I would like to thank the men and women of the CIA who sacrificed much to successfully prevent another catastrophic terror attack on American soil in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Joseph D. Matarazzo. He knew nothing of my involvement or the involvement of my company in the CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Program. He did nothing to support it. Joe has been treated unfairly in the press, and I regret any misery and grief that merely knowing me has brought him. I mention this here because clearing his name is too important to be obscured in the interior of a book.
My thanks go to Andrew Wylie of the Wylie Agency, who believed that I had a story to tell and who helped put me together with Tina Constable, publisher at Crown Forum, who kindly agreed to help me tell it. My editor there, Mary Reynics, was of tremendous help throughout the process and displayed great patience in dealing with both a new author and the CIA’s labyrinthine clearance process. Thanks also to Campbell Wharton, associate publisher; Megan Perritt; Ayelet Gruensprecht; and Julia Elliott.
I would like to thank the CIA’s Publications Review Board, which has a very difficult job and, in my experience, performs it very well.
My coauthor, Bill Harlow, has been with me through every step of this project. I know of no one who combines his knowledge of the CIA and publishing worlds.
I am grateful to Dr. John Bruce Jessen for being my friend, business partner, and mountaineering and ice-climbing buddy. And to Sharon for giving Bruce a kitchen pass for all our adventures.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Kathy, for being there and believing in me all these years.