Kate was leaning down into the telephone kiosk, clamping her thighs tightly across Eygpt’s broad back so that she didn’t slide off. She didn’t notice anything at all until she felt the cold muzzle of a pistol stuck into her side, and a heavily muscled woman ripped the phone receiver away from her, leaving it dangling.

The woman stroked the horse’s mane and murmured in his ear, ‘Easy, Egypt. You don’t have to worry about this bitch lady no more. Heather’s here to take you home.’

She pointed the gun at Kate’s face. ‘Dr Maddox, I assume? Well, well, well. My day just got a whole lot better.’

Five minutes later, Kate sat in silence in the passenger seat of the low-slung Porsche. The woman had handcuffed her arms behind her body, so she couldn’t lunge for the door handle and try and jump out. She had no option but to sit back and await whatever fate they had in store for her back at the ranch.

There was no way she’d ever escape a second time. She felt like crying – she’d been so close to freedom! Paul had sounded really sick on the phone. What if he had the virus? What if she never saw him or Jack again? I couldn’t bear it, she thought desperately.

She took a deep breath, collected herself, and decided to try something. ‘Om Shanti, Sister,’ she said to the woman. ‘I’m on your side, you know. What is your name?’

The woman turned and looked at her through narrowed eyes. ‘Sister Heather. Nice try, Maddox, but don’t think for a moment I’m gonna buy that bullshit. I’ve already talked to Angelica.’ After shoving Kate in the car, Heather had stood outside for a moment and made a phone call. ‘And I gotta tell ya, she’s pissed. Angelica doesn’t get angry very often, but when she does …’ She grinned and drew her finger across her throat.

Kate slumped down in the leather bucket seat, watching the trees flash past in a blur of dark green. She was out of ideas.

‘Ah, the faithless “Sister” Kate. Back so soon?’ said Angelica, unsmiling. It didn’t surprise her that Maddox hadn’t got far – the Englishwoman looked as though she’d spent her life in the lab, and never even set foot in a gym. She looked pale and defeated and Angelica curled her lip scornfully. To think she’d believed that this might have been the seventh Sister! It was a fluke that she’d maimed Cindy in the lab, and a downright miracle that she’d managed to kill Brandi, a seasoned fighter, in the woods. Although something was bothering her about Brandi’s death … She couldn’t put her finger on it yet, but she would, given more meditation.

After Heather’s call, Angelica had positioned herself in the high-backed gold velvet throne in the vast entrance hall, her arms resting on the chair’s arms, her robe arranged so that its sleeves draped artfully down the sides. To assuage her anxiety, she had put on her ceremonial robes. They were made of a heavy cream silk shot through with gold threads, and had wide gold satin cuffs and hems. It always made her feel calmer and more in control when she donned them. And knowing that Maddox would once again be under her control was like a shot of valium coursing through her veins.

She turned towards Heather, who was dragging Kate by the hair. ‘I hope you’re about to tell me that Paul Wilson is dead.’

Heather’s face immediately fell. ‘I’m sorry, Dadi,’ she said, her head bowed. ‘I still haven’t found him. But I have brought you Maddox. And I’ve left Egypt tied up at Feverfew, in Main Street. He seems OK.’

Angelica sprang out of her throne. ‘What? You’ve been away all this time, with no results? I have to know he’s dead! What’s the matter with you? Do you even know where he is?’

She slammed her fist into her thigh, panic and rage coursing through her. Why was nothing going right? Surely the Goddess couldn’t be testing her this much, so late in the Cycle? ‘Sekhmet, why? Why are you doing this to us?’

Preeti rushed over to Angelica and knelt beside her, holding her hand and stroking it with both her own.

Heather, her face twisted in a belligerent scowl, dragged Kate to the grand staircase, unlocked one of her handcuffs, passed the chain through the banisters and secured it. She couldn’t resist giving Kate a savage kick in the ankle before turning back to Angelica.

‘I tracked him down all right. He went to Glencarson to visit Diaz. I missed him by minutes. You don’t know what it’s like out there. It’s chaos on the roads. Borders are all shut. People are going crazy …’

Angelica snatched her hand away from Preeti’s soft pawings. All these lieutenants, so carefully chosen for their strength and courage and faith, trained and groomed for months and months, a crack team – but now look at them! The team was cracking up. Preeti was weak, Heather was inept, Simone was acting strange and distant – in fact, where the hell was she? Brandi and Cindy dead …

‘How the fuck did he find Diaz? What does he want?’ Angelica screeched.

Kate’s entire body recoiled when she heard Paul’s name, and she felt as though a bolt of lightning was zigzagging through her. Chained to the bottom banister, she could hear everything that was going on, but it was hard to see without craning her head round like an owl, and she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. But even unsighted as she was, the tension in the room was obvious.

‘Where’s Simone?’ Angelica demanded. ‘Simone!’

Kate heard a door open and close on the floor above, and the sound of soft footsteps. Simone seemed to glide down the stairs, the picture of beauty and elegance in her white robes and serene expression. She looked like a catwalk model, even with the large bump on her forehead.

‘Yes, Dadi, sorry, I was meditating and—’

She looked down the stairs, straight into Kate’s eyes, and panic and horror flitted across her features. Kate looked away immediately, thinking, shit, no, Simone, don’t look at me like that, she’ll know, she’ll be able to tell you helped me, then we’re both in for it, why didn’t you run when you had the chance?

Suddenly it was as if everyone in the room was suspended in time, frozen in a tableau of terrible dawning comprehension. Kate prayed that Angelica hadn’t seen the look. She tried to make herself invisible, to shrink into the banisters and vanish, taking Simone with her …

Angelica saw the look. In that split second, everything fell into place. How Maddox had managed to get out of the house, escape into the woods, saddle up Egypt and escape. Worse – far worse, how Brandi, her loyal and trusted servant of Sekhmet, had died.

‘Sister Simone,’ she said, slowly, calmly. ‘How exactly did Sister Brandi die?’

Simone walked over and stood before Angelica’s throne, her arms folded, eyes defiant. Her jaw moved up and down from her constant, irritating gum-chewing, a habit Angelica had been unable to rid Simone of, in the same way she had never really embraced the elocution lessons and shed her ghetto talk. She realised now that she should have seen it as a sign, that Simone was not pure of heart, that she had never truly cast off her old self. But she had loved her, like all the Sisters.

Angelica had to look up to see into her beautiful smooth-skinned face, the perfect planes of her cheekbones and arch of her eyebrows. How could Simone have done this to her? To Brandi?

Simone affected surprise at the question. ‘I don’t know … I wasn’t there, remember? You’d sent me out to search along the mountain road. I assumed that Maddox had shot her.’

Angelica narrowed her eyes. ‘She wasn’t shot. When Sister Preeti and I carried her body home to prepare it for the burial ceremony, Sister Preeti had to remove a knife from her back. I didn’t make the connection at the time, but I have now: it was your knife, wasn’t it? You stabbed your Sister.’

Preeti gasped.

Simone laughed, but it was forced. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Dadi! Why would I stab Brandi? I loved the bones of that girl.’

‘Let me see your knife, then.’ Angelica held out her hand. ‘I assume you have it under your robes, as always?’

Simone delved slowly into the split in the side seam of her robes – robes were worn over other clothes, so the knife should have been in its sheath around Simone’s waist. Then she stopped.

‘It’s not there,’ she said. She pointed at Maddox. ‘She must have taken it. I ain’t seen it for a day or so. I was gonna ask if anyone had found it.’

Angelica looked at the Englishwoman, tied to the balustrade like a dog on a leash, twisting her neck round so she could see what was going on. She felt like twisting that neck right round, until it snapped. ‘Well? Maddox? Did you kill our Sister Brandi?’

Kate strained her head to see Angelica’s face, and studiously ignored Simone’s. Preeti was crouching at Angelica’s feet, her hands covering her mouth, her eyes two dark ‘o’s of horror. Kate knew that the danger she was facing had escalated to a new level. Before, she had been collateral damage. Now, it was personal. She got the impression that Angelica didn’t really care which of them had actually killed Brandi. What mattered was that she knew that Simone had helped her escape, so even if Kate had stabbed Brandi, Angelica would still blame Simone.

Kate hesitated. A large wilted petal dropped off a lily in one of the huge vases next to the staircase, and the silence in the room was so intense that they all jumped slightly at the soft sound as it landed on the parquet floor.

If she said no, Simone would probably be killed instantly, executed as a traitor.

If she said yes, they would probably both die anyway.

She ought to say no. She had to stay alive to find the vaccine, to find Paul and Jack.

But Simone had helped her. Simone had already saved her life once. How could she repay that with a death sentence?

She opened her mouth, still not knowing which of the two words would come out.

‘It was me. I killed her, OK?’ shouted Simone, her voice harsh in the stillness. ‘I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry, Dadi, I was aiming at Maddox, but I was running at the time, and tripped over a root as I threw the knife, and it landed right between Brandi’s shoulders. I was too ashamed to tell you. I’m sorry I lied. I’ve been up there for hours, begging Sekhmet’s forgiveness … Please say you forgive me too?’

Simone fell to her knees and clutched the hem of Angelica’s robes.

‘But you helped Maddox escape,’ said Angelica flatly.

‘No! I swear – ask her. I didn’t. She took my gun and hit me with it. I didn’t want to tell you because I should never have left my gun, not even for a second … Ask her!’

‘She didn’t,’ said Kate. ‘I took her gun and knocked her out with it.’

The sound of soft sobs filled the room – Preeti was crying. Kate felt a momentary flash of optimism – the more division and conflict there was between the remaining Sisters, surely the better it would be for her chances of escape? But Angelica’s next words extinguished all hope:

‘Sister Heather, take Maddox and Simone away and lock them in the basement. They are traitors, and traitors must die. The ceremony will take place in an hour’s time; you and I will officiate. Go put on your ceremonial robes. Sister Preeti, take the Jeep to Feverfew and bring Egypt home. Leave the car there. And pull yourself together, woman. This is your last chance to grow a backbone, do you hear me? If Sekhmet is telling me I chose badly, that my Sisters are not up to the task they have been set, then I will suffer the consequences. I don’t need you – any of you! I will fulfil Sekhmet’s prophecy even if I have to do it by myself. Now get out of my sight, all of you.’

Preeti left the room, stifling a sob, and Angelica turned to Kate and Simone as Heather strode over to them, her eyes dark and murderous.

‘There will be no more delays, Maddox. It is time for you to die. Both of you. And not just because Sekhmet demands your sacrifice.’ She marched up to Kate and screamed in her face. ‘I demand it too!’