

Damerow, Gail. Barnyard in Your Backyard: A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, and Cows. Storey Publishing, 2002.

Guidry, Virginia Parker. Rabbits: Complete Care Guide. BowTie Press, 2002.

Hansen, Ann Larkin. Beef Cattle: Keeping a Small-Scale Herd for Pleasure and Profit. Hobby Farm Press, 2006.

Holderread, Dave. Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks: Breeds, Care, Health. Storey Publishing, 2000.

Kahn, Cynthia M. and Scott Line. The Merck Veterinary Manual — 9th Edition. Merck & Co., 2005.

Kellogg, Kathy and Bob. Raising Pigs Successfully. Williamson Publishing Company, 1985.

Tumey, Dianne. Facts on Raising Gamebirds — 3rd Edition. 1993.

Simmons, Paula and Carol Ekarius. Storey’s Guide to Raising Sheep: Breeds, Care, Facilities. Storey Publishing, 2000.

Weaver, Sue. Goats: Small-Scale Herding for Pleasure and Profit. Hobby Farm Press, 2006.