them that she had seen the light and decided to join the sisterhood, that Sekhmet herself had spoken to her. If they fell for it, that would buy her some time. But from what she’d heard Angelica say in the corridor outside her room, it seemed they had made up their minds.

She had a matter of hours left, then dawn would come and, with it, her death.

The prospect left Kate feeling oddly numb. As she sat, chin dipped to her chest, she felt herself drifting to sleep, as if she was shutting down, her exhausted brain unable to cope. It felt like a dream when, in the near darkness of her room, she saw a figure moving swiftly towards her.

When she opened her mouth to scream a hand clasped over it. Kate tried to shake her head, to bite, to push the hand away, but a voice whispered in her ear, ‘Be quiet. If you scream, they’ll kill us both.’

Kate stopped struggling. It was Simone. Her breath still smelled of chewing gum.

‘If I take my hand away, are you going to scream?’

Kate shook her head. Her heart was going crazy, beating so hard it seemed to be trying to smash its way out of her chest.

Simone pulled her hand away and, in the same moment, flicked on a torch. Dazzled, Kate screwed her eyes tight.

‘Sorry,’ Simone whispered.

‘What … what’s going on?’ Kate asked in a whisper of her own.

Simone sat on the bed beside her. ‘Was it true? What you said about the rats?’


‘The rats. You said that they’ll, y’know, take over the world.’

Kate swallowed. Her mouth was desert-dry. ‘Yes. When there are no people left, the rat population will explode.’

‘A plague of rats.’ Simone shuddered. ‘I hate them. Nasty little fuckers.’

Kate didn’t know what to say.

Simone went on: ‘They’re fixing to kill you in the morning. Going to sacrifice you to the Goddess. I’m not sure exactly how Dadi Angelica is planning to do it, but I’m guessing it’s going to involve knives and incantations and shit.’ She sighed. ‘I’m sick of it. All the killing. I really thought it was the truth, y’know? The prophecy, it all seemed to make sense, though I’ve figured now it seems to change all the time depending on what Angelica wants to happen. She talks a good game. Guess she had me under a spell. I didn’t realise she was crazy as a motherfucker.’ Her laugh was low and mirthless.

Kate shivered. Simone had taken out her gun and was fiddling with it in her lap, the torch resting on the bed beside her.

‘I like this world, Dr Maddox. That’s the other thing. You ever been to LA?’

Kate said that she had.

‘Yeah. But I bet you never been to the part of LA I’m from. Compton. It’s got a bad rep, and a lot of it’s deserved, with all the gangs and drugs and shit. I was desperate to escape and … well, we ain’t got time for that story now, but it led me here, to Angelica. Only, it’s like you were saying earlier – I got people, people I care about …’

Kate couldn’t believe it. She had actually got through to Simone. She had thought Preeti was the soft target, but she had been wrong.

‘That ain’t right,’ Simone said in an almost inaudible, little-girl voice. ‘I did have people I cared about. Not any more. They’re all gone.’

Simone sniffed and Kate thought she might be crying, though it was too dark to tell. ‘It’s too late for my folks. But maybe it’s not too late for the rest of the world.’ She picked up the torch and said, ‘I’m getting you out of here. But you have to do exactly what I say. If they catch us, they’ll kill us both. I’m supposed to be on watch tonight so the others are in bed.’

‘Thank you,’ Kate whispered.

‘We ain’t out of here yet. Come on.’

They crept out of the room. Low lights were burning through the house. All was silent. Simone, with her torch tucked into the combats she was wearing – the Sisters wore a uniform of army pants and a black vest when they weren’t floating around in their robes – led Kate down a hallway lined with pre-Raphaelite paintings, mythical scenes featuring tragic, pale-skinned women languishing in boats, or languorous in beds.

The ranch’s corridors were long, with block parquet floors so highly polished that even in the dim light they were almost reflective. Simone hustled Kate through a reception area, where light flooded in through a huge glass atrium, and individual and beautiful pieces of furniture – a scrolled, engraved armchair, marble statues of female nudes, a mahogany table with ornate legs and a glass top – were arranged artfully around the walls. Kate looked longingly at the enormous rough-hewn timber front doors, which were secured shut by an intricately fastened iron bar. They looked as though they had been plundered from a medieval castle.

But there was no time to appreciate these fleeting impressions – Simone led her on, through a smaller corridor that continued into the other side of the house.

Suddenly, they froze. Someone had moved in one of the rooms above. It had sounded like a chair scraping.

‘Shit,’ Simone hissed. ‘Someone’s awake. We gotta hurry.’

Kate felt sick and cold, but filled with hope. She could taste freedom. If she could get away, she could find Paul and Harley, track down Mangold and make him tell them how to stop the virus.

She followed Simone into the dining area, a vast room with a solid oak table at its centre. Beyond this was the kitchen and the back door. Through the windows, all she could see was the black velvet sky, dotted with stars.

Simone pulled Kate through the room, treading softly, cat-like, holding on to Kate with one hand, gripping her gun in the other. Kate didn’t know how many of her colleagues at the lab Simone had murdered with that gun, but right now she had to put her faith in this woman. She was experiencing an intense form of what she later realised was Stockholm syndrome, a sudden rush of
gratitude towards her kidnapper. But what she mostly felt was terror beyond anything she had ever known.

If this went wrong, she would be dead. She prayed that Jack would be safe, that Vernon would look after him if she wasn’t around. Images flashed through her mind: Jack giggling uncontrollably as she tickled him, frowning as he coloured in a picture for her, rubbing his tummy as he ate cake … a kaleidoscope of memories that threatened to turn her inside-out with pain. She forced herself to push them away, to concentrate on the task at hand.

They finally entered the kitchen and Kate’s heart leapt into her mouth. There was somebody standing by the back door, disguised by shadows. Simone raised a stiff arm to stop Kate from walking any further. The figure by the door stepped unsteadily towards them.

It was an old man, wisps of white hair floating on his liver-spotted pate, his shoulders hunched with age, swamped by a huge pair of pyjamas.

‘Beautiful night, isn’t it?’ he said, turning towards them. His eyes were glazed and his voice dreamy.

Simone’s eyes flicked up to the ceiling.

Kate was paralysed with fright and surprise. The sight of him was so utterly incongruous. He was clearly no physical threat – but what if he woke the others? She braced herself, expecting to hear more noises from above. But the house remained silent.

The man came closer to them. ‘How are you, my dears?’ He didn’t seem surprised to see either of them.

Kate tried to stay cool. ‘I’m … I’m fine, thank you. Simone here was just showing me the house.’

‘Ah. Grand place, isn’t it? It used to belong to my daughter, God rest her soul.’

‘Kate, we need to go,’ Simone hissed, agitatedly fiddling with her gun. For a moment, Kate thought Simone might shoot him, or use the handle of her pistol to knock him out. Instead, she said, ‘Sorry, sir, but we gotta go.’

She hurried a bewildered Kate out of the room, back the way they came.

‘We’re going to have to go out the front door,’ she whispered. ‘That means we gotta pass the main stairway, and it’s impossible to open that door quietly. It has two locks and three deadbolts. Actually …’

As they entered the front hall, from which a staircase snaked up to the floor above where Angelica, Brandi and Preeti were – hopefully – sleeping, Simone went over to a side window.

‘OK, we’re going to go out here.’ She turned the silver key that sat in the lock and pulled down the handle, pushing the window open. ‘Go on,’ she hissed.

Kate had to step on to the lower part of the window and pull herself out before jumping down. She stumbled as she hit the ground, and unwittingly let out a small cry, immediately putting her hand over her mouth and looking around.

Simone jumped through after her and grabbed her arm, pulling her along into the garden.

As they passed the kitchen, Kate looked up and saw the old man gazing out at them, his brow furrowed.

‘I shoulda knocked him out,’ Simone said. ‘He could go upstairs and wake Angelica at any moment, if he realises what’s going on. Maybe I should go back and …’

Kate opened her mouth to ask who the man was, when Simone whispered urgently, ‘Come on, quick.’

They ran silently, following the side of the house until they found themselves on the edge of a great expanse of lawn. The moon was full and illuminated the grounds. About one hundred metres away, a dark line of trees marked the edge of the woods.

‘You need to go into the woods. Keep heading in that direction and eventually you’ll reach the road. Follow the road – it will take you into town. But if you hear any cars coming along the road, you’ll need to hide, OK?’

Kate looked up at the house and, in that moment, a light came on in one of the rooms.

‘Shit.’ Simone saw it too and she swiftly grabbed Kate again and pulled her behind a high bush, concealing them from the house.

‘Go, now. I don’t want them to discover you’re missing till morning. But first, you need to hit me.’


‘We gotta make it look like you overpowered me.’ Kate realised Simone hadn’t really thought this through. ‘I’m gonna say I heard you cry out and went to your room, and as I came in you pretended to be sick. So I …’

‘You leaned over me to check my temperature and I grabbed your gun. Took your torch too.’

Simone unclipped the Maglite from her belt and handed it to Kate.

‘Then you pointed the gun at me and made me lead you out of the house.’

‘At which point I hit you with it and knocked you out.’

Simone nodded. ‘OK, do it.’ She handed Kate her gun.


‘Yes. Go on, quick. That old bastard might have already woken them up.’ They both looked up at the lighted window. There were no signs of life. Yet.

‘What about you? Are you going to stay?’

‘Don’t you worry about me. I need you to find a cure for the virus, OK?’ she said. ‘Don’t want them goddamn rats taking over the world, do we? Now, do it, please.’

Kate lifted the gun and Simone bowed her head.

But before she could strike the blow, Kate had to know something. ‘Who was the old man?’

‘Him? Oh, pay no attention to him. He’s crazy. Come on, what are you waiting for? Do it.’

Kate swung the gun as hard as she could. It connected with Simone’s skull, making a sickening hollow sound, and she dropped to the floor like a rock, landing face down on the grass.

Kate hesitated for a second then, still holding the gun, turned and ran across the lawn towards the wood.

When she was halfway across, she heard a woman’s voice cry out, ‘Hey.’

Kate didn’t dare turn and look. She kept running, expecting to feel a bullet between her shoulder blades at any moment.